Chapter 774: County government

Chapter 774 County Government

Ye Muyu thought of the big fat man she saw, and she still didn't want to believe it. The young master of the Wang family she expected should be as thin as the other young masters of the Wang family.

"Well, what's the matter?" Chu Heng felt that Ah Yu's eyes were a little strange at the moment, maybe he was thinking about something again.

"Nothing, just asking casually, by the way, where did you ask Han Zhuang to send him?"

"County government office."

Ye Muyu leaned in his arms, and asked curiously: "Then the young master of the Wang family will be sent there, I'm afraid he will die immediately."

The county government originally had a wanted warrant, and there was a reward for providing clues. The Young Master Wang’s family sentenced the male to be beheaded.

But unfortunately, he was not reconciled in his heart, and wanted to take revenge on Chu Heng, so he gave up his life.

"Why, reluctant?" Chu Heng felt a little uncomfortable, even he himself didn't know why he said this, but, after all, he just felt uncomfortable when he heard A Yu say other men's names.

"Bah, you just can't bear it." Ye Muyu looked at him in astonishment, and couldn't help but reach out and pinch his face: "I was just wondering, would the young master of the Wang family know that besides the Wang family, the bandit also Which family is connected with it?"

"Little General Shen took all those bandits last time, but didn't you say that there are bandits in other places, and the reason why they keep a group of bandits has not been found yet."

"So curious?" Chu Heng raised his eyebrows, approached her cheek and hummed softly.

Ye Muyu's cheeks were itchy from his heat and hair, and she subconsciously hid aside: "Don't, I'm just asking casually."

"Don't what?" Chu Hengjun's face moved closer to her.

Ye Muyu seemed to be hugged by him, even so close that she could see the other person's eyes.

She quickly explained: "I just suspect that the young master of the Wang family may have clues. Besides, there is always a family hiding in the county like a poisonous snake. When it is uncertain, it will come out and take a bite. It is better to completely eliminate the danger. .”

"You are right, I will deal with it." Chu Heng kissed her and said in a low voice.

But at this moment, she had no strength at all, and the man's chest was like steel. Not only could she not push it, but her hand hit it, and it hurt her own hand.

Chu Heng's eyes were full of joy, not only did he not let go of her, but even deepened the kiss.

Suddenly, the horse under him neighed anxiously, and suddenly started walking.

Ye Muyu only felt herself slam into Chu Heng's arms, and before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she heard him groan.

She seemed to hear something bad happened.

After Chu Heng tightened the reins, she quickly raised her head to look at him: "Ah Heng, are you alright?"

Chu Heng looked a little strange, seeing Ye Muyu looking over, he smiled slightly: "It's okay."

"Impossible, did I bump into you just now?" Ye Muyu felt that she was right, and reached out to pull his clothes.

Chu Heng reached out and grabbed her fussy little hand on his chest, embarrassment flashed in his eyes, "I'm really fine."

"If it's really all right, you would have let me look at it casually, and you wouldn't stop me." Ye Muyu knew him a little bit, and when he said this, he was already worried.

"It's... really fine." Chu Heng didn't give up when he saw that she was obviously not telling the truth, but it was too difficult for him to tell the truth.

(end of this chapter)