Chapter 934: life saving grace

Chapter 934 Life-saving Grace

"What kind of tea is this? It's delicious." Liu Xiang and Ye Muyu got used to getting along, and they became more comfortable and casual.

"This is fruit tea, it will be sweeter with honey."

"Honey, no wonder, the Princess usually drinks honey water, but since we are servants, we have no chance to buy it." Liu Xiang regretted it.

"If you don't dislike it, I'll give you a can, drink it in water every morning, it's good for girls' skin." Ye Muyu took a sip of tea and said.

Liu Xiang was a little embarrassed: "Honey is very precious, so why don't you just give it to me?"

"The acquaintance is also fate, you don't mind, my family has a special cultivation of honey."

"So your family is so powerful." Liu Xiang looked at her in surprise, thought for a while and then asked: "I heard that your family's husband is also a student and is about to take the imperial examination, but is it true?"

Ye Muyu took a deep breath, and then she remembered that Chu Heng might have come to an end now, maybe the letter had returned to the county, and she wondered if her parents and the others could hide it.

On my own side, I still have to wait for Han Zhuang and the others to go back to get the letter, and then send the letter I wrote long ago to the capital.

"Well, the result should have come down, I don't know if the letter has arrived."

"Ah, is it really the scientific examination that I participated in this year?" Liu Xiang was a little surprised and exclaimed.


"Then you are really lucky. If you pass the exam, you will be a Jinshi and you can become an official directly." Liu Xiang is really envious. She is just a slave after all. It made her feel really uncomfortable.

"By the way, go back and try to persuade the princess. I think the deputy today deliberately provoked the princess." Ye Muyu calmly shifted the topic to Zhang Miao.

Liu Xiang was slightly surprised: "Ah? But Vice General Zhang Miao was rescued by the Princess, and he will definitely not deceive the Princess."

"Actually, I realized very early on that the little general doesn't like the princess, but as servants, how dare we tell the truth."

Ye Muyu was a little surprised, with a look of disbelief in his eyes: "The princess saved Lieutenant Zhang Miao, so why did Lieutenant Zhang Miao speak so badly? Logically speaking, it should make the princess happy."

"Hey, should it be like this?" Liu Xiang was a little puzzled.

Ye Muyu was a little speechless, so she had to give her an example to reason: "Look, as the princess' personal maid, is your first reaction to make the princess happy instead of angry?"

"What you said makes sense..." Liu Xiang thought about it carefully, and then felt that Zhang Miao's behavior was a bit wrong, "However, Vice General Zhang Miao has always talked to the princess like this."

"You should pay more attention to him, what if he was sent by the little general to deliberately provoke the princess?" Ye Muyu knew that it was useless to tell her that the little general was good, so he could only stand on the side of the princess and say Only Liu Xiang could listen to the little general's bad words.

Sure enough, Liu Xiang stood up angrily: "You are right, Zhang Miao must have a good relationship with the little general after staying with the little general for so long, not to mention that the Princess rescued him at the beginning, she just did it casually, she just didn't want to be blocked road."

Liu Xiang told how the princess rescued Zhang Miao.

Ye Muyu suddenly realized: "It turned out that Zhang Miao was bullied and almost killed, and then happened to meet the princess on a trip. The princess said something, and he survived. Then, for some unknown reason, he entered the barracks."

(end of this chapter)