Chapter 969: Clever

Chapter 969 Well-behaved

Ye Muyu was stunned for a moment, and when he realized it, his lips were numb, and he felt a little regretful in his heart.

When Chu Heng's big hand was attached to her body, Ye Muyu quickly kicked him on the leg.

Hearing a muffled groan, Chu Heng stopped the movement of his hands, and realized what he had just done. His whole body froze and his mind went numb. What did he just do...

Chu Heng let go of the woman's lips, and saw that her cheeks were flushed with a hint of charm, her clear eyes were particularly attractive, and Ye Muyu's lips had long been swollen.

That's what he just did...

Chu Heng let go of the woman abruptly, and lay beside him, his heaving chest took a long time to calm down.

Ye Muyu touched his lips, feeling some pain, but didn't care, so he looked at the man, seeing that his mood was indeed a little unstable, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

She is not stupid, of course she knows that a person's habits and hobbies will not change.

Even if Chu Heng refused to admit it after amnesia, under his deliberate seduction, his body is much more honest than his mouth.

Now the other party's reaction did not disappoint me.

Ye Muyu is relieved, her goal now is to wake up Chu Heng and torture him.

She felt at ease, covered herself with a thin quilt, closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Slept so comfortably, but Chu Heng, who was deliberately tortured by her, suffered from insomnia until the middle of the night.

Hearing the slow breathing of the woman beside him, he couldn't help turning over and looking at the woman.

Did he really have a good relationship with her?

Chu Heng had some doubts in his heart.

Early the next morning.

Chu Heng got up and was getting dressed.

Ye Muyu suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

"Sir, I'll take care of you." Ye Muyu rubbed her eyes, got up quickly, put on a random piece of clothing, and ran to help Chu Heng get dressed.

Chu Heng saw that her clothes were disheveled, and his eyebrows frowned, "No, you go and get dressed yourself."

"oh oh."

Ye Muyu didn't force it, because she seldom dressed Chu Heng in the past, and it was useless for restoring memory, so don't worry about it.

Wait for Ye Muyu to put on her clothes, then washed her face, combed her hair and cleaned up.

Chu Heng was already sitting in the next room to eat.

Ye Muyu also walked over.

Seeing that the food on the table is what Chu Heng usually likes to eat, she is very satisfied.

"Sister, this is what you like to eat." Ye Muyu put the sweet chicken wings into Chu Heng's bowl.

Chu Heng didn't say anything, just picked up his chopsticks silently, and ate slowly.

Ye Muyu looked at him curiously: "Sir, do you like it?"

Chu Heng felt that strange sense of familiarity again at this moment. He didn't remember how to eat this way, but he was not surprised at all when he ate it, as if he had eaten it many times.

Ye Muyu didn't care if he didn't answer, as long as he likes it.

Ye Muyu was also hungry, eating his favorite spicy chicken and twice-cooked pork, and used a big bowl of rice.

Don't stop until you are full.

Chu Heng also surprisingly used two bowls of rice.

When he realized that he had eaten so much, he felt even more weird.

"Sir, are you going to practice swords?" Ye Muyu happened to ask.

While ordering the maids below to pack up the food.

Chu Heng looked at her, moved his lips, but didn't ask, "Today I'm going to the county below to see the embankment."

In the past, he would practice swordsmanship when he got up in the morning, but today, due to insomnia last night, when he woke up, he had already missed the time, so naturally he would not practice again.

Ye Muyu snorted and nodded.

Seeing her cute appearance, Chu Heng turned away in his heart, "I'll ask the housekeeper to come over in a while. From now on, the house only needs to follow the current rules, and no one will bully you."

(end of this chapter)