Chapter 1256: speak alone

Chapter 1256 Speak alone

Didn't change attitude along with others.

Speak up.

From the beginning to the end, Empress Lin treated her with the same attitude, kind but not too close. Even if something happened to Chu Heng, she didn't make trouble.

Ye Muyu couldn't help sighing, as expected of a queen, she was not as shallow as her eyelids, and she couldn't guess exactly what the other party was thinking.

However, compared to other concubines, she is indeed more willing to get along with the queen.

"Mrs. Chu really won the empress's heart even more. The empress was not so happy with us before." Madam Liu covered her mouth and smiled. As the eldest daughter-in-law of Zheng Guogong, she has the highest status in the audience.

It seems to be joking, but in fact it is not flattering at all.

Empress Lin smiled slightly: "Mrs. Liu was joking. I usually don't have anyone to accompany me to talk for a while in the palace. It's because I'm bored. Talking to my wives makes me happy."

"It's still the empress who speaks nicely. I am extremely honored to be able to talk with the empress."

The other wives also complimented: "Isn't that right, empress, don't dislike your courtiers and wives who talk too much."

For a while, the atmosphere was very harmonious.

After talking for a while, the noon banquet was about to start. Due to the large number of people, Ye Muyu didn't talk to Queen Lin alone.

When the banquet is set up.

Ye Muyu and Chu Liu sat in the back seat.

In front of them, there is a family member of a second-rank official, not only that, but also the concubine of the harem.

What surprised Ye Muyu was that even Qi Zhaoyi came this time.

She took the cakes on the table and ate slowly, listening to some gossip at the banquet.

She found out that Qi Zhaoyi came out because Emperor Xuanming was soft-hearted, and the third prince wrote a letter to plead for mercy.

She couldn't help but take another look at the other party.

I found that Qi Zhaoyi's heart was really heavy, with thick makeup on his face, and he was in a bad state at first glance.

The Qi family lost power, but the Liu family obviously had a happy event.

At the end of the banquet, there is the flower viewing feast.

Ye Muyu was pregnant, so she didn't go to enjoy the flowers, but stayed in the hall.

She was talking with some women.

At this time, Empress Lin came back at some point.

Also called Ye Muyu to talk alone.

Ye Muyu felt like she had finally arrived.

Logically speaking, no, none of the people who came to the banquet were pregnant. In Ye Muyu's situation, after telling the emperor, she could not attend at all.

But unfortunately, the palace still let her come.

Ye Muyu followed the maid and entered the side hall.

In the side hall, Empress Lin sat at the head, accompanied by a few maids and nuns, and the scene was not cleared, Ye Muyu felt a little relieved.

She walked in quickly.

Empress Lin showed her a seat, and let the maid serve hot tea.

Ye Muyu thanked her.

Queen Lin looked at Ye Muyu for a while: "Ms. Chu has lost a lot of weight recently, but she is not feeling well?"

"It's just ordinary morning sickness." Ye Muyu smiled helplessly, thinking in her heart that it was impossible for the queen not to know about her morning sickness, but the other party did not call the name, but asked again, which made her feel a little strange.

Suppressing the suspicion in her heart, Ye Muyu continued to talk with Queen Lin.

Empress Lin asked her to give her medicinal materials for nourishing her body.

He said unintentionally: "A few days ago, there was some chaos in the palace, and a group of guards were changed, so I didn't know about your situation in time, ma'am. I just made up for it today. Madam, don't mind."

Ye Muyu's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly remembered the conversation she heard when she entered the palace at the fifth prince's full moon banquet last time.

It seems that there are court ladies who associate with young princes for the purpose of serving as guards in the palace.

She had forgotten about it.

(end of this chapter)