Chapter 1268: ice powder

Chapter 1268 Ice powder

I have to say that she knows Ye Muyu best.

Ye Muyu was very satisfied. Seeing that it was getting late, she hurriedly said: "Put the seasoning aside alone, and then mix it when Ah Heng is eating."

"There's still chicken soup, send it while it's hot."

"Dongpo pork has to be delivered while it's still hot."

"A serving of cold cucumber."

"It's been hot recently, so I'll send you a serving of cold sour plum soup."

"There is also ice powder, let's put all the ingredients in."

Mr. Hu smiled at the side, and filled the food box with food: "Madam, don't worry, Xiaowu is fast and delivered to the yamen. I am sure the master has just rested and is eating lunch."

"Well, that's good." Ye Muyu smiled, not caring about their jokes.

"Master will definitely like it."

"Ma'am, do you have anything you want to eat?" Mrs. Hu asked the maid to send the food box out of the kitchen, and Xiao Wu, who was running errands, was already waiting at the door of the kitchen, and left with the food box.

Ye Muyu looked at the ice powder filled with red beans, fruits, raisins and other ingredients, and felt a little greedy.

"Let's eat some ice powder first. I still want to eat bitter gourd for hot dishes. I will also send an ice powder to the young master and the old man."

The weather is hot, and Ye Muyu stays in the kitchen again, just wanting to cool off.

"Ma'am, I will send this servant to the young master and miss." Chun Xing stepped forward with a smile, and took the initiative to take over the work.

Ye Muyu chuckled and nodded: "Thank you for your hard work."

"If there is any leftover, everyone should try it before lunch."

Ice powder is not worth much, and it is easy to make, but it is a sharp weapon to relieve the heat. Ye Muyu didn't think of this food before, but it was too hot a while ago, and she lost her appetite due to morning sickness.

She couldn't use ice cubes, so Sumei and her maids asked the servants to see who had heard of some folk remedies.

Ye Muyu's prescription was useless, but the maid who followed her from her hometown mentioned ice powder.

When Ye Muyu ate his first meal of ice powder, he just felt very missed.

"Thank you, madam." The servants were very happy and thanked her one after another.

Ye Muyu smiled, and handed over this matter to Mrs. Hu.

She went back to the backyard first, and asked Sumei to bring a basin of water to wipe off the sweat on her body.

After changing into clean clothes, she instantly felt very comfortable. Sitting in front of the soft couch, she did not forget to open the window. Although the weather in Beijing is hot, there is wind from time to time, which is not bad. It is more comfortable than the sweltering heat in the south of the Yangtze River. many.

When the ice powder came over, she took a bite and mixed it with the fruit inside, feeling extremely comfortable.

"It's delicious." Ye Muyu pursed her lips with a smile.

"Ma'am, you can't eat too much, this is too cold." Sumei waited until she was almost done eating, and hurriedly reminded her.

Ye Muyu rubbed her stomach, knowing that she couldn't be self-willed at the moment, but she didn't do it many times, she only ate a small portion and let it go.

And in the Yamen.

Chu Heng had just finished his work when a yamen servant came in and said someone was coming from the house.

Chu Heng asked Lu Chuan to go there, and after a while, he brought back a food box.

Looking at the food box, his eyes flashed with surprise. Before going out in the morning, Ah Yu said that he would prepare lunch for him.

Recently, he was looking through the account books, and he was too busy to go home. He also thought that he would not go back at noon and go back earlier in the evening.

Seeing the food box now, unexpectedly, he felt hungry.

"Master, do you want to eat now?" Lu Chuan walked in and asked.

"Okay." Chu Heng nodded and put away all the books on the table.

Lu Chuan put down the food box and brought out the food from inside.

(end of this chapter)