Chapter 1546: Wutong Street, Beicheng

Chapter 1546 Wutong Street, North City

"Catch him and send him to prison." Chu Heng's voice was cold, and the guards immediately stepped forward and arrested the man who spilled blood.

The smug smile on the man's face froze, he struggled hard, and cursed: "Help me, is Yonghe Workshop trying to bully the common people by force? I know there are officials behind you. If I can't get out, I will be tortured into a trick, fellow villagers help me."

"I don't know which corrupt official's family opened the shop. They forced the people to hand over the cotton, but they didn't give any money. What's the difference between this and Ming Qiang, you... woo..." The man was blocked by the guards, and he wanted to He was escorted to prison.

Ye Muyu hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull Chuheng.

Seeing the clarity in Chu Heng's eyes, he whispered, "Ah Heng, let him go and let him talk."

Chu Heng understood Ye Muyu's plan in an instant. Seeing her bright eyes, he rubbed his fingers against her palm, and ordered the guards to pull out the rag from the man's mouth in a flat voice.

The man didn't understand the actions of Chu Heng and the two of them, but it was more beneficial to him. A calculating light flashed in his eyes, and he yelled loudly, attracting passers-by to surround him.

After a while, a large group of common people surrounded them.

"Everyone, come and have a look. This Yonghe workshop is too domineering. It even arranged a convoy to rob ordinary people's cotton. There is a shop called Yonghe Garment Store, where the cotton clothes are very cheap. The normal price is more than two hundred cash, but Yonghe Garment Store only costs fifty or sixty cash. There are no businessmen who don’t want to make money. The cost has been saved." The man is quite courageous, he wonders if he thinks that neither Chu Heng nor Ye Muyu will do anything to him directly, but they are capable of deliberately spreading rumors and fanning the flames.

Some of the people passing by heard this and thought of it: "Yes, the cotton-padded clothes from Yonghe Clothing Shop in the northern city are very cheap recently. If it weren't for the cotton-padded clothes from Yonghe Clothing Shop, my old man would have suffered a lot this year. The price is really cheap in the capital, what nonsense are you talking about, you pour blood at the entrance of Yonghe Workshop, and the shopkeeper deserves you to arrest and beat you up, what a wicked thing."

As he spoke, the passer-by let out a snort.

attracted more praise.

Obviously, Yonghe Garment Shop has become very famous recently, and many people even bought cotton-padded clothes, which benefited significantly.

Many people who were filled with righteous indignation stood up: "This man is right, if it weren't for the cotton clothes from Yonghe Clothing Shop, our life would be even harder this year. How can we have a warm winter."

"That's right, my family is from the countryside. If it weren't for the cheap cotton clothes, many old people in the village would freeze to death this year. The owner of Yonghe Garment Shop is a kind person. I think you have bad intentions and want to harm the owner of Yonghe Garment Shop. It's simply too much." gone."

"That's right, who is this person, who bullied our benefactor and sent him to the government together!"

A passer-by who had never heard of Yonghe Garment Store asked curiously, "The Yonghe Garment Store really only costs 50 yuan for a cotton coat?"

"Yes, I went to buy it, but unfortunately household registration is required, and one person can only buy one, otherwise I want to hoard a few more."

"Hey, where is that shop?"

Because those who bought it can't buy it again, they waved their hands generously: "It's on Wutong Street in Beicheng..."

(end of this chapter)