Chapter 1736: evidence

Chapter 1736 Evidence

Even if it is Qi Shangshu, it is impossible to find someone to eat them all.

"Why?" King Qi hesitated for a moment, but still asked.

Now that he is sitting in this position, it is impossible for him to stay out of the matter. Besides, he must also make preparations. least leave himself a way out.

Qi Shangshu put down his teacup, looked into his eyes, did not answer directly, but talked about another thing: "I met Chu Heng when I went to court today..."

After listening to Qi Shangshu's explanation of the reasons for the accident in Gao's family and what Chu Heng did in it, King Qi also expressed his admiration for this younger Master Chu.

This method was used even by the old fox's uncle. It can be seen that the other party's mind is really deep, and it is not something ordinary people can deal with. He does not want to be an enemy of the other party at all.

"Uncle, what you mean is that Master Chu wants to be a pure minister." King Qi said with certainty.

Qi Shangshu squinted his eyes: "I just don't know if Chu Heng really thinks so, or if he got the emperor's instruction and said so on purpose."

"If it is the instruction of the father, we should also understand this hint." King Qi stated.

Shangshu Qi heard what he said, but he didn't immediately refute: "If the emperor is satisfied with you, the prince, then Chu Heng will be a help, and he can stay, but he doesn't have to give him so much power. He can be regarded as an official who does practical things in the court."

"But if the emperor doesn't like you, my lord, Chu Heng, a pure minister, is our biggest opponent. After all, he will only listen to that one, and we are bound to be enemies with him." Qi Shangshu hinted, after finishing speaking , not forgetting to pay attention to his facial expressions.

King Qi paused. He originally wanted to convince his uncle that there was no need to deal with Master Chu. He could see that Master Chu was indeed a talent. Even if he really took that position, he wanted to use him. After all, Master Chu was indeed Officials who do practical things for the people are very capable, which is rare.

He can also understand why his father likes Chu Heng, who in a superior position doesn't like a loyal and capable minister, not to mention that Chu Heng has not yet touched military power and doesn't like to make friends with many ministers, this is the best minister.

He also hoped to have such a pure minister, but now the two are standing in different positions. Hearing what his uncle said, it is obviously impossible to live in harmony unless he really sits in that position.

King Qi pursed his lips: "Then what do you mean, uncle?"

"If necessary, grab him." Qi Shangshu squinted his eyes: "I remember, his son went to Jiangnan to build a ship?"

"My lord, your fief is Jiangnan. You should be familiar with the Zhou family, right?"

King Qi frowned subconsciously when he heard this. He was very dissatisfied with Qi Shangshu's behavior, but he also knew that he had no right to speak. Now the power of the Qi family is in Qi Shangshu's hands. As long as his people make a move, Qi Shangshu will know .

"Uncle, since you have listened to Lord Chu and are ready to give up the Gao family, why do you want to attack the Chu family now?" King Qi asked pretending not to understand.

Qi Shangshu didn't intend to hide this matter from him at first, so he smiled and said: "My lord, you are still too simple. Isn't it because Chu Heng dared to answer like this that he is not afraid of our Qi family? There was no hesitation at all, the Gao family was cleaned up immediately, we don't even know when he got the evidence of the Gao family's mistakes, let alone how much there is."

(end of this chapter)