Chapter 2009: bathhouse

Chapter 2009 Bathhouse

Sending it over may offend people.

With Qi Shangshu's deep character, he won't show it on the surface, but he will definitely hold grudges against Chu Heng.

Chu Heng narrowed his eyes: "Of course, keeping this kind of thing is not good for us."

Lu Chuan nodded in thought.

First send Chu Heng to the Yamen of the Ministry of War, and then go to busy with his own affairs.

This side.

Steward Qi was in a disturbed mood, and drove the carriage back to the mansion quickly.

Hurriedly went to the study in the front yard to report the news to Qi Shangshu.

Qi Shangshu is practicing calligraphy.

Seeing Steward Qi, he didn't react extraneously. Instead, he calmed down and thought about how to continue to 'associate' with Chu Heng. It would be even better if he could take the opportunity to draw him into his camp in the future.

"What's the matter? In such a hurry." Qi Shangshu reprimanded in a low voice.

Steward Qi wiped the sweat from his forehead, a little apprehensive, and tremblingly explained Chu Heng's previous reaction.

Qi Shangshu, who was originally in a good mood, became sinking after hearing this.

"I don't know what is good or bad!" Qi Shangshu threw an inkstone angrily.

The expensive inkstone shattered into two halves with a bang.

Butler Qi also said indignantly, "My lord, where is Master Chu...?"

"Hmph, since you don't want to cooperate with us, then go and cause him some trouble." Qi Shangshu had some thoughts of venting his anger.

When Steward Qi heard it, although he didn't agree with it in his heart, he wouldn't say it out stupidly. He just asked, "My lord, should we find something for Mrs. Chu, or for Mrs. Chu?"

"Then find trouble for the female family members of the Chu family." Qi Shangshu was worried that he had no place to vent his depressed mood recently. After being rejected by Chu Heng, he even made a fool of himself, and his mood became even worse.

Since Chu Heng doesn't care about the assassins sent by the Deng family.

So, it seems that he cares about his family is fake.

Although he was a little disappointed, he didn't mind making trouble for Ye Muyu to vent his anger. After all, Ye Muyu was just a housewife and a countryman with no skills, so it was easy to find trouble.

"Go to her shop to find some trouble and get the business back." Qi Shangshu squinted his eyes, very satisfied that he could kill two birds with one stone.

Chu Mansion.

Ye Muyu didn't know that someone wanted to trouble her.

She just called back the stewards from various shops in the capital and checked the account books.

Because there are more ledgers, but she has a good memory now. Although she can't remember it with a photographic memory, she can read it quickly.

I read all the books of the shops in the morning, and received a large sum of money back.

After reading the bill, he has a lot of income, so he is naturally willing to give benefits to the people who work below.

So with a big wave of Ye Muyu's hand, he gave more bonuses to those who worked in six or seven months. After all, the weather is hot and everyone tends to get impatient, and a wage increase can also motivate everyone.

Several stewards entered the mansion worriedly, and went back happily.

It can be described as extremely lively.

With money in hand, Ye Muyu was ready to take out the money and continue to use it as the principal to make money.

Before she told Chu Heng about opening a bathhouse.

In fact, this idea just came up.

But now that she has the capital, after thinking about it carefully, she thinks that opening a bathhouse is really a good idea.

The weather here in the capital is also very hot, so people take less baths in winter, and in summer, they don’t take baths very often.

The reason is also simple.

The capital is expensive, even firewood is expensive.

Naturally, ordinary people are not keen on bathing, which is also the reason for the poor economic development in this world.

But if she opened a bathhouse, she could actually make money.

(end of this chapter)