Chapter 2143: Good results

Chapter 2143 Good grades

"If other people encounter any problems, they should go to Mr. Yan first. If Mr. Yan can't solve it, then submit it."

Chu Heng wanted to find an assistant for a long time.

After the assessment, Yan Zhenming himself is rigorous in his work, upright in his three views, and a very just person, so he is very suitable for this position, and he just took advantage of today to promote him.

After Chu Heng finished speaking, he looked at the officials present, "Do you have any objections?"

Several officials, you look at me, and I look at you.

Only the youngest official asked aloud, "Lord Chu, is the standard for reviewing this promotion different from other officials in the imperial court?"

"Naturally." Chu Heng raised the paper in his hand and said, "You don't have to be confused, or you may be unwilling. In the official newspaper, those who are capable come first. On this, I and Mr. Zhong wrote to you about this matter. The comments on your performance in the past few days, you will take it back and read it later, and you will know."

Chu Heng made the rules of the official newspaper so strict at the beginning, just to avoid trouble.

At the same time, it is also to prevent the official newspaper from becoming a source of crime.

After all, public opinion can kill.

If the official newspaper is full of corrupt officials who accept bribes and have bad views, then won’t the official newspaper be able to distort the facts in the future?

In order for the official newspaper to be an impartial office serving the people from the very beginning, it must be stricter in terms of the selection of officials and the rules.

Of course, in order to achieve the purpose.

Chu Heng also took advantage of Emperor Xuanming's desire to tidy up the aristocratic family at the moment, as well as the establishment of factories to make money, and the pursuit of immortality, so that he could control the entire official newspaper from the very beginning.


After Chu Heng finished speaking.

Elder Zhong Ge also stood up and said a few words.

Mr. Zhong Ge is worthy of being a great Confucian. In terms of thinking, he publicized the importance of the official newspaper and praised the public again, so that all the officials felt that his work was great. This was to eliminate the moths in the court. From now on, when the common people speak their names, they are all good officials.

Looking at the agitated officials below, Chu Heng felt that he had done the right thing by entrusting this matter to Elder Zhong Ge.

After all, Zhong Ge is getting old, and he won't be an official for a few years, and he doesn't have any particularly capable descendants in his family. His only idea now is to do more things for the people to make his reputation better.

Without selfishness, he would not think of buying this group of officials, and would not recruit students. Naturally, he would be more sincere when he said these words, and he would be more persuasive when he said them.

waited for the officials to disperse, each preparing to go home.

Chu Heng and Elder Zhong Ge walked out side by side.

"Ziqiu, you are really flexible in thinking. After these few games, I am afraid that the officials who were still a little bit hesitant have become solidified. Even if someone wants to make trouble, it will not affect the official newspaper." Zhong Ge took his breath. , quite admiringly said.

Chu Heng shook his head lightly: "This is the purpose of the establishment of the official newspaper. Not everyone is black at the beginning."

"That's right, this officialdom should be cleaned up." Mr. Zhong Ge looked up at the sky, and the sky that he thought was a little cloudy in the past became clearer and brighter.

"Okay, I won't delay you, go home." Zhong Ge got into his own carriage.

Chu Heng stood by and watched the simple and low-key carriage leave, and then he turned and walked home.

He often sits in the yamen to work recently. For his health, he basically walks home.

He got used to it, thinking that Ah Yu likes to eat sweet and sour food for appetizers recently, when passing by a pastry shop, he went in and bought candied haws.

(end of this chapter)