Chapter 2238 Care

Rubbing her wrist with natural and gentle movements.

Ye Muyu rested in his arms, enjoying being served.

Lazily yawned.

"Why are you sorting out gambling-related books all of a sudden?" Chu Heng asked.

Ye Muyu told him what happened today, and when he mentioned the library, his eyes lit up, "What do you think of my idea?"

"The idea is very good." Chu Heng understood as soon as he heard it. From the day the library became famous, as long as the library stood upright, the Chu family and the Ye family would stand upright.

"Do you need my help?"

"That's not necessary. It's still early. Although there are many books in the study in the house, it's nothing to take them to the library. Besides, I still have many types of books that I haven't sorted out."

"It is estimated that it will take more than ten or twenty years to complete the lamps." Ye Muyu said this, suddenly thought of something, and said, "Speaking of which, now you can choose some young people who like to read from the old family. The girl came to the capital, but there are many people around me who help me sort out the books."

With such a large library, Ye Muyu doesn't want to be responsible for it all by himself, it's better to find more talents.

A person's strength is limited.

The development of the whole family is the focus.

Of course family rules are very important.

"Yes, since the clan began to study clan, there have been a lot of scholars. Perhaps it has developed too fast. On the contrary, many children were forced to take the imperial examination, which wasted a lot of talents."

"Besides, the imperial examination is not the only way to go, and other walks of life are also very good choices."

"I will send a letter to the family about the library building. It will take some time to select specific talents." Chu Heng expressed his support for her in everything she did.

Ye Muyu's mouth was slightly raised, and he was in a comfortable mood that was visible to the naked eye.

"Since you're not in a hurry, don't be too busy tonight. You wrote a lot during the day, right?" Seeing Ye Muyu rubbing her wrists from time to time, Chu Heng frowned slightly, disapproving that she was so tired.

Especially if you have been writing with a pen, over a long period of time, the wrist is strained, but it is not easy to heal.

Sure enough, it is imperative to find more people to help.

"I have a few candidates here, all raised by orphans. If you want, arrange for a few of them to come over. You are responsible for reading, and they are responsible for writing."

Ye Muyu heard it funny, and looked at him with her stomach covered: "Ah Heng, you really treat me as a disabled person who can't move. If you really do this, won't you be unable to find my original books in the future?"

She said this on purpose to let Chu Heng not worry too much about herself. Although she was a little tired after handwriting for a long time, there are maids in the house who massage her wrists from time to time, and the ointment that Lu Sangqi brought back has a good effect. It is not like this for a long time. It's not serious, not to mention that she usually exercises in the house, sword dancing is a bit more difficult, but simple self-protection methods are still easy to persist.

Ye Muyu was afraid that he would continue to insist on this topic, and in the end he would limit her daily work time, so she hurriedly changed the topic.

"By the way, I don't need the orphans you mentioned, but I need them in the shop. If you have time, send these orphans to Tang Dongfeng for an interview?"

"Okay." Chu Heng knew that the bookstore still lacked a lot of people. Although Qi Shangshu and others were a little impatient in the court recently and wanted to deal with him, it did not affect the business of the bookstore.

(end of this chapter)