Chapter 2278: "silk"

Chapter 2278 "Silk"

The encyclopedia thing can't be done now.

Ye Muyu's new book had to focus on silk products to write a story.

If the story is to be liked by people, it must be bloody.

In the new book "Silk", the protagonists are two cousins, a man and a woman. They were not left behind in the family, and the parents of the two cousins ​​passed away, and they respectively inherited the family's shop.

But the cousin felt that since he is a man and his cousin is a woman, he should give him all the shop in order to grow stronger, so he set up the idea of ​​the cousin's shop under the pretext of developing the family.

And this cousin is born independent and has the ability to do business. The family property was left to her by her father and mother. How could she give it to her cousin willingly? Besides, she is also planning to recruit a son-in-law. It's also her surname, not to mention that she found that her silk products are a bit outdated, and she needs to include other advantages and make changes.

She devoted herself to the development of the family, and asked her cousin several times to explain, but the other party was unwilling.

Not only that, that cousin was so fed up with her that he simply bought a murderer to kill her.

Unexpectedly, at a critical moment, his cousin dragged him into the water, and both of them were seriously injured.

The two of them were almost wiped out by their opponents.

After finally surviving, the two exchanged souls.

The cousin entered the body of the cousin, and the cousin entered the body of the cousin, and the men and women were switched.

After being surprised for a while, the cousin began to slowly expand the family property, while the cousin was constrained everywhere because of his status as a woman. It can be said that he has tasted the pain of being a woman.

Especially, every time my cousin sarcastically said what my cousin once said, you are a woman... so what, my cousin became even more depressed.

Not to mention that he usually receives some things about women's virtue from the elders of the clan.

This novel has serious irony. Ye Muyu knows that it may not be possible to improve the status of a woman by herself alone. The most important thing is not that men resist. On the contrary, most women are educated to be husbands from birth. godson.

What they care more about is how many children they can give to their husband. When Ye Muyu's novel comes out, it is estimated that many people will resist it, and only a small number of people will be liberated.

Since this was expected long ago, Ye Muyu's original intention was naturally not whimsical, just relying on such a book to make the woman stand up.

Instead, focus on silk manufacturing, etc.

Because the emperor has also arranged for people to go to the south to collect cotton and open a factory.

Ye Muyu naturally wouldn't let go of such an opportunity to make money and become famous.

To be famous is to protect oneself.

Making money is naturally to improve the quality of life, and no one would dislike having more money.

As soon as this novel comes out, it is estimated that it will provide some women with the opportunity to work.

After all, women are better at silk weaving products, unlike the traditional industries in Dachu, where almost all of them are dominated by men.

In the final analysis, whoever is strong can stand up. If there is no ability, even if the cognition changes, there is no way to change the social structure.

Ye Muyu chose to proceed step by step.

The business of the bookstore is so good that Ye Muyu is not very short of money now.

Since the books on pinyin in the counties and prefectures near the capital were sold like crazy, the news spread, and someone had already come to talk to Yonghe about business.

Steward Luo's progress is extremely fast. In less than a month, Yonghe Bookstore has been expanded by half in the territory of Dachu.

(end of this chapter)