Chapter 2384: really cruel

Chapter 2384 Sure enough, cruel

When Third Master Qi heard the news, he tapped on the table, "Didn't anyone be arranged?"

"It was arranged, but was stopped by King Rong. Half of the guards in the capital are in the hands of King Rong. Those people dare not give him face."

"Sure enough, King Rong has teamed up with the Chu family. Unfortunately, without Chu Heng, the Chu family is not enough." Qi Sanye smiled contemptuously: "Continue to inquire about the news and make this matter bigger. Let's see how the Chu family responds."

"Third Master, if we make a big fuss, it will be easy to find us. Now most of the people in the vicinity know it. If the children behind don't survive, those ignorant people will definitely make a big fuss on their own. We can reduce the suspicion."

"You're right. It's true that you can't make too much progress in this matter. Forget it, I will spare the life of the Chu family. You must keep the people below tight and make sure you don't reveal your identity."


Chu family.

Sumei ran back to the mansion out of breath, and went directly to the main courtyard. Some servants of the Chu family saw the anxious look on her face, and felt a little uneasy in her heart.

Among them, a maid who was in charge of sprinkling water and doing chores in the outer courtyard saw Sumei's expression in her eyes, her eyes flickered, and she raised her foot to find the maid who was working with her and said, "Aunt Sumei is in a hurry, is she going to work again?" Is something wrong?"

"We shouldn't discuss things that shouldn't be our concern. If the housekeeper finds out, don't even think about staying in the house."

"I'm sorry, sister, I've got you in trouble. It's because I don't know the rules. I won't do it in the future, but the family is really strict."

"Of course it's strict, but this master's affairs really shouldn't be discussed by us, just like we don't like others to discuss our own affairs, we should care about our own affairs and work hard. Madam has always been generous to servants, save more With money, we can buy our own property and redeem ourselves when the time comes, which is impossible in other people’s houses.”

"What my sister said is true." The servant girl didn't dare to ask any more questions, so she had to pay more attention.

And here.

When Sumei entered the main courtyard, the anxiety on her face disappeared completely.

"Ma'am, the Qi family has indeed taken action against the school." Su Mei sincerely felt that Madam has a lot of contacts and news, otherwise she would not have prepared in advance and waited for the Qi family to make a move: "The servant has checked, those children All the medicines they took were fake medicines, and they were not really poisoned, and those parents were restrained, not daring to speak nonsense."

"However, there are other elders who are very cooperative with us. The slaves paid corresponding compensation according to what the lady said, and they said it was food poisoning."

"Those children have already woken up. It's nothing serious, but they will have diarrhea for a few days. The servants simply use this excuse to keep the students in the school."

"After the matter is over, the parents who are the first to go to the school who are suspected today will be investigated clearly. Anyone who wants to deal with the Chu family or is bribed will be given a warning, and the conduct of those children will also be screened. Make sure they don't dare to betray the Chu family and frame the Chu family." Ye Muyu ordered in an orderly manner.

Sumei nodded.

However, seeing Ye Muyu's eyes were cold, she knew that Madam was really angry.

Madam opened the school to do good deeds, but now that the money was spent, she was framed so much that she even dared to use poison, and wanted to destroy the school directly.

The Qi family has already stepped on Madam's bottom line.

(end of this chapter)