Chapter 2489: Entering the Palace Face Saint

Chapter 2489 Entering the palace to face the saint

Even the people in Jiangnan don't know about it.

The capital city is so far away, and it is impossible to find out at this time.

Then, the other party has two purposes for saying this.

Either I really need to write more, and if I get a reward, I will definitely be grateful to Zuo Shilang afterwards.

Either deliberately induced him to write more, in fact, other people also concealed.

Soon, Lord Wednesday made a decision.

He doesn't think Chu Jin is a person who will fight for fame and wealth by all means. Naturally, he will not be like Zuo Shilang hinting to himself. Even if he writes little, Chu Jin may expose his lies.

He has no sources for many of these things.

But receiving a reward from Chu Jin, it seems that he did give Emperor Xuanming all the items that are useful to Da Chu, explaining that Emperor Xuanming really likes these rare objects.

Pleasing the emperor is always the wisest choice.

Master Zhou quickly picked up his pen and sorted out some lists. It took him several notes before he finished.

After he finished writing, he went to see Zuo Shilang, and saw that he was fascinated by watching a drama, and even ate and drank extravagantly, as if he was used to this kind of life on weekdays.

He became more confident.

Pass the booklet over first, and after failing to keep the other party for a meal, he takes the bank note and puts it in his purse, and hands it to the other party.

The left servant held a purse in his hand, smiled and said: "Master Zhou, why are you so embarrassed, the sewing of this purse is indeed different from Da Chu's, so I will not be polite."

Wednesday Lord sent people away.

He took a few thousand taels so easily from the other party, and found a reason without thinking, and laughed in his heart. It seems that these officials are not as clean as they appear on the surface. It is normal to accept bribes.

I just don't know if this department of commerce and manufacturing will become another decadent government office.

But what Zuo Shilang did made Master Zhou a little disappointed.

At the same time, I was also thinking about how to get out of the body.

Not a day.

On Emperor Xuanming's desk, there were dozens of notebooks.

There are more than a dozen maritime merchants who came to the capital this time. Each of these people wrote more than one booklet, so the number is naturally more.

Emperor Xuanming slowly flipped through the above content.

Soon, his eyes were fixed.

After reading the above content.

He laughed happily twice: "Okay, okay, if you have these overseas contacts, are you afraid you won't be able to make money?"

"Come here, send someone to bring Zhou Lin into the palace."

"Yes, the old slave will go now."

When Lord Wednesday received the news, he was already wearing clean satin clothes, which were not luxurious, but just in line with his status as a businessman.

He immediately walked forward with the father-in-law who came out of the palace.

Soon, Lord Zhou arrived outside the imperial study.

was brought in directly.

He knelt down and saluted on the spot.

Emperor Xuanming sat at the head, sized him up, and after a while, said slowly, "Pingshen."

"Zhou Lin, I asked you to write about the experience of going to sea and the types of goods you brought back, but I didn't ask you to write about how to do business and your opinions on shipping. Are you guilty of acting recklessly?"

Lord Wednesday knelt down on the spot, people don’t fight with officials, let alone the emperor in front of him.

Naturally, he would not make mistakes in etiquette here, and give Emperor Xuanming a difficult impression. He immediately kowtowed and said: "The emperor forgives the sin, the grassroots dared to write these contents boldly because they wanted Dachu to be better. The minister is selfish."

"You also know that it's selfishness." Emperor Xuanming snorted coldly, and threw the notebook down.

(end of this chapter)