Chapter 1219

Name:Peerless Sword God Author:Qidian
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xiū xiū xiū ~~

When King 100 and King Yi came to Space Crack 2, the rest of them also body flashed and flew to the place where they were.

The arrangement method of Tianyan Jade Array is not difficult, but for the stability of Transmission Array, everyone still has to arrange according to certain rules.

The life and death realm kings of the genius Academy are all behind the 100 broken king, and the people of the Nine Sects alliance are behind the Yi king, so the 100 broken king and the Yi king are array eyes, and the rest are arrays. It will also be much more stable.

“Take Primal Chaos Stone!”

The 100 Poking expression gave everyone a sharp look, then flipped his hand and took out 500,000 Primal Chaos Stone.

500,000 Primal Chaos Stones are also very attractive to a Life and Death Realm king of the level of 100 Broken Kings. If it is an ordinary Life and Death Realm king, I am afraid that you can’t get so much Primal at once. Chaos Stone, but a large number of them were prepared when the 100 Breaking King came, so now they can take out so many at once.

However, even if the 100 Broke King can’t get so much, they can make up 1000000 Primal Chaos Stone with each other. After all, here are the 9th Revolution Life and Death Realm kings. At the same time, their strength is strong, and there are many treasures in their hands.

On the other side, Wang Yi also flipped his hand, and the face doesn’t change and took out 500,000 Primal Chaos Stone.

1000000 Primal Chaos Stone piled up in midair to form piles of hills. From Primal Chaos Stone, a ray of Tao realm was released, all gathered together, it was also extremely huge, giving a very shocking feeling .


But now everyone did not pay too much attention to these Primal Chaos Stones, but each and everyone expression had extremely solemn hands in front of them, and quickly gestured.

Lin Chen did the same, and started gesturing according to the layout and mentality of the Tianyan Jade Array.


With everyone doing this trick, you can immediately see that a wave of invisible energy is released from the hands of everyone, acting on many Primal Chaos Stones in front.

Primal Chaos Stone immediately boiled!

A large amount of Dao realm permeated from the inside, covering a large area around it instantly, but although it permeated out, it did not permeate out, but stayed in the surrounding area and would not be lost.

It is for this reason that in the space in front of everyone, you can feel the vast realm of Dao. This realm of Dao is extremely rich, even if everyone’s cultivation base is already 9th Revolution Life and Death Realm. The realm is also very eager.

If you can cultivation in it even for one day, mastering their Dao realm will be of great benefit.


Everyone still gesticulated quickly without saying a word. Every time they gestured, they could feel an invisible energy permeating out.

“Hah! ”

After such a moment, suddenly, he saw 100 Po Wang flipped his hand and took out a weird object with a large palm and a disc. 100 The King did not hesitate. After taking out this disc, he threw the disc directly to the in midair ahead, acting on many large Dao realms.

As soon as the disc entered it, it madly absorbed the realm of Dao.


Under the realm of Dao’s madness, the disc sounded slightly. The speed of absorption by the disc is very fast, but within a dozen breathing times, the disc will absorb all the surrounding huge Dao realm thoroughly.

As the surrounding Dao Realm was absorbed cleanly, everyone stopped one after another and did not continue to gesture.

“Tianyan Jade Array, come out!” The 100 Poking King expression is extremely solemn, loudly shouting again, and when the Bai Poking King tone barely fell, you can see that everyone in front of them was madly absorbing the disc of the Taoist realm, suddenly. With a rush, a bright radiance burst out.

rays of light shroud everyone!

Among these rays of light, two of them have the most bright radiance, which directly affects the 2 Poking King and Yi King, using them as an array eye to pass all around.

The rest of the rays of light also hit everyone. Although these rays of light hit the body, everyone didn’t feel the slightest strangeness. On the contrary, there was a soft feeling in the heart, like a bath.

Lin Chen and Tianle were also affected by this rays of light, but soon, this rays of light was hidden and covered on the body. Even if you watched it carefully with naked eye, you could not see that there was such a rays of light on the body. light.

When the rays of light hit everyone, they also shot a part of it, acting on where they were standing, and then quickly disappeared.

There is a Space Crack in this place, and ordinary Life and Death Realm kings will not come over. Under this situation, the array they have placed here is extremely difficult to find.

After the rays of light were quickly concealed, the disc was quickly concealed. That is the core of this array and the stability of the array. It contains a large number of Tao realms. If the space is unstable, then it can be Use the domain of Tao to quickly stabilize the space to achieve the effect of long-distance transmission.

“Okay, the array layout is complete.” After seeing a lot of rays of light, a smile appeared on the face of 100 Broking King.

The others also showed smiles on their faces.

This time, the main function of arranging the array is still on the white broken king. If it is not the white broken king arranged the array in this way, then others may not be able to arrange it. At least it will take some time to study.

But now it’s much simpler to arrange it. Tianle laughed, looked at the array in front of him in surprise, and said in a low voice, “Boss, how easy is it to arrange Transmission Array?”

“Understanding is simple, not understanding is difficult.” Lin Chen faintly smiled. He has also studied the array for a while, but for this array, it will not be possible to arrange it at one and a half times, so this time the main core character of the array is still on the 100 broken king.

The rest also heard Lin Chen and Tianle, each and everyone were slightly nodded.

These people have studied arrays more or less, but it is almost impossible to want to arrange such a huge array at once.

“You, Dao Palace and Hongmeng Palace have already gone to the sea of ​​stars. It’s not too late. Now that we have arranged the array, let’s go in now.” 100 Po Wang said to everyone.

“Alright, let’s go now.” Yi Wang nodded, also not planning to waste time.

“This time, let us break into the sea of ​​stars.”


Everyone agreed, and immediately the body flashed, and quickly flew towards the direction of the sea of ​​stars.

More than 40 bright rainbow flashes flashed by.

After a moment, the entire group came to the outer edge of the sea of ​​stars again.

In the front is the pink mist that looks a little thin, but as it goes deeper, the pink mist becomes denser. These pink mists can affect people’s minds. In addition, the mist is too dense, even the 9th Revolution Life and Death Realm king, It is also easy to get lost in it.

“Everyone, in the sea of ​​stars, no one can be sure of what they will encounter. It may be smooth sailing, or it may be possible. There is great danger in it!”

100 Broken King said solemnly: “Since we have chosen the alliance, if we encounter danger, I hope we can deal with it together.”

“I have read the records about the sea of ​​stars, and there are rumors of extremely horrible things in the sea of ​​stars. If it is in danger, my Nine Sects alliance will definitely not abandon my allies, and I hope you can treat me with my sincerity.” Yi Wang nodded, said what he knew.

But although I know some things about the sea of ​​stars, after all, it is a rumor, and not much is known.

In fact, everyone knew a little bit, but they couldn’t tell what was inside.

Everything is unknown!


The entire group glanced at each other, and then flew into the sea of ​​stars without any hesitation of body flashed.


More than 40 people flew rapidly at the same time, and the strong airflow immediately caused the space to shake, and the pink mist was overturned directly.

“Tianle, be careful.” Lin Chen said to Tianle, and followed everyone into the sea of ​​stars.

Tian Le naturally followed Lin Chen’s side. Although his expression was still extremely excited, he could see that his eyes were full of vigilance. Obviously, he was curious and afraid of this sea of ​​stars.

While flying, Lin Chen also moved in his heart, once again spreading Soul Power.

If it is someone else, even if they can use divine sense, they will be controlled by the pink fog pressure in the sea of ​​stars, which makes divine sense unable to radiate too far, but Lin Chen’s Soul Power has no effect at all, and the radiation range is extremely wide. .

As Soul Power radiated out, Lin Chen’s mind suddenly concealed a scene in the depths of the sea of ​​stars. It can be seen that there is a thick pink mist in front of him. If it weren’t for Soul Power, Lin Chen would not be able to see what is behind the pink mist.

In this area, the pink fog has become extremely exaggerated, and it has obviously reached the core area of ​​the Sea of ​​Stars. However, at the same time, Lin Chen’s Soul Power can no longer radiate. Although Soul Power is compressed, But the radiation range is also limited.

At this time, Lin Chen entire group was still located on the periphery of the Sea of ​​Stars.

xiū xiū xiū ~~

Everyone moved forward at an extremely fast speed, and the pink mist all around was directly overturned by the strong airflow.

There was no word, and he moved forward in silence.

After flying in this way for one hour, the pink mist around all around began to become thicker.

“Hi, I can’t see all around anymore!”

Everyone’s hearts are tight, the richness of the sea of ​​stars in this place has already greatly interfered with their sight. With their cultivation base, they can’t see too far. As for the divine sense, it can’t radiate out.

This shows that they have gone deeper into the sea of ​​stars, and if they continue to go deeper, the pink mist will become denser.

In fact, the same is true. The place where they are at this moment is just a little deeper into the sea of ​​stars that’s all.

“The area where my Soul Power radiates, the pink fog is at least dozens of times thicker than here, but here is still the periphery of the sea of ​​stars that’s all.” Lin Chen is also heart slightly startled, Soul Power radiates out even though you can see pink The richness of the fog, but the real experience with my own eyes, still felt a little shocked.

At this time, 100 Poking King and Yi King both had their eyes slightly closed, and immediately 2 of them were nodded, and King Yi said: “We can still feel the existence of the array, we continue to move forward!”

In other words, if they are here, if they get lost, they can directly send it out as Transmission Array.

(Peerless Sword God reader exchange buckle skirt: 2 5 zero, 6 6 6, 9 9 5. Dark Fire Dragon welcomes you to answer questions in various books for you!)