Chapter 3713

Name:Peerless Sword Soul Author:Qidian
Of course, except Wuyacheng.

Ye Fei didn’t know. After waiting for three days and three nights, even if a dragon shark appeared, Wu Du not only vomited blood, but Baicheng felt as if he had been tricked, but he was not Senior Brother Gu on the spot. The younger brother’s affection turned his face in an instant and left in anger.

Only Wu Du is left, staring at the deserted underground river, crying silently.

The bad news does not stop there.

In the underground river, after the extinction of the dragon sharks, the entire immortal lake around the cliffless city is also missing the dragon sharks. This makes Nilai accept it, and hopes to fish for the dragon shark to accumulate the rule stone. We broke out.

For the first time, the immortals who couldn’t bear it were united and broke into the City Lord Mansion and beat Wu Du severely.

Of course these all are later.

After passing the Space-Time Teleportation Formation Platform, Ye Fei has entered another space. This space is actually a special space inside the Immortal King world.

Of course it’s space, but it’s not much different from a world.

Among them, it is full of countless powerful auras of immortals, these immortals, there are immortals and demons, there are Buddhas and demons, Great Thousand Worlds, the strongest immortals of the nine Saint Courts, all All concentrated here!

Far away, Ye Fei also saw a huge and magnificent battle stage.

Wan Qing is actually very familiar with the Holy War channel, pointing to the Holy War channel and said: “Brother Ye, look, there is the Holy War channel, as long as you go up, you will either admit defeat or be irreconcilable!”

“Also, there are thousands of ancient cities in the Immortal King world, but all powerhouses will eventually be concentrated on the Holy War stage. As long as you have the strength, you can go up and fight. Once you win, you will You can get a lot of rule stones! But Brother Ye, you are new to the Immortal King world, and it is your first time to participate in the Holy War stage. I suggest you, it is best to start with the weakest and easiest battle stage. “

Ye Fei was very surprised. “Why, is there a difference between Holy War?”

“Of course, Holy War will go up one by one, respectively, Earth Immortal. Celestial Immortal Platform, Saint Immortal Platform, and the strongest Heavenly King Platform!”

“And the stronger the Immortal Platform, the more Rule Stones you will get, but the risk will increase! The battle strength is not very strong. If you force it up, it will basically be cannon fodder, and you may be worried about your life at any time.” Wan Qing’s expression is very serious.

Ye Fei looked at Wanqing even more surprised. Wanqing is a bit deeply hidden.

Chapter 3758 Guarding the Immortal Venerable

Chapter 3758 Guarding the Immortal Venerable

“Wanqing, you are a bit deeply hidden.” Ye Fei exclaimed.

“haha, I just stayed for a long time, and I heard a little more news.” Wan Qing pretended to say with a smile, but the smile was a bit bitter.

It’s just that Wanqing doesn’t say anything, but Ye Fei doesn’t ask too much.

The area of ​​the Holy War platform is also very wide. According to different battle stages, it is also distributed into different areas, such as the ground battle stage area and the sky battle stage area.

The Immortal Venerable who enters will also choose different areas for training or communication based on their own strengths.

At the same time, in these areas, not only fish and dragons mixed in together, but also the disciplines of the nine Saint Courts can also communicate with each other. This scene is almost unimaginable in Great Thousand Worlds.

After all, Great Thousand Worlds is a long way away, and it consumes even more energy to transmit it once across domains.

But Holy War is different, here is Great Thousand Worlds, the core of time and space.

Here, there are the Great Thousand Worlds, the powerhouses of the nine great Saint Courts of different eras. When these powerhouses are gathered together, it is inevitable that there will be fierce collisions.

Holy War is the best place for both sides to fight, and it is also the best way to see the specific strength of the nine Saint Courts.

“Brother Ye, this Holy War station, according to the strength of the nine Saint Courts, is divided into the upper three houses, the middle third houses and the lower third houses!”

” The three courts are Tianyuan, Shenyuan, and Buddhism! They are currently the strongest among the nine Saint Courts!”

As for Tianyuan, it’s easy to understand.

After all, there are demons and immortals, and Buddhas have Buddha immortals!

In the final analysis, the cultivation is actually immortal dao, which is just a different branch. At the same time, in the real Saint Court era, there is simply no division within the demon statue, but the unified name is the immortal statue. .

Only later, with the collapse of Saint Court, the nine Saint Courts wanted to maintain each other’s orthodoxy, which distinguished the devil and immortal.

But in the entire Great Thousand Worlds, immortal dao is orthodox. This is also the reason why Tianyuan can be ranked among the third houses. Instead, it is the Demon Academy, which is not among them, which surprised Ye Fei.

Wan Qing went on to say: “Tianyuan is regarded as an immortal dao orthodox. It can be ranked as the upper three courts. The divine court is the Saint Court that can only be joined by innate races. It is equally powerful! Buddha! The court came from behind. In the last few thousand years, it has replaced the Demon Academy and became the Upper Third Court.”

Ye Fei then realized that the ranking of Saint Court is not fixed, but can What goes up and down is just how to go up and down. Wanqing is not very clear.

He just tried his best to tell Ye Fei everything he knew.

Also, Ye Fei has a better understanding of Immortal King and Holy War.

For example, in addition to the Third Courtyard, there are also the Third Courtyard, namely the Demon Courtyard, the Hades Courtyard, and the Monster Court. Among them, the Demon Academy and the Buddhist Academy are rivals.

Many powerhouses in the Buddhist academies are all subdue monsters and defeat demons. This also made Monster Court very uncomfortable to see the Buddhist academies, so the Buddhist academies and the Tianyuan academies formed an alliance.

Moyuan and Monster Court are also alliances.

In order to protect themselves, the last Hades and Shrines also formed an alliance. These Three Great Influences, which check and balance each other, have also become the most powerful force in Holy War.