Chapter 2686

Name:Perfect Supreme Author:观鱼
Xiu xiu xiu!

鍦ㄥ叾涓纴涓 阆撶槠 阆撶槠 埇镄剅 “埇镄剅ays of light 蹇 熺┛鎻掞纴 熺┛鎻掞纴 熺┛鎻掞纴 夌溂闅 夌溂闅 夌溂闅

鈥滃嚭鐜 锛孲 锛孲 锛孲 锛孲 锛孲 锛孲 锛孲 锛孲 锛孲 锛孲 锛孲 锛孲 锛孲 锛孲 锛孲 锛孲 锛孲 h h h h h h h h h

Prepare for chilling

鐪嫔埌闾d竴骞曪纴涓や綅Junior Brother 锽濆 杩炶繛锛屽苟涓斿彨锸 g杩炶繛锛屽苟涓斿彨锸in Ling 锽婇 锛 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆晫锛屼綘鐭ラ 浠 涔埚彨 涔埚彨 涔埚彨 叚鐣屽悧锛熶綘鍏呭叾 叚鐣屽悧锛熶綘鍏呭叾 叚鐣屽悧锛熶綘鍏呭叾 叚鐣屽悧锛熶綘鍏呭叾 叚鐣屽悧锛熶綘鍏呭叾 叚鐣屽悧锛熶綘鍏呭叾 変簲鐣屼箣阃燂紒鈥

瑕佺煡阆揿湪闱掑窞镄勫垵浠d箣涓纴鎷ユ湁鍏晫涔嬮€熺殑genius 閮 笉澶 笉澶 纴杩椤 纴杩椤 纴杩椤 纴杩椤 纴杩椤 熸湁 熸湁 熸湁Helium and argon

鈥渉aha 锛屾滠浠€涔堢殑锛岀煡阆揿镐曚简钖楋纻浣犵殑鍓戜笉鏄緢濞侀钖楋纻镐庝箞涓嶅嚭鍓戜涓嶆槸 笉鍒 笉鍒 笉鍒 垜镄剆 垜镄剆 垜镄剆 垜镄剆 垜镄剆 垜镄剆 垜镄剆 垜镄剆

鍦ㄦ粴婊氱殑娴︼姳涔嬩腑锛岄偅姘撮 嶉仴镄勫 嶉仴镄勫 阔 阔 纴 纴 纴 纴 Mad Ty Tyrant 涓岖緛銆

瑙佺姸锛孡in Ling 涔熸 変 浣旷殑锷ㄤ綔锛屾贰婕犵殑鐪嬬潃 all around 锛屼粬鍙戠幇锛岃 璧ゅ窞镄 en enen 涔熸湁浜涘帀瀹 纴铏 劧鐪烡 ivine Martial 傛 傛 夌涓 灏侊纴浣嗗嵈灏唅 nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate

Key 岀湅鍒癓 in Ling 涓嶅姩锛屾 press LLin Ling 镞犲彲濂堜綍浜嗭 鈥 鈥 湡鏄 湡鏄 锛屾垜杩樻兂濂 锛屾垜杩樻兂濂 锛屾垜杩樻兂濂纴缁撴灉锛屼綘澶﹄ 纴缁撴灉锛屼綘澶﹄ 鎴戝け 涗 涗 涔堢殑锛岀幇鍦ㄨ浜嗙粨浜嗭纴浣犲ソ濂 涔堢殑锛岀幇鍦ㄨ浜嗙粨浜嗭纴浣犲ソ濂 涔堢殑锛岀幇鍦ㄨ浜嗙粨浜嗭纴浣犲ソ濂 涔堢殑锛岀幇鍦ㄨ浜嗙粨浜嗭纴浣犲ソ濂 涔堢殑锛岀幇鍦ㄨ浜嗙粨浜嗭纴浣犲ソ濂 湅鐪嬭 湅鐪嬭 湅鐪嬭 湅鐪嬭 湅鐪嬭笘鐣屽惂锛屽洜涓 纴浣犳 纴浣犳 纴浣犳 夋満浼 夋満浼 夋満浼 夋満浼 夋満浼

Hōng lóng lóng !

浼撮殢镌 浠栫殑澹 浠栫殑澹 浠栫殑澹 浠栫殑澹 煶锛屾 煶锛屾 煶锛屾 煶锛屾 煶锛屾 娴︻炕婊 娴︻炕婊 娴︻炕婊 娴︻炕婊 娴︻炕婊 娴︻炕婊 纴灞呯劧鍦ㄦ 纴灞呯劧鍦ㄦ 纴灞呯劧鍦ㄦ 纴灞呯劧鍦ㄦ 纴灞呯劧鍦ㄦ 纴灞呯劧鍦ㄦ 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿岀 鏀 鏀 鐠ㄧ殑 鐠ㄧ殑rays of light 锛屾愧钖慙in Ling 锛

This palm 镄 or ormidable power 锛屾斁鍦ㄥ 鐣岋纴瓒 鐣岋纴瓒 鐣岋纴瓒 鐏崄鐣屼 鐏崄鐣屼

瀹 in Taiwan talent innate talent 涔熷緢璇” 纾锛屽湪鍖楃晫鐢ㄥ嚭镄勮瘽锛屽悇澶х晫闱 (5) 兘浼氲浠栫殑 innate talent 娣规病锛屾文娴稿湪姘翠腑锛

鈥沧Press 阃嶉仴Senior Brother 锛屽ソ镙风殑锛佲

闾d袱浣岼unior Brother 姝ゅ埢鍒欐槸寰堟縺锷纴浠 praises Senior Brother 鍦ㄦ浛璧ゅ窞浜夊厜锛岃缑铡嬮潚宸炶埇锛

鈥沧湁镣笕bility 锛屼笉杩囧浣犳墍瑷€锛岀’瀹炶缁撴潫浜嗭纴Key屼笖锛屾垜鍙獿 in Ling 锛屼笉鏄彨鏋椾粈涔堢殑锛佲€

杩欎 镞跺 欙纴 欙纴 Lin Ling 缁堜簬寮 鍙 纴 纴 body surface 寮 濮嫔嚭鐜 濮嫔嚭鐜 濮嫔嚭鐜 鐏劙锛岄偑镣庡彉鍌彂浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴娑屽叆 鐏劙锛岄偑镣庡彉鍌彂浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴娑屽叆 鐏劙锛岄偑镣庡彉鍌彂浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴娑屽叆Sword 涔嬩腑锛


涓 鍓 鍓 鍓 纴姘旇 纴姘旇 闀胯櫣锛屼笌浠栨 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二

“courting death !”

闾f press 阃嶉仴涓嶅睉澶у枈锛孡in Ling 涓庝粬纭纭纴骞 笖鏄湪浠栫殑棰嗗 笖鏄湪浠栫殑棰嗗 涓嶆槸 涓嶆槸 涓嶆槸 涓嶆槸 courting death 鏄粈涔堬纻


鐒 岋纴浠栬瘽鍒氱粨鏉燂纴浠栫殑宸ㄥぇ姘 岋纴浠栬瘽鍒氱粨鏉燂纴浠栫殑宸ㄥぇ姘 岋纴浠栬瘽鍒氱粨鏉燂纴浠栫殑宸ㄥぇ姘 岋纴浠栬瘽鍒氱粨鏉燂纴浠栫殑宸ㄥぇ姘 嫔嵃渚挎槸琚玸 嫔嵃渚挎槸琚玸 嫔嵃渚挎槸琚玸 嫔嵃渚挎槸琚玸 嫔嵃渚挎槸琚玸 嫔嵃渚挎槸琚玸 锛 锛

骞 笖锛屾暣涓 笖锛屾暣涓 涔嬩笘鐣岃涓 鍓戝垎鍓 鍓戝垎鍓 鍓戝垎鍓 鍒嗕 鍒嗕 鍒嗕 鍒嗕 鍒嗕 鍒嗕 鍒嗕 浜岋纴鍦ㄩ偅镰 镄勬 镄勬 涔嬬晫涓纴 Lin Ling 灏辫 涔堟 涔堟 镌 鍓戣 鍓戣 鍓戣 鍓戣 鍓戣 钖戞 钖戞

鈥滀粈涔堬纻鎴戝彲鏄疶rue God Realm Peak 锛岃€屼粬鍙槸鐪熺鍏吨澧冨晩锛屼n浣曚粬镄勭晫鍏冭揪鍒瘪rue God Realm Peak锛屼笉瀵癸纴鏄秴鍑篢rue God Realm 锛佲€

闾d竴鍓戣槠鐒 rudder disease chain 夋柀鏉€姘撮€嶉仴锛屼絾鏄粴婊氱殑鐣屽崖娑屾潵锛岃姘撮€嶉仴杩樻槸钖愬嚭浜哸Mouthful of blood 锛屼粬complexion big change 锛岄殢钖庣姽濡俉hite Stripe in the Waves

浠栫殑蹇冧笉鏂 楦 o纴杩椤 ammonia 鏄潚宸炴渶濡栧镄 robbery enius 锛

鐪嬫潵锛岃兘琚潚宸 吨 嗭纴闾 嗭纴闾 嗭纴闾 疄锷涙牴 疄锷涙牴 疄锷涙牴 笉鏄粬浠兂璞¤ 笉鏄粬浠兂璞¤ 笉鏄粬浠兂璞¤ 笉鏄粬浠兂璞¤ 涔埚 涔埚

鈥 栌闂ㄥぇ浼氱殑绮 栌闂ㄥぇ浼氱殑绮 genius 閮 皬鐪嬩粬浜嗭纴涓嶈锛屾垜涓 瀹氲 瀹氲 s sect master 锛岃 sect master take action obliterate Lin Ling 锛屼笉鑳 斁杩欎 斁杩欎 斁杩欎 闱掑窞濡栧锲

阃冭窇镄勬椂 chain欙纴姘撮€嶉仴涓嶆柇鎯崇嶉仴涓嶆柇鎯

鐢氲呖锛屼粬镄勪袱浣岼unior Brother 锛屼粬涔熸槸鎶涗笅涓岖悊浜嗭紒


鐩村埌浠栫殑澹伴煶鍦ㄨ翻澶勯鏉ワ纴浠栫殑涓や綅Junior Brother 嶅弽搴旇 嶅弽搴旇 嶅弽搴旇 鏉ワ纴鑴 鏉ワ纴鑴 壊閮 壊閮 壊閮 壊閮 槸钖撶殑 锣勫瓙 锣勫瓙 锣勫瓙鑸紒

Senior Brother 璺戜 锛

鐒跺悗锛岀暀涓嬩粬浠杀瀵筁 in Ling 锛

杩栾浠栦 镐庝箞闱 (1) 鍟婏紒

“I want to escape!”

鐒 岋纴 岋纴 in Lin Ling 鑳 姘撮 嶉仴阃冭窇锛

锛傛垜璇 锛屾垜鍙獿 锛屾垜鍙獿 in Ling 锛宺eally isn鈥檛鍙滠浠€涔堢殑锛侊纾

闾g牬纰庣殑姘 姳涔嬩腑锛屼竴阆挞娓 姳涔嬩腑锛屼竴阆挞娓 姳涔嬩腑锛屼竴阆挞娓 姳涔嬩腑锛屼竴阆挞娓 煶鍝嶈捣锛岃浜篓 煶鍝嶈捣锛岃浜篓 errifying 镄勬槸锛屽 0 wide pet 缮 chain ︼惤涓嬶纴涓 €阆搒ilhouette 渚挎槸鍑虹幇鍦ㄦ幇鍦ㄦ幇鍦ㄦ鎶婂墤锛屽啺鍐鎶婂墤锛屽啺鍐鎶婂墤锛屽啺鍐殑瀵殑瀵


姝ゅ埢镄勬 阃嶉仴锛岃劯鑹 阃嶉仴锛岃劯鑹 畾镙 畾镙 湪闾 噷锛屽 噷锛屽 噷锛屽 噷锛屽 婊 潃鎭愭儳锛 潃鎭愭儳锛 潃鎭愭儳锛

瑕佺煡阆掳纴浠栧彲鏄 瑕佺煡阆掳纴浠栧彲鏄 熼 熼 L L L Ling Ling 畾杩 畾杩 笉涓娄粬锛屾墍浠ユ墠鏁 一 一 一 一 一 一缑镒忥紒

Ling板湪Lin Ling 婅瘔浠栵纴鍏晫涔嬮婅瘔浠栵纴鍏晫涔嬮婅瘔浠栵纴鍏晫涔嬮燂纴澶燂纴澶


姝   wards       嶉仴鑹 嶉仴鑹 嶉仴鑹 嶉仴鑹 嶉仴鑹 嶉仴鑹 sal sal sal sal sal sal sal sal sal sal sal sal sal sal sal sal戠殑璇濋鍑恒€

綘镐庝箞鍙兘杩欎箞寮 綘镐庝箞鍙兘杩欎箞寮 紒锛 紒锛

锛傛垜鏉庨€嶉仴涓€鐢熶范姝】纴浣曢』钖戜綘瑙 i 浠 浠 涔堬紒锛

Lin Ling 鑴 壊骞 壊骞 壊骞 锛屼絾鏄 锛屼絾鏄 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 喎镄刴 t t t t cient cient cient cient cient cient cient槸鏂╀简涓嬫潵锛岃void 閮芥槸琚柀寮槸琚柀寮(一)畯锛


Gi shoulder漱镌佺湅镌€giant sword slashed down 锛屾Press 锛屾兂瑕佸仛浠0锛屾兂瑕佸仛浠€涔堟姷鎶楋纴鍙儨锛屼粬镄勫唴蹇冨嵈鑳屽 浜嗕粬锛岀煡阆 浜嗕粬锛岀煡阆 浜嗕粬锛岀煡阆


Before he died, there was only one sentence left in his heart!

Li Xiaoyao met Li Xiaoyao, he is not qualified to be happy!

“Dead, the water Senior Brother is so dead!”

“This Lin Ling is too powerful!”

In the distance, the two Junior Brothers were watching the water, and when he saw him being killed by sword slash, he immediately became scared and pale!

Almost at the same time, a sword appeared in front of them, Lin Ling’s silhouette appeared as a sneaky, but at that moment, the two Junior Brothers scared and smashed!

“Forgive, forgive!”

“I ask you, you can see realgar!”

“I didn’t see it, but I heard that in the East, someone saw him!”


Lin Ling nodded slightly, and the sword slash went down, letting the two Junior Brothers smash, and Lin Ling wants to kill them?

“What’s the forest, you dare!”

One of them roared, he absolutely did not expect to participate in the Hundred Gates Conference is his own day!

Unfortunately, Lin Ling treats the enemy and never gets soft!

A sword took their lives. Lin Ling left Xuanguang grass immediately after he collected it. Of course, when he left, he did not forget to take away the treasures left by those people. Unfortunately, he was disappointed that these people’s Treasure is mostly garbage, not a mysterious grass!

I want to come, the one that Lin Ling collected before Lin Ling is their first harvest, but unfortunately, they still haven’t collected it!

“My name is Lin Ling, really isn’t forest!”

After Lin Ling disappeared, a satirical voice rang in the previous open space.

At this moment, Lin Ling rushed to the east, and even encountered Xuanguangcao on the way, he also ignored it. Compared with treasure, the realgar is obviously more important!

However, the Kowloon Eight Ditch is very large, and Lin Ling is heading in one direction, but sometimes it will get lost!

“Hey? That person is not Lin!”

On the way, I also encountered the elite discipline of each Great Sect!

“catch him!”

Those elite disciplines will naturally not let Lin Ling go!

As a result, all were killed by Lin Ling, and Lin Ling passed their mouth, Lin Ling’s direction to the realgar is more certain!