It was almost New Year's, and the production crew was always bringing their own New Year celebrations to the public. But Director Li first took the lead actors in the early stages of the movie, "Hot Blood", and because the two main characters in this movie were all A-list celebrities, they had to take part in two or three of the movies. Coincidentally, this time of year had their own movie starring Sister Yu and Brother Hua.

Orientalmiracle, though there were too many announcements at the end of the year to sleep, was their first film. Tom took it seriously and the company took it seriously, so they turned on a lot of green lights for them.

Orientalmiracle is an idol star. Although they only played a supporting role this time, the fact that they can work with big directors like Director Li, big stars like Yu-jie and Brother Hua to transform them in the future and shake off the public opinion that Vase only has a face and no acting skills is a testament to that.

The reason why the company and Tom paid so much attention to this movie was because they knew that they couldn't always be idols and that they would never be young again. They knew that they would soon reach the level of actors when they were still young. They were no exception.

Tom stood in the backstage secretly looking at the four extremely handsome boys standing next to the director on the stage. He was laughing to his heart's content.

"I dug them up myself. They must have good eyes!" Tom whispered to Baby Li.

"That's right!" Previously, they didn't think much of it, but after taking a few flights with them recently, seeing that kind of scene, they couldn't help but admit it! They are really very red, and you have a good eye. " Lil 'Li thought about what he had experienced at the airport recently. What did it mean by there was a sea of people …

During the first two days, Orientalmiracle held a fan handshake in Hong Kong. He had just gotten off the plane when he began to exercise. The winding crowd of people that day was really eye-catching, and when they saw their idol, they lost all control of their emotions. The screams cut through the air, and they said in a kind voice, "Everyone is happy to see you! We are very happy! " Tears welled up in the eyes of the girls. At that time, Little Treasure didn't know how could they be so enchanted with just a few words. The effect was much greater than her "tear-provoking".

As many as twenty thousand fans had their hands injured by the handshake, and after more than ten hours of handshake, they couldn't even walk. Originally they were weak from weight loss, and at the end of the year, they had to stand for more than ten hours with the help of assistants and staff, and now they had to leave with the help of assistants and staff. Although Wang had lost more than twenty pounds in weight, his tall figure was still very heavy as he placed his arm around Li's tiny shoulder, and Li was having a difficult time holding his waist with one hand, using all his strength to support his body, if it was a normal day, Li would think he was playing tricks, but he could stand for more than ten hours without taking a sip of water.

When they got into the car and rushed to the resting area, they saw that even their hands were trembling when they held the bottle of drinking water. When they got into the car and rushed to the resting area, they saw that their hands were trembling when they held the bottle of drinking water.

The next day, when they left Hong Kong, the fans sent a huge number of airplanes, and the Orientalmiracle was surrounded. It was difficult to move a single step. Under these circumstances, the thrilling scene appeared once again, and there was even a serious push.

Also two days ago in Taiwan, in order to promote the collection, the fans of the event in Taiwan did not lose out to Hong Kong, even multinational troops appeared, just for a glimpse of the idol's glory.

Most of the audience in the audience were Orientalmiracle fans, holding their promotional signs and banners high. Baby Li mumbled, "Don't they know they're tired?" Why did he raise it so high?

The albums taught and made up by Teacher Edward were released not long ago, and fans lined up all night just for the gala, which showed that they were extremely popular. Wherever they appeared, the rise of Orientalmiracle seemed to be the focus of attention for all eternity.

They are always moved to say to the fans: "Because of you, we will make the best of ourselves! Seize the moment, study hard, and show everyone that we are more serious! "

Baby Li looked at Orientalmiracle on the stage and couldn't help sighing. Should she reevaluate them? They occupied an important position in the hearts of so many fans. Could it be just because they were handsome? Are so many fans so stupid? Are so many fans fools? One was foolish and the other two were foolish. Was it possible that thousands of them were foolish?

Baby Li didn't know why she had such doubts. If she hadn't followed them through these days, her opinion of people like them wouldn't have changed at all, but after seeing their hard work every month, her opinion of them had unconsciously changed a little.

After the new year, everyone had their busiest days, and after resting for less than three days, they entered the film crew. The "Hot Blood" location was chosen in Yunnan, Kunming and Banna.

The shooting started in March. The weather in March, April and May in Yunnan was quite good. However, the weather in July, August and September was especially hot. Generally, it could reach 38 or 9 degrees Celsius. Just to get a little more shots before it gets hot.

Yunnan climate is a subtropical humid monsoon climate, with the characteristics of low latitude climate and high altitude climate monsoon climate. Due to the complexity of the topography and the great disparity in altitude, the climate in every part of the province is very different. From south to north, there are seven types of climate zones in the province: North Tropical Zone, South Subtropical Zone and Highland Climate Zone (North Temperate Zone).

There are three types of water in Yunnan: humid, humid and semi-arid. Under the comprehensive influence of low latitude and high altitude geographical conditions, due to the restriction of monsoon climate, the characteristics of low latitude plateau monsoon climate are formed. Winter has no cold, summer has no heat, the annual temperature poor small. Winter dry summer rain, rain hot season. Winter dry summer rain, rain hot season. One mountain was divided into four seasons, while the other was split into five days.

July, August, and September were also going through the rainy season, and it might rain at any time. It was difficult to move an inch when it was raining, but soon it would become clear again, so the filming had to be done to see the temper of the heavens. But sometimes it had to be done in the rain, and God had to give them some face and give them some rain dew so they wouldn't have to spend the money on a sprinkler.

Orientalmiracle was a supporting role. They didn't have many scenes to play, so when there were no scenes to play, they could post other announcements and fly back and forth. The crew would look forward to Orientalmiracle's announcement every day, not because they wanted to see the handsome guy raise his eyes, but because they wanted to see Baby Li.

Because Baby Li would give Orientalmiracle and the director would make all kinds of local snacks, and Yunnan's local snacks were all based on local ingredients, Baby Li's culinary skills would be greatly improved. It was almost time for dinner, and Director Li and the staff would be unable to resist loitering behind Baby Li, staring at what was delicious for them.

Seeing that there were too many people around, Baby Li made something suitable for everyone to eat. He bought a copper pot with the locals and made everyone a famous local snack, the "Copper pot drawing rice". But without Orientalmiracle, everyone would miss this sweet little assistant.

Every time Brother Hua ate a meal or dessert made by Li, he would hug him affectionately to express his gratitude. At the beginning, Baby Li was not used to it, so when they saw Wang Shuai and co. they also felt it was strange, so Brother Hua whispered to them: "Let her get used to it, isn't she having a 'weird' problem? If this problem is gone, then she will treat you all well! "

It was only then that Master Wang and the others reacted. After the filming was over, they would come over and hug her even though they hadn't seen Baby Li for a while. They were so annoyed by her that they raised their chests again and again, saying, "You're going to get heat sore if you carry me any more."

Even so, it was hard for Baby Li to see them doing the shooting, sometimes rolling in the mud, sometimes rolling in the mud, sometimes going back and forth in the woods, their skin so white it had to be deliberately smeared with mud, so dirty that they had to get close to the role they were playing. Sometimes when they finished a shot and were thirsty for the next shot, Baby Li would wipe their mouths clean and feed them water without washing their hands, and if they couldn't catch up to their hunger, the baby didn't need to wash their hands, and they couldn't even eat a mouthful.

When they were resting, Baby Li would massage them to relieve their fatigue. She would massage them until their hands were black and muddy, but she didn't mind at all. She didn't wait for them to finish removing their makeup before pressing them down, and when they had the time, they could directly rest.

Seeing that they have such a caring assistant, Brother Hua was also envious and directly said to Sister Yu, "Baby Li is so nice! How could she have so many things? "

When Little Mei heard Brother Hua ask about her friend, she naturally wanted to show off a little. When Baby Li was not around, he talked about going to school to work, and then talked about becoming an assistant, which made him look like he was talking about being an assistant. When he was talking about love, she would wipe her tears away, and Brother Hua and Sister Yu would almost cry.

When Baby Li and Orientalmiracle returned to the crew, Brother Hua and Director Li treated her much more intimately, as if she was their little sister. Sister Yu was even more amiable towards her. It could be said that Baby Li's popularity in the crew far surpassed Orientalmiracle's.

The director, or Brother Hua, or Sister Yu, would call Baby Li if they wanted to invite anyone out for a meal. They would call Orientalmiracle when they needed to, so it would be hard to pull away if they didn't call for Baby Li!

All the other actors were curious about this girl who was very familiar with directors and celebrities. What kind of master did they think she was? Seeing that she was fine and always around Orientalmiracle's group of four, as well as those three handsome boys acting coquettishly with that village girl, they became even more curious. It was only when Wen Ming found out that she was actually a small assistant of Orientalmiracle, and with her status, being able to walk so close to people like director Li and Sister Hua, she could only think of herself as a village girl. She must be a master! Expert!

Baby Li always stood behind them when they were shooting, but she noticed a tiny movement from Director Li. He always clapped his hands on his knees when he had nothing to do, and his movements were very slow when he stood up. The careful Lil 'Li knew what he was doing this for.

When Baby Li went out to buy vegetables, she brought back something. It was Ailee. It was made from Ailee Leaf. It also has nicknames: baby Ai, leaf Ai, wormwood, family Ai. It is of the genus Artemisiae and its scientific name is Arimisiaargyi.

Morphological characteristics: perennial baby, underground rhizome branched more. Plant 45 to 120 cm tall, stem erect, rounded, outer covered with grayish-white soft hair, stem branched from middle above, lower leaves withered when flowering; middle leaves irregularly alternate, shortly stipitate; leaf blade ovate-elliptic, plumose deeply split, basal lobes often falsely stipulate, lobes elliptic to lanceolate, margin coarsely serrate, adulate, adaxial surface dark green, sparse white soft fur, abaxial surface gray-green, tomentose; upper leaves sessile, apical, apex leafy, pedunculate, mostly dense, racemes densely whitish; The flower color is different because of the variety, there are red, light yellow or light yellow color. Achenes oblong, hairy or glabrous.

Distribution: Mainly in east Asia, such as Korean Peninsula, Japan, Mongolia. Northeast China, North China, East China, Southwest China, Shaanxi and Gansu are all distributed. Its adaptability is strong, generally grows in roadside wilderness, baby land. Wherever it is sunny and well drained, it grows, but with moist, fertile soil it grows better.

Medicinal Characteristics: Baby Ai has a close relationship with Chinese life. At the Dragon Boat Festival, people always put baby Ai in their homes to avoid evil spirits. When the stalks are dried, they soak in water to disinfect and stop itching, and the parturient usually uses baby Ai water to bathe or fumigate. The traditional pharmacological theory holds that the leaf has the function of regulating qi and blood, wet-cold, warming meridian, hemostasis, and calming the fetus and so on. Modern experimental studies have proved that Erigeron breviscapus has antibacterial and antiviral effects; antiasthmatic, antitussive and antiphlegm effects; hemostatic and anticoagulant effects; sedative and antiallergic effects; protective liver and gallbladder effects. Baby Ai can be used as a recipe such as "Aileen Tea", "Ailee Soup", "Ailee Soup" and so on to enhance the body's resistance to disease.

Baby Li used it to make a "ginger moxibustion".

Cut the ginger into pieces and cut into slices of ginger about three centimeters thick. In the middle, she would pierce several holes with needles and make a small nest of Aileen. When she was ready, she would take it to Director Li's side, ignite the Aileen and place it on her knee.

Director Li had never seen anything like it before, so he asked with a smile, "Oh, little baby!" What are you trying to do? " Baby Li squatted in front of Director Li's knee, helping him to massage his acupuncture points while saying, "This is called Ginger Moxibustion, it's very effective for your rheumatism leg."

"How do you know I have rheumatism?" When Director Li finished, he suddenly remembered hearing about Baby Li's power. He smiled and pointed at him, "You're really something."

Baby Li only smiled amiably and said, "When you're free, you can give yourself a moxibustion like this.

"When the local burning pain is felt, a slight mention of ginger, or change the stick or stick to moxibustion, is usually 5 to 10 times stronger each time, depending on the local flush. When you have time, I will give you a few more needles, the effect will be faster."

"Needle piercing!" "No need, I'm in terrible pain!" Director Li heard that Baby Li still wanted to give him acupuncture and shook his head like a rattle drum. When Baby Li saw this, he smiled and wondered why so many people had been pierced with needles. But considerate said: "No needle can also, you just slowly moxibustion this! "It will be fine, but time will be slow." This is good! "The heat feels very comfortable." It can also prevent mosquitoes from staring at you! " "Baby Li said with a smile." Is that so? That's even better. " Director Li imitated Baby Li's movements as he slowly lifted the ginger leaf, moving it back and forth on his knee as he massaged it.

Lil 'Li handed over the finished tofu to Assistant Wang and told him to change it every once in a while. Only after she was done did she go back to busy herself.

After Orientalmiracle was filmed, Baby Li flew back to Taipei with them. When Baby Li flew back with Orientalmiracle again, Baby Li brought Director Li something, a small box, called a moxibustion box, made of wood. It was divided into two layers, with a few small holes, and there were also some special tokens, which he gave to Director Li.

Baby Li also taught him how to use it, and told his assistant to remind him to moxibustion five times a day, and that his rheumatism would slowly recover.

Director Li reached out his chubby hand and pinched Lil 'Li affectionately. "You little ghost girl."

The film crew's staff felt incredulous when they saw Director Li's actions towards Little Li and his smiling face.

Actually Director Li looked chubby and beaming with kindness, but when he worked, he was given the title of "Sai Zhangfei". How could Baby Li, who had just gotten to know Director Li, know him? If any of the staff members were careless and did something wrong, he would blow his beard and glare at them. That manner was not one of anger or might, but it was scary. Only the staff member who had a kind attitude towards Baby Li would be surprised.

Once, when Ayla heard the staff member's comments, she found out about Director Li's name, so she walked next to Baby Li and coldly said, "I didn't expect you to be so good at socializing. First it was Tyrannosaurus rex, then it was Yi Zemei, now even Ah Bing doesn't reject you from a thousand miles away, and there's also Sister Yu and Brother Hua. Director Li An has treated you so well after meeting you a few times. The director has the title of 'Sai Zhang Fei', but is like a kitten to you. He might as well have the director arrange a role for you.

She said that nothing was new to her, but she was surprised when she said that the director had the title "Sai Zhang Fei". She even smiled and said to Ayla, "Director Li, do you have another title? I don't know. I'll tease him at dinner later. Thank you for telling me. "

Ayla heard Baby Li say this and looked indifferent. She was angry, red and white, and there was nothing she could do about Baby Li, so she just stutteringly walked away. She was used to saying anything that didn't make her angry. He couldn't really be so shameless, right? How could she guess what was in Baby Li's heart?