Chapter 4223

Name:Pill Dao Supreme Author:lqing
“You are going to Dongban!?”

As soon as these words came out, Jin Xiaocang looked surprised, even the red lotus floated out, full of face Suspicious: “Good point, why do you want to go to Dongban? This is not a joke.”

Jin Xiaocang also said: “Yes, Yichen, although you have to act cautiously in Central Province, But Dongman is even more enemies everywhere for you, are you sure you want to take risks?”

Qin Yichen thought for a while, said with a smile: “It’s okay to go and see, the key is to stabbed out this time The holes are too big and we must avoid the limelight.”

“Secondly, if I continue to act in the Central Province, if just and honorable, the Thousand Emperors League and all the enemies will definitely stare at me and be afraid of giving Tianming Senior is causing trouble.”

Jin Xiaocang thinks about it too, Dongman is all enemies, and Yichen, a brat, has many enemies in Central Province!

Although there are a lot of influence fearful life and death struggles of Die Tianming, this fearful is limited, let alone other things, if this matter is stabbed out, the gods will be able to light up in a moment The butterfly race is flat.

And this is because Qin Yichen has deliberately kept a low profile and concealed his identity several times.

“If I continue to conceal my identity, it will be revealed sooner or later. This time, Senior Ling will help me deal with the aftermath, but it may not be necessary in the future.”

Jin Xiaocang thinks about it, the key is Qin Yichen. No matter what enemies he provokes, he still can’t stand up to support him, so to speak, go to Dongman to experience it is appropriate.

Thinking of this, Jin Xiaocang breathed a sigh of relief: “In this case, I will tell you about Dongman’s current situation and the changes over the years, which are slightly different from those of Honglian. As for Yi Rong to hide his identity and so on. , I believe you brat yourself…”

Honglian also came interested. Although she followed Haochengzi back then and knew Dongman quite well, after so many years, Dongman must have changed.

It is through Jin Xiaocang’s popularity that Qin Yichen has a preliminary understanding of Dongman.

First of all, Dongman has Donghuang oversee, its history dates back to before True Dragon expelled Dongman and dominated Central Province.

In other words, the status of the Donghuang clan is just like True Dragon back then.

“The Eastern Emperor has ten Eighth God Kings with a long inheritance. These Divine King races have experienced ups and downs over the years, but they have never withered, because among them, twelve races were Donghuang’s assistant is very similar to White Tiger Clan, Phoenix Clan and your clan’s origin.”

Qin Yichen slightly nodded, and heard Jin Xiaocang say: “This time you encountered the Chi War God King, And the Chili clan behind it is one of the ten Eighth God Kings.”

Speaking of this, Jin Xiaocang’s face was slightly dignified: “After you disappeared, except for the Demon King Rama personally rushed to this Ren Chi Lizu Divine King also shot, and then, Guang Senior Ling died, unwilling to put any clues and his god bones into the hands of Dongman…”

Qin Yichen looked a little sad, Then he muttered his lips, muttered: “Ten Eighth God King, the strength of Dongban is also strong enough, my brothers and sisters, but also known as the Shifang Divine Race.”

You need to know, This is the bottom line after Dongman was defeated and expelled!

I don’t know Jin Xiaocang said with a smile: “It’s not like that. Ten Eighth God King doesn’t mean that you can beat the ten brothers and sisters of your clan back then.”

” You know, the ten brothers and sisters of your clan, each with their own ability and flourishing period, can have more than one Divine King oversee. Back then, the East Man’s Tenth God King also had its own advantages. Don’t underestimate it.”

paused, Jin Xiaocang said with a smile: “Actually, as far as I know, there were only 12 Divine Kings in Dongman back then, and the remaining six Divine Kings are just like ours. A prince.”

Qin Yichen was stunned, and suddenly realized something: “Senior said that Ramana was the Demon King, Chi Zhan was called Divine King by the Eastern Barbarian, and Senior was called the Divine King. The clan is called the lion king, is it Senior……”

Jin Xiaocang smiled proudly and said indifferently: “If you don’t have the strength of the king, how can you be worthy of the glory of our ancestors?”

Qin Yichen corner of mouth twitching, secretly thought lion Senior Wang, this force, no…this strength is too strong!

Although he knows that Jin Xiaocang is very strong and must even surpass Die Tianming, Qin Yichen previously thought that the lion king is an honorific name for outsiders.

Whoever thinks, that king character is not only a respectable name, but also a symbol of strength!

Jin Xiaocang continued to tell, and Qin Yichen also knew that the Divine King of the six directions, although he was not an assistant to the Eastern Emperor, has stood up to the Eastern Barbarian for so many years.

As for the Xin Mi inside Dongman, the three-headed Golden Lion Clan is beyond reach and can’t be touched.

Ask Honglian again, it’s also rare for Honglian to say that he doesn’t know…

Because of the period when Honglian was in the middle and late stages of True Dragon dominating Central Province, and True Dragon The expulsion of Dongman brought Central Province to its peak, and endless years have passed.

But there is one thing Qin Yichen knows, whether the Eastern Emperor clan or the Tenth God King clan, they are all his enemies!

This is also one of the reasons why he chose to go to Dongman for his experience. As long as he has a chance in Dongman, killing is over. For him, there is no indiscriminate killing of innocent people.

Secondly, know yourself and know your enemy can fight every battle without defeat. Although Dongman is defeated, he retreats to Dongman, and can stabilize his position and open up the chaotic world of Dongman. Until now, There is a faint tendency to contend with Central Province, which is worth learning from him.

“Apart from this, there are five hundred and twenty tribes in the East Barbarian. Although there are a lot less races than the Central Province, these are all through the opening up of the chaotic world of the East Barbarian, and most of them have experienced The battle that year.”

“Step by step inheritance, it can be said that each has a long history, and the background is not shallow, and even the weakest Barbarian Race has a god-level oversee, and even the medium-level Barbarian Race. There are several great powers in the realm of gods!”

Qin Yichen Suddenly, in short, the ethnicity of the Eastern Barbarians is far less than that of the Central Province, but the overall strength is not inferior, so that more than five hundred tribes have gods. In the context of overseeing, there is also the possibility of ZTE’s rise.

“It’s about that much. Although the Heart Demon clan has planted spies these years, the information available is rarely shared with my clan. In short, Dongban is not shallower than Central Province, so remember to act carefully.”

Qin Yichen remembered it in his heart, and then said again: “Don’t know when you will come back, let alone what strength you will be when you come back. By the way, Senior, do you think Brother Yaohui and Junior can Become a god first?”

Qin Yichen thinks it can be compared with Jin Yaohui, because both sides have each other’s strengths. In terms of strength, he is not inferior to Jin Yaohui.

But Jin Yaohui’s realm is far ahead. It’s still under the great palace of the three Golden Lion Clan, um… it’s also the only flesh and blood left of the lion king. It’s cultivated by the lion king himself, it’s definitely better than himself. Moisturize.

Even so, Qin Yichen did not feel that he would lose to Jin Yaohui. It was not a comparison, but a mutual encouragement among friends.

However, when I mentioned this, Jin Xiaocang’s face darkened, and he sighed: “Hui’er… his injuries are a bit serious. To tell you the truth, after coming back, even if I personally heal the injuries, the realm will fall. Quite a lot.”