Chapter 5424

Name:Pill Dao Supreme Author:lqing
But not long after flying, I saw Qin Yichen’s within both eyes flickering in time and space, and suddenly, thousands of blade light blasted behind him.


Only listen to the original deep starry sky, there is a snorting, and there is a silhouette that seems to melt into the darkness. The anger leaves, but it follows in the darkness. in.

“It’s the eagle dog in the dark part of Celestial Court, really watching us secretly.”

“They won’t stop picking the Star Monarch king, let’s leave as soon as possible.”


Flying all the way between this unfamiliar starry sky, about two hours later, Que Heavenly Jade suddenly frowned, and said to Qin Yichen’s group of sound transmissions: “Here, and the real Great Desolate Era It’s really different.”

“Because the first ancestor provokes the evil Rakshasa under the mountain range, when the clan moves, he will fly all the way, and the stars encountered are depicted, but we have passed along the way. It is obviously different from the description of the first ancestor.”

Although their arrival made the divine tower leave the stars earlier, but these years in advance will not affect the heavens, the earth, and the stars. The operation of birth and death.

Qin Yichen is also dashing eyebrows: “It seems that this is indeed not the real Great Desolate era, so what we have seen and experienced, is it a mirror image, or what?”

The second ancestor of Emperor Dique said before he came, taking the example of the Dique clan and Wu Jin Clan next to each other, saying that the Great Desolate era they encountered would be different from the real era.

When it really happened, Qin Yichen couldn’t help being surprised. Some stars that should have been recorded by the first ancestor of Emperor Que were gone, but one after another star wheel appeared. The universe is vast, the natural phenomenon is endless, and more One after another the stars are reflected in the aurora, ignorant, bizarre and motley, mysterious and endless.

Not only that, Qin Yichen also vaguely felt that when they shuttled through the space, it seemed that the time they were in was different because they flew into each Star Domain.

Just like the continent of the suspected Holy Land, like the continent of the first ancestor of Emperor Que, the distance between the two is not only a few hours, and the time they are in is also many years away.

But Qin Yichen is also hard to guess where he came. After all, Boundless Starry Sky has nothing to refer to. He is just worried about whether he can find the ancestors of True Dragon and Shifang brothers and sisters. What age will it be when you find them?

“It won’t happen, as long as this space-time rift span is large enough, since the Great Desolate Era, our race has experienced a whole epoch of glory.”

Qin Yichen Thinking about it this way, but seeing the divine tower frowned suddenly, as if stinging, he stopped moving forward.

“First ancestor, what’s the matter?!”

Qin Yichen all quickly looked back and found that not only the divine tower, but also the ancestors of the Dique clan, give it to them at this moment It feels like this piece of star space, there are countless fine needles stinging them, making them feel very painful standing here.

“First ancestor, what’s the matter with you?”

The second ancestor of Emperor Que hurried forward, but saw the divine tower panic: “I, I don’t know, just feel that this The starry sky seems to be unable to tolerate us and is about to swallow us.”

The second ancestor of Emperor Que was vigilant and even broke into some terrifying Star Domain again, but they stood still for a long time and couldn’t feel it. How strange.

“Should not deliberately target Dao Venerable Realm, right?”

Que Heavenly Jade whispered and looked at Qin Yichen, but found that the latter looked normal, just staring at divine tower seems to be thinking about something.

“I may have guessed the problem…”

Qin Yichen slowly said: “We flew all the way, through time and space, I don’t know how many years have passed.”

“The reason why we are not different is that we came through the rift in time and space, and what we encountered was not really the Great Desolate Era.”

Although Qin Yichen does not know the details. Reason, but he can probably guess where the problems of the divine tower are.

“And the first ancestors, it is this era, the creatures of this era, they are different from us.”

“In other words, they were more than 200 million years ago We are more than 200 million years later, and we are flying along the road, and time is not known whether it is forward or backward, but it is not the age of the first ancestor.”

Immediately, Qin Yichen looked at the second ancestor of Emperor Que again: “Old Ancestor, the life essence of the first ancestor, probably?”

Que Heavenly Jade thought for a while: “It should be about six million years old.”


According to the records of the Emperor Que family, Divine Tower finally realized the edge of Daohua Realm, but unfortunately, his fleshy body and various divine abilities naturally have no future generations, like Wenqing Princess. Experienced in the Great Holy Land Secret Realm of the Emperor Que clan.

Various kinds of gaps such as Fleshy body determine the difference between the life essence of the divine tower and the later Wenqing Princess, even the same realm.

When I heard that my life essence was said, Divine Tower was not lost, but was full of joy: “Six million years? Can I live that long?”

Qin Yichen is speechless, but the optimism of the divine tower is not fake. You must know that even though it is as powerful as the second ancestor of Emperor Que, the life essence is definitely far beyond the divine tower.

However, the Emperor Heaven Realm, who was born after the fall of the True Dragon era, has an average of once a million years. It is not certain that the emperor will die, and there may not be a divine tower to live long. .

“Six million years…”

Qin Yichen rubbed his chin, six million years is not short, but in the face of the years, it is still not enough.

“If we go back to before the birth of the first ancestor, then the first ancestor should not exist. If we go to the future where the life essence of the first ancestor is exhausted, then the first ancestor should not exist.”


“Then the strangeness that the first ancestor just felt is the rejection between Heaven and Earth.”

“What should I do?”

Wen Qing Princess somewhat not knowing what to do, can’t you not bring the first ancestor, right? You know, Celestial Court has now sensed the existence of the first ancestor, and even the eagle dog in the dark part of Celestial Court is still hiding in the dark.

Qin Yichen had just noticed that they had insight into the future they were leaving, and discovered that the powerhouse in the dark part of Celestial Court showed aura, and he knew that someone was secretly following.

If you really put the first ancestor here, the consequences would be disastrous.

Fortunately, Qin Yichen meditated for a while, and suddenly said: “Go back first and retreat along the Star Domain we are flying…”

The second ancestor of Emperor Que glanced at each other. After two hours of tossing, Qin Yichen stood in the star space and asked: “The first ancestor, is there such a strange thing now?”

After divine tower perceives carefully, Found no problems.

Immediately, I saw Qin Yichen suddenly imprinting, and the time flickered in his eyes. In an instant, the time and space where the divine tower and the ancestors of the Emperor Que clan were located, there was a ripple of time flowing, like a ripple on a lake. , Shrouded them.

I saw a ball of time condensed like amber, covering the divine tower in it. Such a method surprised him.

Qin Yichen said with a long sigh of relief: “Well, I will cut off a period of time and space in this starry sky, and then cover the first ancestor, so that as long as the time and space barrier is not broken, the first ancestor can follow By our side.”