Chapter 5428

Name:Pill Dao Supreme Author:lqing
Before this, they hadn’t looked at Feng Taixuan with their god eyes, but they hadn’t noticed anything unusual!

This method can conceal a lot of emperor giants. It can only show that this demon emperor is much more powerful than the black Fiend Demon emperor Qin Yichen encountered!

And Que Heavenly Jade rose into the sky while watching the countless bones hanging on his body, like a monster with thousands of faces, deep fear in his eyes.

“This is… the devil with a thousand faces! The emperor with a thousand faces!”

In a short time, the roar resounding like thousands of monsters resounded again.

“Didn’t expect, the ant of the divine tower clan still knows this emperor?”

“Yes! This emperor is a demon with a thousand faces! You know these years, this How bitter is the suppression of the emperor!”

At the end, I saw the corpse of the thousand-faced devil emperor all over his body, and they spoke with him, as if he had come alive, and only saw the wind. Tai Xuan, as well as the countless corpses, slaughtered them like Asura.

“My legs! Did you see my legs? They are my legs!”

Different from the wind that Qin Yichen saw just now, the wind is too mysterious now. Tai Xuan has become a corpse, and one leg seems to be crushed and torn apart by Shengsheng! At this moment, one leg jumped, and his two claws strangled Qin Yichen’s neck sharply!

“My head, did you see my head? That is my head!”

Qin Yichen even saw a white tiger powerhouse whose head was beheaded. , Actually roared at him, the first level was gone, I don’t know how to issue that terrible roar.

And the white tiger rushed forward, and saw that the fractured part of his head had a pair of vertical eyes and sharp teeth like a thousand-faced devil emperor. It seemed that he wanted to take Qin Yichen’s head. Down, occupy as its head!

“My heart…return my heart!”

Qin Yichen was dumbfounded, and the wind was too mysterious. A moment ago, he recognized them with Feng Clan ten and Tianyi powerhouse. But at this moment, like a ferocious demon, he wants to tear off his legs!

“What kind of monster is this!?”

Qin Yichen keeps backing away. What’s more terrifying is that Rufeng Taixuan and these bones are dead, but Aura is terrifying Extremely, not worse than the illusion they just saw!

It is estimated that when Feng Taixuan was alive, he was indeed a great emperor! And these corpses are all ruined in the hands of the Thousand Faces Devil Emperor!

The sudden change, and the corpse of this one baring fangs and brandishing claws in front of me, almost all his senior, and even his daoist ally, made Qin Yichen’s face suddenly changed, and he couldn’t help flying. Sweep back.

At this moment, Qin Yichen suddenly heard Wen Qing Princess’s scream, and saw that the shadow was almost surrounded by some residual paper severed arm, one after another pale and permeating face, the former Can’t help but be surprised.


Jin Tu is out of the sheath, Qin Yichen kills Xiang Wenqing Princess: “Wenqing, this is not something you can deal with! Go to Old Ancestor! Protect yourself first First ancestor!”

This demon emperor is more terrifying than Qin Yichen imagined!

However, when Qin Yichen grabbed Wenqing Princess’s hand, she suddenly felt cold and stiff. Suddenly, she saw Wenqing Princess looking back, but where was Wenqing Princess!

“jié jié…Did you see my eyes? They are my eyes!”

I saw Wenqing Princess who turned her head, her eyes became Empty, two lines of blood flowed out of it, and the smile was extremely stern, and even the lower body turned into a snake’s tail, slamming towards Qin Yichen.

The hair-knotting wife in front of her suddenly changed like this. Qin Yichen felt that she had one’s hair stand on end. He cut it out suddenly, and forced Wenqing Princess back.

“How could this happen? What about Wenqing!”

Qin Yichen’s eyes trembled, he just broke free, scanned all directions, but was densely packed, like an Asura ghost-like silhouette, where And Wenqing Princess, and the silhouette of a companion?

And the snake-tailed woman with bloody eyes chased Qin Yichen again, her face was disgusting, her fangs were raised, and the latter Jin Tu was in her hand, but she had to keep going backwards.

“Will this be Illusion Technique? Maybe, she is the real Wenqing!”

At this moment, Qin Yichen didn’t even dare to wield a knife indiscriminately!

At this very moment, Qin Yichen saw a divine sound blast from a distance.

“The vast expanse is shining, and the glory is shining forever!”

It seems that this voice comes from the vast mouth. Qin Yichen did not see the silhouette of the Supreme Elder of the vast race, but saw it. Like a round of pearls, and like the condensed fruit core of a vast tree, gradually raised, shining one side!

This light seems to be able to Annihilating Everything and purify everything, but what Qin Yichen didn’t expect is that where the light passes, it can reflect the truth, but the corpses did not So disappear!

The pearl that Cang Haomiao took out only made Qin Yichen see the majestic silhouette of the Thousand Faces Devil Emperor again.

I saw countless tentacles of the Thousand Faces Demon Emperor wriggling. Under the brilliance of the pearl, not only was there no fear, but more ferocious. The demon shadow enveloped a side World, which made people feel even more desperate. Powerless.


Not only that, but Qin Yichen also saw that the tentacles of the Thousand Faced Devil Emperor flew up, like the one that lashed out the world, and directly took Cang Haomiao out. The treasure smashed, the light burst, between Heaven and Earth, again there are only countless ghastly roars!


Qin Yichen sucked in a breath of cold air, he Forcing yourself to calm down: “Illusion Technique, if it is Illusion Technique…”


“The sky has changed, the earth has changed, the road has changed, the road has risen and the road has fallen, and the heart has not moved!”

Qin Yichen burst out, and the divine light around him became agitated, but he did not expect it What’s more, the wind in front of you is too mysterious, there is Princess Wenqing whose eyes are bleeding endlessly, and the deity who has come to him for his life, to tear his head and body into countless pieces of corpses, there is no intention to stop. !

“How is it possible? Isn’t this…Illusion Technique? Are these bones not puppets manipulated by the Thousand Faces Devil Emperor?”

Qin Yichen’s mind trembled, if this is not Illusion Technique, where should Wenqing be? And the Wen Qing he saw turned into a stern woman with a snake’s tail, like a stern woman whose eyes had been poached away. Whether Wen Qing would have been tricked by’he’ too!

If it is the Illusion Technique, the scene that everyone can see is different. Moreover, even the Heavenly Jade and the emperor giants, Qin Yichen cannot feel their divine might surge at this moment. Movement, as if falling into the methods of the Thousand Faces Devil Emperor!

However, at the moment Qin Yichen was suspicious, he saw a tentacle, rushing out of the layers of magic clouds, and directly tore the space, making him unable to hide, and directly hit him heavily fly!

Not only that, but Qin Yichen will have time to move his silhouette, or land, yet another tentacle comes and kills him, entwining him suddenly. At that moment, the tentacles are tightly bound and the tentacles are skinned. The magic pattern on it wriggled as if it had come alive.

Qin Yichen immediately felt extremely suffocated! And what makes him even more incredible is that, don’t forget, his Innate body is Jintu! It is a magic knife!