Chapter 5431

Name:Pill Dao Supreme Author:lqing
Qin Yichen was also agitated in his throat. He looked at Wen Qing Princess, his eyes were gouged out, leaving two lines of blood, and the scenes where he wanted to go out of his eyes were like a nightmare. memorable.

And Wenqing Princess, let alone tremors, jade hand embraces the mind, and keeps backing away: “You, don’t come over… the wood, don’t cut my head!”

” Wen Qing.”

Qin Yichen trembled all over, as if he was not the only one who had experienced the nightmare just now, Wen Qing Princess had encountered a more terrifying danger.

“Wen Qing is not afraid, it has passed.”

Qin Yichen walked forward and hugged the trembling one, letting it struggle, but the former raised his fingertips and passed his heart. The recording was surging, and he clicked into his eyebrows!

After a while, Wenqing Princess’s trembling stopped, but weakly limp in Qin Yichen’s arms, Wanyin was crying.

“Wood, just…good terrifying! I saw that you lost your head. Yes, I have to chop off my head.”

“Don’t be afraid, it’s all over.”


Qin Yichen glanced at the sky again. Fortunately, he was able to turn peril into safety when he met Long Wan’er for help.

But soon, Qin Yichen let go of Wenqing Princess, and saw that time and space surged in the blade-like god eyes. This time, his gaze almost turned into substance, tearing Split time and space.

Qin Yichen must confirm that all the companions reunited at this moment are all right, after all, the methods of the Thousand Faces Devil Emperor are too weird.

After a while, I saw Qin Yichen raise his eyebrows, and his voice was cold and severe: “What a devil with a thousand faces!”

“Unfortunately, you have been suppressed, and it is difficult to turn around. !”

Sure enough, as Qin Yichen had expected, all of his companions were unharmed, but he encountered a possibility that would happen in the near future.

That was when Long Wan’er and a group of former heroes were attacked, and they seemed to have fought with those discíples that existed.

Qin Yichen rushed to support, but as a result, it is still a trap created by the Thousand Faces Devil Emperor!

“The magic power of the Thousand Faces Devil Emperor changed its position, making us think that we were far away from him. The result…”

Fortunately, with the lessons from the past, Qin Yichen is prepared. , And he had just finished coldly shouted and heard the roar of the Thousand Faced Devil Emperor from all directions.

“little bastard! You can’t escape the palm of the emperor!”

The roars made Princess Wenqing shudder again, and Qin Yichen rubbed her green silk. Slowly comforted: “Don’t be afraid, he has been suppressed. If we can kill him, we are also impossible to stand here.”

Unfortunately, that severed arm that suppresses the Thousand Faces Devil Emperor is just one thing. An imperial powerhouse of Taotie clan!

And if the severed arm can be brought back, it must be the Supreme Treasure far surpassing the corpse of the emperor Fiend Demon!

But Qin Yichen also just think about it, the Devil Emperor is really terrifying.

You must know that Long Wan’er just now only relied on Shaohao Zhong, it is obviously difficult to suppress the Thousand Faces Devil Emperor again, or rely on the power of that Taotie Emperor’s severed arm to help them get out of trouble.

This kind of power is definitely far better than the emperor Fiend Demon!

Of course, Qin Yichen can’t care about the comparison anymore. After all, the black Fiend Demon was exhausted at the time. If he were to retreat for thousands of years, the consequences would be the same!

It’s just the formidable power of Taotie Divine Palm. Not only Qin Yichen saw it, but even the second ancestor of Emperor Que was deeply shocked. It is indeed the ten Deity Clan of the True Dragon era, known as destroying heaven extinguishing earth, Taotie of swallowing heaven devouring earth!

Qin Yichen is also more curious about the origin of Long Wan’er.

The dragon girl first met at Celestial Court, she entered the land of the heavens and took away the heavens, and not only the bloodline was pure, the dragon Xue Haoran, and all kinds of methods, all made Qin Yichen couldn’t believe it.

Furthermore, in such a realm, you can control Shaohao Zhong. If the former hero still has a certain influence, then let Shaohao Zhong, the Emperor Treasure, one of the five human race emperors, be handed over to Long Wan’er, Visible trust in it.

In addition to the palm that awakened Taotie Diwei, Qin Yichen felt that Long Wan’er seemed to have the fate of his body, and thousands of emperor-level Taoism have the words at hand.

Despite being of the same clan, Qin Yichen admires Long Wan’er, but also a little bit more envy.

But at this moment, I don’t care about guessing Long Wan’er, because the two Great Elders of the human race still have a look of fear, and they use their hands and feet to avoid the Qin Yichen crowd.

“Don’t come, don’t come…”

“Tianxing, wake up! You wake up! I am Feng Nianwu!”

Qin Yichen cast his gaze, and saw Feng Nianwu retreating while encountering some terrifying sight, whispering his own name in his mouth.

Feng Nianwu leaned back on one side, and wielded a bone stick, making it difficult for Cang Haomiao, who wanted to come forward, to approach.

“Not good…”

Qin Yichen’s heart is shaken, you know, these two Elders, but were swallowed by the thousand-faced devil within the body! I don’t know what kind of horror they have encountered, but it seems to be worse than their experience!

Qin Yichen is a little worried. If you continue to shout like this, the two Elders shouldn’t shout the word Yichen, it will be over!

“Let me see.”

Qin Yichen stepped forward, while Cang Haomiao held the shining pearl in his palm, even Que Heavenly Jade was holding a lantern, The light in the lantern is ignorant, as if this lantern originally has the mysterious to appease the heroic spirit, and at this moment, it can also calm a little fear.

“Old Ancestor, help me suppress it.”

Que Yuheng looked at the timing, the thirty-six emperor reached out and strangled Feng Nianwu’s bone-stick arms. When Qin Yichen saw this, his fingertips shone, and he tapped the two Great Elders between the human race’s eyebrows, and the heartbeat was surging.

After a long time, until Que Yuheng was pumped several times by a bone stick, and he was almost bloody nose and swollen face, did he see the two Great Elders of the human race tremble suddenly and fell to the ground feebly.

Cang Haomiao’s eyes flickered, and then took out the vast branches, crushed them into vigorous branches and leaves, dripping into the lips of the two of them.

“There is no worry about my life, but the Devil Emperor of Thousand Faces is too terrifying…”

The two Great Elders of the human race fainted. According to Cang Haomiao, being awake is only a matter of time. .

Qin Yichen breathed a sigh of relief and was able to look up at the direction where they escaped from the Thousand Faces Devil Emperor.

“Thousand-faced Devil Emperor…what kind of existence is this? Is the powerhouse of the imperial realm so terrifying?”

The answer in the second half of the sentence seems to be affirmative.

The powerhouse of the imperial realm drew the dynasty from the Dao Dao, that is, the black Fiend Demon that Qin Yichen encountered was suppressed and exhausted before being able to kill him.

The real powerhouse of the imperial realm is absolutely a flip of the hand gather the clouds, another flip turns them to rain in the Heaven Realm.

Moreover, it is obvious that the Emperor Realm also has strengths and weaknesses. The Thousand Faces Demon Emperor is obviously better than the Black Fiend Demon Emperor.

Compared to the Thousand Faces Devil Emperor, Wenqing Princess wants to figure out where this has come.

After Qin Yichen looked around, the world was still so dim and boundless. He frowned: “I’m afraid, this is not the Great Desolate Era anymore.”

“What? Then let’s come. Where are you?”

Faced with Wenqing Princess’s question, Qin Yichen slowly shook his head, but then said: “Don’t forget, when the Thousand Faced Devil Emperor ambushed us, he called the Emperor Que clan. It is the divine tower family!”