Chapter 279

But this giant thunder and lightning giant is not as big and bloated as it was at first.

At least enilu's consumption is not small.

And now, Ling Yu is also very clear about the shortcomings of Aini road.

That's speed.

The strong attack and defense is at the expense of enilu's lightning speed.

The attack after enilu incarnated as thunder and lightning giant has rarely hit Ling Yu.

Of course, if you hit it.

It is also very hurt to Ling Yu, who has armed color and domineering defense.

Before Ling Yu was accidentally hit by Aini road.

That violent thunder and lightning let Ling Yu's body still have a little numbness now!

Even if it goes on like this, the consumption of Aini road must be greater than that of Lingyu.

Because enilu uses this move, the Thor will certainly cause a great burden on the body.

It's impossible to persist for a long time.

But Ling Yu is not sure how long ainilu will last.

Once ainero's body can bear it for a long time, the battle will become a protracted one.

That's not what Ling Yu wants to see.

Because Ling Yu has no foundation on the empty Island, only through the strong defeat of enilu can he establish absolute prestige.

Once he is in a protracted battle with enilu, even if he defeats him next.

The shock may not reach what Ling Yu expected at first.

I think it's going to be tough for enilo!

Ling Yu's eyes flashed a cold color, and cut a huge gap in the giant arm of Aini road again.

Directly waving the wings of the wind, flying high above.

Now Lingyu's control of the wind field has been upgraded to a new height.

It can directly condense the force of wind element in the process of ascending.

So when Lingyu reached the same height, the wind elements within a thousand meters had almost condensed to his side.

Ling Yu immediately closed his eyes, hit the spirit, and sketched a vivid image of the wind dragon in his mind.

"Come out! Wind dragon

At the moment when Ling Yu opened his eyes, the dark blue wind dragon, which was completely outlined, opened its huge dragon eyes at that moment.

"Take it! Ernie road

"The wind dragon roars!"


the next moment, in the eyes of all who are watching this battlefield.

There is a picture like this.

In the sky hundreds of meters above a giant lightning giant.

There is a deep blue dragon with wind whirling all over the body.

He was roaring down at the giant thunderbolt giant.

"Look! I said the boss won't let ainero continue to be arrogant. "

"The wind dragon roars is a move that the boss used to deal with Hawkeye mikhok and drought Jack. Enilu can't take it!"

Kate ran towards the giant vines while she introduced the boss to Noki, who had only used it twice.

"Wow! Did the Dragon become a brother? How handsome Weiwei said with a star in her eyes.

"Really, and such a big dragon is so lifelike. Is it really powerful?" Annie also opened her eyes and kept staring at the dragon.

"Hooray! Is it the way to sink an island? If you use this method to defeat enilu, there should be no problem! " Noki Gao thought of it with a little relief.

"From such a distance, you can feel the power of that dragon. This breath is so much stronger than that of the sand crocodile kroddar. It seems that it is not the same level! In just a few months, has boss become so strong? " Nicole Robin couldn't believe it.

"Oh, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho! I don't know when my sword will become so strong? " Brooke had a unique voice and said with a laugh.

After seeing the giant dragon with them, raqi couldn't help but cover her mouth with her hands!

"Is that the legendary dragon in the fairy tale?"

"Is the Lord the embodiment of the dragon? Is he sent by heaven to help us recapture Chandra

"This time, this time, we will succeed!"

At the moment of seeing the dragon, raqi didn't know what she thought, and the whole person trembled with excitement.

A few times, when I jumped on the tree trunk, I almost lost my step and fell down.

"Hello, Hello! Are you all right? "

Kate is very close to raqi, found out that she was strange and asked directly.

Raj shook her head at Kate, indicating that she was OK!And then the silence did not say buried in the road.

Kate didn't ask raqi any more when she saw that she didn't seem to have something to do. Then she continued to talk about the scene when Ling Yu used the wind dragon to roar twice before.


similarly, in addition to one man and one dog still fighting, the battlefield has been quiet.

The magistrates and shandia's soldiers also saw the giant, which was hundreds of meters long.

"Is that the legendary dragon?"

"How could it fight with enilu? Is this dragon called out by the Lord? "

"The dragon should have beaten the gods!" Asked a shandia warrior in doubt.

"Certainly, the dragon will help us recapture apayado!" Another shandia warrior said firmly.

"Don't be kidding. Lord enilu is an invincible God! He won't be defeated by a big worm A magic soldier on a tree nearby roared excitedly.

"Yes! Yeah! How can Lord ainilou fail? Even if the other party is a dragon, Lord ainilou is the strongest! " Another soldier roared.

"It's not ·"


when the soldiers at the bottom argued endlessly, several main forces and deities on the top of the tree did not speak up.

Because they understand the importance of that fight!

It can be said that the battle is about the fate of the island.

If the battle is decided, the battle here will be less important.


look at the Dragon diving down rapidly.

There was also a crazy smile on the giant face of enirona, who was incarnated as the giant of thunder.

Is this your trick?

Let's see who is the winner in the end!

"200 million volts Raytheon rice wife! Die for me! Qinghai people

Enilu, who has become a lightning giant, has a steady stream of thunder elements gathered on his right hand.

Then he turned it into a huge lightning bolt and shot out to the landing wind dragon.

"Just in time, the wind dragon roars and destroys everything in front of you."

The next second.

The huge thunder and lightning impact directly with the huge dark blue dragon!