v3 Chapter 158: Mass extinction

The woman in front of the complex face was Nicole Robin, a little girl who had lived with Tang En for a while.

Now she is an adult, her body is full of mature breath, her eyes are looking at Tang En, excited but nervous.

How many years have passed, how many springs and autumns have the two separated? At that time, because of their innocence, after being abducted and sold to Maple Leaf Island, they had no chance to meet again.

Once again, their position has changed, she has become a pirate, and Tang En is still a navy.


Robin exclaimed.

While at the bar, she was not sure whether it was that person. According to her age, the other party was already forty years old. How could she have such a face?

But at this moment, she has already determined.

The coldness in Tang En's eyes suddenly dissipated, and there was a warmth in his eyes, staring at Robin who was trembling gently.

"Are you still happy here?"

Robin nodded excitedly: "Well! Happy, they are very good!"

But Tang En shook his head and said, "No matter how happy you are, you are also a pirate. Have you made a good decision?"

After a pause, the voice increased.

"Will you leave with me, or continue to be part of them!"

Lu Fei Nami and others are anxious: "Robin!"

A little hesitation appeared on Robin's face, but soon she shook her head: "They are all my partners, I can't abandon them!"

"Sorry, Down!"

Tang En was not surprised by this result. He stared at Robin and nodded gently: "You are grown up, I am very happy!"

"Let's live a good life in the future!"

Robin focused on: "Well!"

Tears appeared in her eyes, and Tang En was the most cherished person in her life, arguably her most respected and close person.

During those children's years, the other party was with her and taught her to learn a lot. Despite the opposition of identities today, it is clear that the feelings between the two are not so easily cut off.

It was also at this time that Robin only reacted. The man in front of him was not malicious to his group.

"However, being a pirate is not what I want, you still have to be punished!"

At the next moment, Tang En's words came out, and a thunderstorm struck between his fingers.

Robin, who was close at hand, couldn't dodge at all and was hit directly, his body trembling and falling to the ground.


The others exclaimed, their faces anxious and tense.

"Damn, you know Robin!"

Luffy roared and rushed over.

Tang En turned his head, easily avoiding his attack, and said with a light smile: "I also know you, straw hat boy Lu Fei, Kapu's grandson."

"Do you know Grandpa?"

Luffy froze.

"He doesn't want to beat you up. I'm different. I'm a navy without feelings."

"So, here, you better fight with the result of the annihilation of the whole army!"

Tang En's voice was very soft, but it made everyone's heart beat violently.

They discerned that what the man said was true!

"Luffy, be careful!"

At this moment, Sauron's cry came.

Luffy reacted, and Tang En's figure had reached him.

"Arashi Feet!"

The figure turned in the air, and a roulette was drawn on the right foot. In a blink of an eye, the slash went straight to Luffy.

The latter evaded quickly, and the ground in front of him was exploded, and a gap appeared.


Everyone took a breath of air, looking at the huge gap in front of him, trembling inexplicably. The ordinary six types of navy, used in the opponent's hands, turned out to be like a disaster, far more than the pigeon male of Judiciary Island.


Tang En stepped out in one step, the ground was crushed directly, a whirlwind rose in place, and his figure suddenly disappeared again.

"His physical fitness is amazing!!"

Nami shouted.

Luffy focused on the location where Tang En appeared, but the next second, the opponent did not come behind or in front of him.

"France, should you know me?"

Tang En stared lightly at the panicked man in front of him.

"Tang, General Tang En."

Frankie trembled.

Tang En moved his body and punched directly.


The energy even came out through the body, directly hitting the tree behind him, exploding large pieces of bark, and Frankie stooped in pain and slowly fell to the ground.


Luffy shouted, his face completely changed.

In just a few rounds, his companions fell to the ground one after another, and he could only watch, without even the slightest ability to resist.

Afterwards, Dunn appeared in front of Choba and kicked out. The latter flew directly away and hit the tree.


Luffy yelled again, trembling all over, painful.

"Feel the pain and experience the smell of death."

"Only infinitely close to death can understand the true meaning of life!"

Tang En said lightly.

Luffy was so angry that he ran over in strides and launched attacks one after another, but it didn't do anything. They were easily avoided by Tang En.

"Even if you don't have the strength to protect your partners, how do you want to take them to the path of dreams and become one piece?"

Tang En's words pierced Luffy's heart one after another, making him howl in pain.

"The blood full of blood, without the strength to make the bottom, is like playing every game, naive and ridiculous."

Nami shouted: "Enough! Down!"

Tang En turned around: "I almost forgot you, if Rossius woke up, he should be pleasantly surprised."

Nami trembles all over, she pulls out the gun from her waist and takes a deep breath: "I don't care how powerful you are, please don't humiliate my companion anymore!"

Xiangji Shi lay dying on the ground and gritted his teeth, shouting, "Nami!"

Sauron's three knives were already out of the sheath, staring at Tang En, looking for a shot. But he soon became desperate, and the other party stood casually, but could not find an opportunity to start.

The elementalization of the nature department is completely immune to his attacks, so that he has no point.

Tang En stepped out, and in the flash of thunder, he immediately came to Nami: "Do you want to do something to me?"

"Think about the result? Or are you confident that you have the strength to deal with me?"

The cold words made Nami tremble.

But she quickly made a decision. At the next moment, her body sprinted forward, stepped out, and the black sword in her hand suddenly sprinted.

"Dragon shot!"


Faintly, a panlong roaring behind Nami awakened, the gun and sword roared, and launched an attack, rushing towards Tang En.

After a short breath, the stab passed by and passed through Tang En's body, fell behind him, and split a large tree.

"Being able to face a strong enemy, still having the courage to shoot, you have grown up too, Nami!"

Tang En sighed, a thunder ray burst between his right fingers, instantly covering Nami's body.

After two breaths, Nami fell to the ground softly.

Luffy's eyes were broken, and he shouted in pain: "Damn! Damn! Damn!!"

With no expression on his face, Tang En continued to walk, and there were not many people left.

The Straw Hat Pirates is about to face the end of the group.