v3 Chapter 251: News of Cyrus

New world.

This is the end point of the pirates, and also the stage of the pirates. Countless powerful and weak strongmen came here to break a loud reputation, and then quietly passed away here.

The Pirate's Paradise is also the Pirate's Graveyard.

Roger opened the era of the big pirates more than 20 years ago, allowing countless greedy and ambitious young people to rush towards the sea, dedicating their lives and their lives.

Under countless **** lives, it has also created this extremely prosperous era of big pirates. In this ocean, the pirates are in charge of everything.

They are uncrowned kings, and they rule the sea.

The four emperors stand at the top and stand at the peak of the ocean. The emperors are the king of the sea! There are countless strong men under his command, and his forces are all over the sea, with nearly invincible power.

Whether it is the navy or the world government, in this ocean, their power is infinitely compressed, unable to touch the real prosperity zone.

The nations of Bigumam dominate the 34 islands and form a huge kingdom. There are countless warships under its control, and it is difficult to measure the strong.

Kaiduo's Pirates, Demon Fruit Ability is outstanding, and is stationed in the Kingdom of He, conducting unknown trades.

Two of the four emperors, their power is already two huge kingdoms, standing at the pinnacle of the world.

This is just a simple summary, but it is already shocking and can't confront head-on. Not to mention the terrible fighting power in its kingdom.

"The situation in the new world is far more complicated than before."

"In addition to the four emperors, there are powerful pirates who are wandering around, and the guys who have escaped from the city this time are huge threats!

Ruilong stood behind Tang En and said with a condensed voice.

Half an hour ago, they had rushed out of the sea, and the eight warships were neatly arranged and slowly moving forward.

With Tangen as the center, this fleet of general-level fleet is undoubtedly full of combat power. But even so, in this sea area, it is still careful to drive.

"It doesn't seem so easy to defeat the four emperors!"

Tang En's eyes flickered and sighed softly.

"Unless they are like white beards, they personally walk out of the site, lead their elite, and have a decisive battle with the Navy, otherwise, it will be very difficult!"

"Like Kaiduo, Bigu Mamu, their territory is very vast, the scale of power is also very large, the number of its staff is unimaginable!"

"Rush into their power hastily, once found, it is extremely dangerous!"

Ruilong said with a deep voice.

Speaking of which, he hesitated again.

"Why? What are you hesitating?"

Don asked.

"However, if you have the strength of a general, you will be able to retreat with complete confidence!"

"Once, you seem to have faced Kaido and Bigumam, and they have an understanding of their strength!"

"And the fighting power under their command does not affect you much."

Ruilong said.

"It's been a long time since I was able to accurately judge the strength of these two people."

"Kaido's combat power should be at its peak right now!"

Down Road said.

"Aging white beard, Shiji of the old era, whether it is Kaito's opponent, it is difficult to tell!"

"Isn't there a word in the world? If it's heads-up, it's Kaido!"

"This man deserves attention!"

Ruilong nodded, each of the four emperors of the pirates is not an easy generation. White Beard lost, and Tang En's reputation increased.

However, the other three of the four emperors cannot be ignored. Everyone is a terrible character as powerful as a monster.

"Brother Tang En, we may have to go to Dresrosa on this trip."

"After Cyrus returned to his country a few years ago, the news was sent back every long time."

"There, it is now under the control of Qi Wuhai Duo Flamenco, and we are worried about his safety."

Pedro said suddenly.

"Do flamenco."

Tang En's eyes narrowed, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, you can contact Cyrus. It would be best if we could contact Nature."

"if there is not!"

Sen Han appeared in his eyes, and other people's expressions also changed at this time, and they gritted their teeth.

Cyrus is the best friend of all, and has always been Tang En's most loyal guard, and everyone has long been a brother.

"The island where the new army is located will have to pass through the area behind Dresrosa, which is relatively far away."

"We first go to Dresrosa and pick up Cyrus to return to the team. It is the best choice!"

Dorans said quietly.

They are all worried about the safety of Cyrus. After all, this silly big swordsman, it has been a long time since the last time I contacted them.

The ship continued to sail forward, and three hours later, the telephone bug contacting Cyrus was connected.

"Hello! Brother Cyrus, my Pedro! How are you?"

Pedro shouted at the phone bug.

"Fortunately! Cough cough cough!"

Some vicissitudes, deep, coughing violently came from the phone bug.

Everyone heard it and frowned.

"How are you? Have you encountered any danger? We are all in the New World and are now heading to Dresrosa to be able to support you immediately!"

Pedro shouted.

"New World? Who are you with?"

Cyrus's voice was a bit dazed.

"I, Durrence, Waldford, Pat, and Kodmu are all here, and Brother Tang, who is also in the new world!"

"Our fleet is heading towards Dresros, Brother Dunn, need to know what's going on there!"

Pedro said quickly.

Cyrus's voice was very low: "The situation is not very good, and my situation is not very safe."

Just then, there was an anxious female voice next to it.

"Father, they came after you again, don't say anything."

The phone bug became quiet, and Pedro was nervous. After a long time, Cyrus's lowered voice came again.

"Do flamenco has mastered the whole country. I am not his opponent. I was injured and have been hunted down by his men."

"You must hide it. Brother Tang and I will arrive at Dresros soon, and we will avenge you!"

Pedro said loudly.

Tang En also spoke at this time, his voice a little serious: "The girl next to it, is it your daughter?"

"Gurus, take care of your wife and daughter, hold on, we will arrive soon!"

Cyrus was very excited when he heard Dunn's voice: "General Tangn, great, I finally heard your voice again."

"Protect yourself and your family, we will not keep you waiting!"

Tang En heard a deep voice, and his eyes shone coldly.

"Dor flamenco, I will make him pay!"

Cyrus took a deep breath and coughed again: "Okay!"