Chapter 109: 3 generals of justice

"So Brother Kuzan, don't you have a new lieutenant general under your command..."

Wright sat in the office of General "Blue Pheasant" Kuzan, helplessly looking at the Frozen Fruit Ability who was lying on the chair and just pushed the blindfold to his forehead.

"Brother Sakarski has at least two major generals promoted to lieutenant generals, and even Porussalino has one, and the major general Gumir under his command will be promoted to lieutenant general soon to replace G. -2 Branch..."

"There is no one on your side... Don't you think there is not even a person discussing tactics?"

Wright wants to visit the three generals, and he must start with the friendliest Kuzan.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, brother, I didn't expect you to become as long-winded as Mr. Sengoku..."

muttered vaguely, as if he had said something that shouldn't be said, Kuzan awakened, and opened his eyes to see Wright's subtle expression.


"Senior brother, don't worry, I won't inform the old man in the Warring States period." Wright waved his hand with a smile of "I will definitely say".


Kuzan smiled bitterly and sat down, resting his arms on the desk: "Didn't you notice, brother..."

Kuzan pointed behind him, and Wright saw the huge plaque behind Kuzan with the flowing characters:

"Lazy Justice"!

Right squeezed his temples: "So brother, are you too lazy to train your subordinates?"

"Well... it's okay to understand this way."

"Brother Wright, brother, I am very happy that you can finally reach the height of lieutenant general. If this is the case, brother, what do I need to help, brother, you should not refuse?"


"Haha, just kidding...Wright, since you have become the youngest lieutenant general in the club, have you determined your own ‘righteous way’?"

Kuzan was rare and serious, and he looked more majestic with his hands folded.

"My ‘righteous way’ does have considerations. I am planning to visit three seniors and have considerations in this respect," Lai said.

"Brother, why is your'lazy justice'? With your ability, you can instinctively do more and better, but unless you meet it, you rarely take the initiative... Basically choose to ignore it."

"..." Kuzan was silent for a moment before slowly speaking, "This is a story from a long time ago..."

"I know, I can see it too, Wright..."

"You and Mr. Karp, Mr. Sengoku, and even Teacher Zefa, have similar thoughts, and I did the same at the beginning."

"But after experiencing certain things, my opinion has changed. Wright, in fact, for many years, I have been confused-is the Navy really the incarnation of justice and the spokesperson of justice?"

Wright looked at Kuzan in surprise, this powerful brother, has been confused all these years? What a joke!

"The navy is just a war machine that protects the interests of the world's ZF and the Dragon people... Although I really want to say that, the fact that the navy's existence does maintain the stability of the world as a result, and maintains the'justice' in most cases." Wright affirmed.

"Although there are many unjust things that have to be done under the orders of the World ZF..."

"But even the World ZF itself has to take care of its own face, and dare not go too far-things that are too much naturally have CP to do."

"And what I want to do... well, wait for me to go further, haha!"

"Are you going further..." Kuzan listened to Wright's opinion with interest: "You are not very young, but you can see it very thoroughly... Brother, you are getting more and more interesting."

"Then let me see... your way of justice."

"If you can uphold your own justice and go one step further... As a brother, I am diligent, so why not?"


Leaving Kuzan's office, Wright chose "Yellow Ape" Polusalino for the second stop.

"Yo! Brother! I brought a gift!"

"Oh~Brother~ Seeing you coming, brother, I’m so happy~"

Polusalino's wretched voice came: "It's not too late~ Congratulations, brother, you~ How about promotion to lieutenant general?"

"The 26-year-old Lieutenant General~It's terrible~"

"... I said, brother, among the three generals, you are the least qualified to say that others are terrible..."

Wright took a bunch of bananas and put it on Polusalino's desk. He broke one and peeled it slowly.

Polusalino is cutting his nails... The crisp voice of the nail clippers matches his "terrible" tone, which is super inconsistent.

"Not bad~" Polusalino slowly said: "Junior Brother, your record in Beihai~ I heard it~ In the lieutenant general~ it is also considered top class~"

"I'm a gang fight..." Wright glanced at the plaque behind Polusalino:

"Ambiguous justice"!

"Brother, after being promoted to general, are you free when you don't have a lieutenant general?"

"Oh~ yeah..." Polusalino squinted and laughed: "But it's also good~ you don't have to run around~ it's good to go to get off work on time~ the salary has also increased a lot~"

"Then the top?" Wright pointed to the top: "I heard that the general is going to serve the Tianlong people?"

"Well~ I don’t need to bother about this~ There is a marshal on top~" Polusalino said triumphantly: "I'm just a part-time worker~ the marshal can just do it~"

"Okay..." This monkey is very cunning It's an old bastard, let's go and see the last general...

In Polusalino's profound eyes, Wright left and went to the office of General Sakaski "Akadog".

"Brother, I am here today to ask senior brother for advice about the "righteous way" of senior brother."

To an iron-blooded soldier like Sarkarski, it was natural to get straight to the point. After Wright sat down, he directly expressed his intentions.

"My ‘righteous way’..." Sarkarski sat in front of the "Total Justice" plaque and was silent for a while before saying: "If I ask another person, I will think he is joking..."

pointed to the plaque behind him, and Sakarski's aura pressed towards Wright like a volcano: "Then Junior Brother, what do you think of my'complete justice'?"

"According to the senior brother's style of doing things...' Do everything you want to do to kill evil' and'Don't let go of killing mistakes' can be described as vividly and vividly." .

"There is no doubt that the hatred of the pirates and sins of brother is extremely strong. So, you chose the most iron-blooded, most direct, and most intense means."

Sakaski listened to Wright silently, the shadow of the brim of his hat covering his eyes, making it impossible to see what he was thinking.

"If you don't mind, I'll just say something... Maybe I was very similar to you before." Wright paused and continued:

"After all, I have very little contact with you, but I have been in the navy for so many years. To be honest, according to your character in the rumors, I never expected that you would take the initiative to thank me last time."

"It's okay, talk."