A black persimmon boy on his way to the shore.

When you arrive at the coast, you continue straight into the sea.

The black persimmon boy uses the demon falcon to check the movements of the monsters on the island as much as possible.

Be vigilant when you move to where you are. When there is no sign of it, the black candy boy moves freely around the island.

In addition to this vigilance, I was able to hide by some technique, but even if Kakura and the others leapt around looking for me, I could not find it for more than 20 years.

Diving into the ocean, Black Kid looks for his prey. Thin limbs, like wires, are not very useful for swimming, but by rotating the body of the persimmon itself, he skillfully swims.

After a few minutes, I managed to catch a big prey for the first time in a long time. A sea turtle. Up from the ocean, she puts herself on the top of a persimmon body and walks along the beach with her arms firmly held by her elongated hands, which seem to have no strength at all.

(Okasa... the princess will be delighted)

Just by being aware of it, the black magpie child's mouth is broken. My heart bounces.

Your Highness, we have captured sea turtles.

"Well, I'm happy to come. It's a treat for Kushiburi." Mogichi, thank you for your hard work. "

The princess delighted as expected.

The black persimmon boy chopped off the sea turtle's head and peeled off its armor. Neck and armor are eaten by black persimmon children. The princess devours her internal organs in disorder.

Seeing the princess devouring the sea turtles, the black persimmon boy remembers. The princess and the black persimmon child on the day of her birth. Even when we were both human beings.

Back then, the black persimmon boy took fish and birds and took them to the princess. The princess was always pleased. I wanted to see that happy face. I was glad to see the face.

Someday, the black persimmon child understood. She said that she and the princess knew each other. I think we're thinking about each other.

Since when, the black candy boy and the princess found the gap and started to enjoy the conversation alone, so they spent more time together. It was possible because it was the black persimmon boy who served in the largest mansion on the island and the princess who was the wife of the mansion. It was a most heartwarming time for both of us.

(I don't want to go back to that time. This is the day of paradise. But the paradise is in crisis.)

When I thought about it, I stopped eating black candy children.

Understand that something unusual happened to the demonic falcon. After being shot twice, I panicked, stepped out of the control of the Black Kids, and returned to the Black Kids on my own.

(Have you noticed? Those who came from outside this time will not be alarmed. The boulder is only brought by the manjiji.

The person who attacked the demon was not brought by the male genius, and it was a separate word, but there is no way that the black child could be judged as such.

(The sun will set soon. Until then, I want time. Hunger ghosts can be used at noon)

The black persimmon child looked at the princess while she was eating.

"Princess, please move the place when the meal is finished." A person who works for the princess is coming to this place. "

"Oh, Ma, it's tough to sneeze. You have reported it well to me, Ce Rhino. The tortoise is a posteriori bell, so let's hurry and get out of here." Thank you for all your hard work, Master Death. "

It's painful to hear you say something unworthy.

While the princess was holding a sea turtle that she could not eat, the black candy boy took up a stone-covered daughter who was lying down, and the two of them began to move together.

Junko, Makoto, the Beef Village Sisters, and Kakela travel along the Beast Trail towards the center of the island, aiming for the place where the falcon has disappeared.

It is a slope of a mountain at an altitude of 800 meters, and the narrow beast road is beside it, and branches often pop out, so it is not easy to move. It took me a long time to get to the area where the falcon disappeared.

"This way."

Junko leads the way.

"Do you understand?"

"Yeah, I can tell by the smell."

Kakela asked, and Junko replied as she walked.

"It still smells of fresh blood." The smell of the sea is mixed. It's a little different from the smell of fish, but it looks like you've picked up some sea animals. "

"It's too nosey."

Junko is a pussy.

Yaya and Maja said it with a mixed look of admiration and surprise.

“I was blind when I was born. That's why hearing and smell are so good."

"I see." "What's your eye like now?"

"This is an artificial demon eye, and I can see it properly."

Junko looked back and slapped her back of the head with her right hand, and Junko's eyes jumped out vigorously, quickly catching both with her left hand waiting in front of her chest. And immediately put both eyes into the cavitated perforation.

"Gross." "I saw a terrible show."

Yaya and Maja frowned.

"Makoto can do the same." I'll try. "

"Really?" "You don't have to."

"I've never done it, and I'm not willing to do it."

Junko told me to look the other way. Truth refuses utterly.

Eventually, the six found a lot of blood and scattered flesh and organs.

Kaoru, I wonder if this is a sea turtle.

Junko picks up the fragments of the armor in the blood.

While Yaya is psycho-metricizing, Maha projects the results into stereoscopic footage.

In the video, a giant black persimmon appeared with very thin limbs and a human face floating on the surface.

Next to the black persimmon, someone who looks like a seemingly female-type hungry ghost pushes his face into the body of a sea turtle and eats lavishly.

"It was a black persimmon boy. Besides... this one eating sea turtles... a hungry ghost?" No, but even though the sun is still rising, why is the Hunger Ghost..... "

Kakela excitedly raised her voice. And in the corner of the video -- looking at people lying a little further away from the black candy children, I got even more excited.

Cotton Hazard!

Kakela screams. It's hard to see, but it was a cotton pest that was there.

Is that what's covered in that stone?

And when he saw a girl whose whole body was covered with flat stones and little stones, he said unto him,

"Black persimmon boy, after all, cotton pest... shit"

"What are the benefits of having a cotton pest on hand?" I've heard it's affecting the whole island. "

Beside the regretful kakura, the truth speaks of doubts.

"Is it simply because you want to manage? I don't know at this point."

And, Junko.

“It doesn't change getting it back. Find out where he went. I finally found him and cottonworms!"

"Roger that. I'll follow you. But we're already too far away."

I need to repeat the psychometry while I follow along.

Yaya and Maha answered the request of Kakura, who blew away the usual calmness and became excited.

"Yaya, fly your demons." I'll take on the psychometry. "

Ahhhh ~

As Maja told me, Yaya flies the raven demon again.

Through the raven, repeat the psychometry where the raven is. You can see black persimmon children and female type hungry ghosts escaping.

"Yes, I found it."

Finally, the black persimmon children's escape scenery is captured with the eyes of a raven.

I don't know if I'll be able to catch up in time, so let's use the magic of Yaya and Mahjong to speed up everyone's legs and build their endurance.

"Roger that." "That's a confluence."

Makoto suggested it, and the sisters nodded.

"Everyone's legs are crawling, crawling, crawling, crawling, crawling, crawling, crawling..."

After receiving the magic of my sisters, we all ran after the black candy children.

Oh, this is amazing, it's running at a speed like a car

"Too fast and scary."

"It's a magic spell I put on myself, but I'm scared."

While Junko was impressed, Yaya and Maya were scared. If I didn't do it well, I would hit my body with a branch that was popping out.

The five of them visually captured the black persimmon child.



The black candy boy holding the cotton pest and the princess holding the sea turtle looked back. Junko and the others stop.

"It's really a persimmon haunt." I want to compete with Kakinuman "

Junko muttered when she saw the black persimmon boy.

"It's finally been a pleasure to meet you..." Do you remember me? "

Kakura lowered her voice as she alternated between the black persimmon child and the cotton pest.

"No way... I didn't expect you to find out..." Of course I remember. I've been watching you every day. Kufufufufu... it was ridiculous to look for me desperately over the past twenty years. "

Kakura looked at her, and the Kakuma boy laughed at her.

I'll have the cotton blight returned!

Kakura exclaimed as she spewed out all the emotions she had been accumulating for twenty years.

Viper and the cherry blossom were walking in the woods. The milk ordered me to find Junko and the others.

"You said too much about searching." This island looks small, but most of it looks bad in the woods, and I don't think it's easy to find. "

A blurry cherry blossom as you walk along the path of the beast.

"There's Aizawa over there." If they were to engage, the gunshots would give us an approximate location. It's a small island, so if there's a gunshot, there's a good chance it'll get there. "

And, Viper.

How much did you calculate the milk?

"I don't know. Even if the milk doesn't think about it that much, it doesn't matter because I got to the answer."

Asked by the cherry blossoms, Viper replied with a smile.

"Sure... it's in the mountains again." It was hard to compete for loans, too. "

"Huh? You don't like mountains and forests?" It's nice in the woods. It's a pleasant walk in the woods, but it's also a soothing way to walk. ”

"Sensitivity varies from person to person, but I can't believe it."

Listening to the cherry blossoms, Viper said with a bitter smile.