107 No romance in hell (2)

"Phew, that doesn't work either."

"At least I don't want to hear that from you."

Spreaded the energy of magic all over the body.

Magi bloomed at the end of Gaybolg's spear.

'Rage of Kraken.'

Black pearl coat annotations were used. Stats of 5 increasing to absolute value. Magi stats reached 111 by stacking up to Hansula's buff.



Rain snow shines.

Stats of 100 to 109 and stats handed over 110 differed greatly.

Stats also seemed to be changing significantly on a 10-to-10 level basis.

Magi filling the whole body.

Rain grabbed a gaybolg.

If it were now, I would be able to crush it even if a thousand troops came.

The whole body passed by an intense wave of force.

Even if this was a temporary force given by the effects of Hansula's buff and Black Pearl Coat, it could not be taken up.


I stuck my foot in it.

I stabbed a gaybolg. The whip moves like a living creature and surrounds the gaybolg.

I didn't care.

I pulled the whipped spear back as hard as I could.

"Uh, uh?"

Akiyama's body was pulled by the force that could not resist.

I rolled the floor like a crab.

I threw a spear at him that was being pulled.


One demon also blocked the end of the spear.

Leave the window as it is.

Tearing the flesh, piercing the bone, the dark red spear is shot.

However, there was no choice but to create a very small gap.

Akiyama rolled her body aside.

The spear passed through his clothes.


A cold work of anger.

Akiyama wielded a rough whip. The whip of Magi curls up at an alarming speed.

Steel also has the right strength to tear like a belly button.

'The power of the Iron Wall.'

Judgment was quick.

I put Gaybolg out of my hand.

The powerful gaybolg scattered in the air and disappeared.

Both Magi and Magi invested in the power of the Iron Wall.

His body is overwhelmed by darkness, as if it were a Magi barrier.

"Yi Yi!"

Akiyama's face became red.

I squeezed the power, but I couldn't penetrate the darkness. Changed strategy. He unwhips and energizes.

Magi concentrated at the end of the whip.


That's it!

Magi, focused on one point, pierced the barrier and caused damage.

A handful of flesh fell from the right shoulder of the rain.

But there was no agitation in his expression. No, I was smiling rather darkly.

Rain released from the whip's restraint moves again.

There was no room to use the power of regeneration. Explosively shot using the power of speed, he returned to the clean air and fed the kick.

Per billion!


Even if it wasn't an attack with a weapon, it was a kicker with rapid power.

Akiyama's body bounces with the sound of a cannonball exploding.

The wall was smashed.

Light smoke filled the passageway.

No further attacks were carried out.

Rain ran towards the cracks that were growing more and more.

"Stop tasting!"

"Protect the crack!"

The demons who surrounded the altar rushed.

A battle with the Devil followed.

It was not difficult, but there were a lot of numbers, so I couldn't stop the time lag.

It was not easy to stop ten hands with one hand.

'Damn it.'

I smashed the incoming Demon Bridge with a fist filled with the power of waves.

Dark red blood spilled from the Devil's mouth along with a sense of internal organs exploding.

But the Devil's attack did not stop.

They fled and ran like moths running to the flames of death.

Time is running out.

The duration of Kraken's wrath has been decreasing. As a novelty, Akiyama's condition was not unusual.

"Ah, ah…."

Out of Akiyama's mouth came a sigh of despair.

I felt like my heart would be torn by the misfortune of the men who were with me.

'If I had been stronger.'

I clenched my fist.

If only three of the Cardinals had been 'Apostles of Evil', they would have been able to rescue their men from the hands of that unidentified intruder.

Anger and regret at not keeping his men pressed him.


Grasping the whip, he said. The devil's gaze gathered upon him.

"I'll take care of him! Run, everyone!"

"Phew, Cardinal...!"

"Well, you can't!"

A lamentable cry came. He shouted in a trembling voice.

"Don't worry! Even if my body dies here, our beliefs are true! The wind! It will continue forever!"


"When do you think people will die! When the heart was pierced through the window? No! When you can't control Maggie and become a monster? No, no, no! When our beliefs are forgotten! That's when we die!"

Hot tears came out of the devil's eyes.

Akiyama also shed tears along their path.

The rain opened their mouths as their hearts began to choke as they watched.

"You're shitting me."

Akiyama frowned upon the thrilling criticism.

"Don't insult our beliefs!"

"Don't take the lines you picked up in the cartoons seriously. Everything I see is embarrassing."


Akiyama's body trembled as if it were a real cartoon line.

"If you're a villain, just cut it in half and stab it."

I reached out.

Three powers overlap, creating a two-meter Great Sword.

Certainly they were incredibly hot and enthusiastic, but I don't intend to put them in my hands.

They were devil's churches.

It was not difficult to imagine how to raise forces and summon demons.

They seem to have fallen for one screw, but they too must have been someone's fear and despair.

I didn't know what my beliefs were.

None of that mattered.

There was work to be done, and time was rushed.

"If your beliefs are so important, go for it."

I lifted the Great Sword.

I threw my sword at a crack big enough to reach the new ceiling.


Akiyama threw herself. Gram pierced his body. Dark red blood splattered everywhere.

"Huff! Huff!"


The rest of the demons were desperate. I didn't have time to care about them.

Rain approached the cracks.


The rest of the Demons looked at him. I didn't run anymore. They lifted Akiyama's dying body and fled.

The rains stared at their backs as they fled.

It was not difficult to finish with a chase. There was no retribution on that side.

"Damn it."

I spilled a short mouthwash.

The cracks were already too big to chase. It was more urgent to stop Reese from summoning him.

I approached with a crack.

The buff of Hansula and the duration of Kraken's wrath are over.

After focusing on the Magi of the Horse in both hands, he touched the crack.


The power of the crack pressed his hand.

If he had known about Devil Summoning, he would have been able to close the crack more efficiently, but he was forced to close the crack now by a lack of knowledge.

It was an ignorant method, but it worked. The size of the crack began to shrink slightly.

All right.

There was hope that it could be closed. It was then.

Stab. Stab.

Tentacles stretched out from the cracks. It was a familiar 'tentacle'. I got tired of the look of rain.


Tentacles emanating from the cracks touched the rainy skin.

The red cloth on the tentacles sucked his body like a savour.


The tentacles touched his body trembled.

It became clear to me that I was trembling with joy and melody.

I didn't have to think about who the owner of this tentacle would be if I tasted the body and lived in joy.

I'm on my way, my king...

"No! Don't come!!"

I was desperate.

I was trying to come back to Earth with something I never wanted to see again.

Rain exploded the energy of magic. I was just wondering if I should open the war.

'The Battle of the Horse....'

Echidna's voice came to mind.

Concerns were not long.

'You don't have to stop me from risking my life.'

It was true that I didn't want to see Reese again.

But it's vague to ask if you don't even want to meet someone because you gambled your life.

'Do what you can now.'

It was stupid to risk your life for something like this.

Rain suppressed the cracks with the energy of magic, while using the power of predation.

Margie is cracking right now.

To eat it with power.

Maggie came inside.

The magi of the crack was mixed with the finish.

'Just a little more.'

The size of the crack has become smaller.

It was now the level that only one person could pass through.


Reese's elasticity has been heard. The tentacles that surrounded him disappeared back into the cracks.

Rain's eyes sparkled.

He squeezes all his strength and once again suppresses the crack.

The amount of magee cracks absorbed by the power of predation was even greater.

'There are very few deadlines.'

Is it because I used too much power?

There were very few deadlines left in the battle. It was difficult to suppress the crack with just a margin.

Rain closed my eyes. I focused. I remembered the Celestial Dragon Simulation I learned from Kim Si-hoon.

If there were very few deadlines left, I would be forced to make them immediately.

The Celestial Dragon Simulation was run to the limit.

Created by a tribe that absorbs Magi with the power of predation.

I felt a stabbing sensation in the expansion of the magic.

'Almost done.'

I bitten my lips.

No matter how excellent it is to control Magi, it was not easy to operate the Celestial Dragon Simulation so quickly.

The blood in my body seemed to burst with overload.

'Now just a little bit...!'


The clap hit my hand.

The crack is closed.

A blue light emanates from the closed crack and enters Kurosaki Glass, which is fainting on the altar.

'The ability to summon other dimensions' seemed to be returning to her.

"Phew, Phew."

I vomited a rough breath.

The rains settled, wet with sweat.

The excitement and fatigue caused by running Margie to the limit prevented Reese from summoning.


I chose to breathe.

The process did not go smoothly, but it succeeded in stopping the summoning anyway. The rainfall extended to the spot.



I heard a familiar bubble. I slowly opened my eyes that I had closed. A message window appeared before my eyes.

[The size of the horoscope to reach the extreme horoscope has been achieved.]

[All 3 conditions of Ultimate Magazine have been met.]

[The transformation of the flesh begins.]