453 the Ernoir mission (4)

"Uh, um..."

The reporter, who was passionately continuing the broadcast, blurred the end of his words with a blank look.

Not only the reporter but also everyone who was looking at the Ernoir mission could not speak with a perplexed expression.

Not to mention the chat rooms of live broadcasts around the world.

[First Meeting with the Ernore Mission Live: 403,271 Current Viewers]

JEREM: What?

What is it?

Bronz Escape: What? Are you a pseudo?

TREASHA: You're crazy, you're crazy.

Aren't you a fanatic?

ROYUJIN: Wow, seeds. Blonde elf! The blonde elf really showed up!!

Earth spoon: Squirtle!

Loyumi : No; Is that what you're saying in a situation like this?

Band-Aid: Guys, this isn't what's important right now. I'm in big trouble!! Found hidden dungeon at gate!!

Butterfly Valley: Agro Ben, please.

I'm sick of it.'

The Hernore mission, which can only be seen as a pseudo-catholic no matter what they try to look good on.

Negative opinions began to pile up that Iris' dazzling appearance could not cover.

It's not good.

It's the first impression that's near the worst.

It is clear that the Hernor continents, who should cooperate and interact in preparation for future dangers, will be considered fanatics as a group.

'You have to show that you're not a pseudo fanatic.'

Now it was meaningless to say that the mission was stopped.

The whole world has already seen them crying out for the Lord of Kwanghwi and singing Omen.

It was impossible to erase the memory of everyone who saw this scene, no matter how heavy it was. 'Now that I've come to this.'

I have no other choice. They should not be made mad zealots, but real God-given believers.

"But I'm glad my name didn't come out.'

If his name had been mentioned directly, the situation would have become more complicated.


I let out a light breath and flicked my finger.

Whoo! Whoo!


[Light of light!]

[Omen! Omen! Omen!]

A brilliant golden light began to flow from the body of the delegation crying out for light.

The whole mission began to shine golden.


Rain turned his head and looked at the blonde woman at the head of the delegation.

There was only one person who could calm the situation down a little. Iris.

Oh, yeah! Rain!

Iris smiled brightly as if she had found herself.

She looked as if she was asking for a compliment and felt as if she was pulling her back.

Stop this shit right now.

Dog, dog, dog...

Yeah. Tell them to shut up.

Ha, but... Iris shuddered at the voice of the angry rain.

I guess he thought Kangwoo would like it.

Do as I tell you from now on.


Iris nodded his head with a depressed look.

I felt sorry for her for a moment, but now I wasn't in a situation to take care of such a small thing.

Kangwoo told her how to deal with the situation at all.

"Hey, this is..."

[Huh. Everyone must have been surprised.]

Iris smiled lightly and raised one hand.

Fortunately, as if she had selected only those she could control and formed a mission, the believers of Kwanghwi-kyo, who cried out for Omen, spoke firmly when she raised her hand.

I offer my deepest apologies for having been so rude as to convey even a little bit of the grace of light to the people of the earth who are going to have a good partnership.

He lifted the hem of the priest's suit slightly and bowed politely.

Until the rainfall came, Iris was treated half as a woman, but the etiquette education she received as a queen went nowhere.

The expressions of the people around me, who were embarrassed by the elegant movements that seemed to be drawn in pictures, became a little calm.

"Well, can I ask you what the grace of light is?"

A reporter with an interpreter's harness on his chin asked cautiously.

I'm talking about the grace of the God of Gwanghui, who curls our Hernore Continents. Um... just a moment, please.

Iris slowly lifted his right hand.

Whoo! Whoo!

At her fingertips, she opened her eyes and began to glow painfully golden.

The golden light, which soared to tens of meters above the sky, spread out like a tent and began to descend slowly.

A scene like a golden raindrop falling from heaven.

'The power of the cat.

At the same time, the power of rainfall was revealed.

It was a power that encouraged the whole body and made the body in the best condition to fight.

In the case of rainfall, the body itself was a power that was not needed much to maintain its best condition naturally, but it was different from ordinary people and players gathered here.


'Why, for some reason, I'm getting energized?' 'Stand up, stand up! Something that hasn't stood for 20 years has stopped!"

Kwang-hwi's grace began to grope for themselves with astonishing looks.

The fatigue and irritation on their faces washed away.

Naturally, the conditions of the people gathered to see the monumental first encounter between the Earth and the rest of the world were close to the worst.

I've been stuck in that crazy crowd all day, so I'm not tired anymore."

The surrounding situation, which caused so many people to flock to the market, was a good thing.

This is the grace of the God of Gwanghui. Of course, only a small fraction of what I've shown you.]

Iris replied to the reporter's question with an elegant smile.

The reporter also looked down at his body and opened his eyes incredibly.

I felt my body overflowing with energy after spending several nights preparing to cover the news of the Ernoir mission.

The eyes of the people around me who looked at Iris and the delegation changed.

They were not cult fanatics, but real gods' grace and miracles.

"Is there... any player among you?"

Just because you are an earth person does not mean you can't perform this miracle.

The Earth's players also had the ability to do this miraculous thing.

Of course, thousands of people were so rare that they could hang wide-area buffs on a lightweight crowd.

Player? What is that?]

"So we've benefited from the system and reformed our levels and characteristics..."

[No, there's no such thing.] Iris smiled lightly and shook her head.

The only faith in light. By faith alone, the God of Gwanghui gives such grace.]


The reporter's eyes reeked of distrust.

Can you do something that you can do with a player only by faith?

It didn't make sense.

Do you think it's ridiculous?]

"Oh, well, it's not..."

[Ho Ho, you don't have to be so embarrassed. It's not strange for anyone who hasn't been blessed by Kwang-hwi to think so.]

Iris held the reporter's hand with a friendly smile.

[Well, would you like to try and memorize the Omen prayer?] Normally, it takes a long time to get grace, but... Today, I will especially pray to God of the Great Hwi.]

"Um... Oh, Omen?"

The reporter kept the words in his mouth with a sour look.

Let's do that.

Whoo! Whoo!


The brilliant golden light from the sky began to permeate the reporter's body.

The reporter backed away with a look of surprise and then looked down at the golden light on his body.

"This is..."

The whole body was seething with energy.

Kim Sun-kyung, a reporter covering Iris, finished her third awakening.

It was.

Because the characteristic rating was so low, he could no longer enter the high gate and turned to the reporter's path, but he still had a distinctly different power from the general public.

That's why I could tell.

a band ring

["Blessed by Kwang-hwi (?).]

[He became an apostle of the god of Kwanghwi(?).]

[All Stets are rising sharply!]

[Rank: E' increases to Dank!]

"This is..."

The message that came up in front of me.


"What, what."

"If I really believe in it, can I be encouraged?"

People look incredible.

I was looking between Iris and the reporter.

The commotion began to escalate.

Iris looked back at them and spread his arms wide.

[Kwang Hwi's grace is no race, no gender, no age...] I don't even care about the world I live in.

Only Iris' voice echoed clearly where the silence fell.

The grace of light is with you, the people of the earth.

Iris looks at the camera that the reporter is holding.

He smiled broadly.

That is proof that the world we have lived in is different, but it leads to one.

"Oh, oh!"

Cheers began to burst out everywhere.

At first, the people who were looking at the Hernore mission with a look of some pseudo fanatics looked at the brilliant radiance flowing out of them with their eyes shining.


Looking at the reactions of the people around him, the rain clenched its fists.

"That's it. That's it!’

It succeeded in miraculously reversing the situation that could have been the worst.

'There's an unexpected apostle.

Kangwoo smiled bitterly at a reporter named Kim Sun-kyung, who was covering Iris.

I'm glad you learned how to make an apostle in the New World."

It was possible for a person with dignity to make 'Hwasin' and 'Sado' using his or her prestige.

In the case of incarnation, it is possible to deliver part of the deity, but to some extent, the damage suffered by the incarnation will be shared by the deity.

Of course, as you can see from the image of Layla sitting in a wheelchair for the first time, the damage caused by God is also transmitted to the incarnation.

In the case of apostles, it is impossible to deliver their identity, but it was possible to permanently increase their power by using a certain amount of divinity to give blessings.

Rain was also blessed by Gaia and became her apostle. I've lost my voice, but with this much.

At the very least, he blessed a player who had a third awakening.

Although the spirit was worn out, it was not enough to care. 'It's all right if you turned this around.' Something about turning this around.

The rain sighed with relief.

It was then.


"Omen, Omen, Omen."


What's this? The rain looked around as if it were ridiculous.

All the spectators who were watching what happened between Iris and the reporter began to cry out for Owen.

a band ring

The Earth Branch of Gwanghui Bridge has been formed.

Depending on your faith, you will be able to supply and demand divinity.]

It was the moment when the glorious name of the Kwanghwi Bridge, which hit the Ernoer continent, spread to the Earth.