Chapter 131: When Miss Green Tea became the love group controller (25)

Covering the wooden door, Bi Ming felt the chill coming towards her.

Above the sky, the oxygen is thin, and the wind blowing will make people feel a little uneasiness that will make it hard to stand still.

Amid the whistling wind, she calmly examined her misjudgment this time—

Why did they attract the guards of these ruins? Or, what triggered the ruin's security system?

If the entrance is correct, it is an "Unauthorized entry" problem.

Inside the door, there was the sound of battle. Bi Ming would not doubt the strength of those S-ranks. If they weren't worried about the ruins themselves, they could solve those alien monsters in a few seconds.

And Phoenix asked her to come out, most likely to prepare for a "Comprehensive cleaning" of the entire ruins.

If she was stuck in it, they would not be able to control the strength of their abilities and could easily hurt her by accident.

"Gu?" The stupid pigeon in her arms suddenly struggled to fly out of her arms and fell to the ground.

Bi Ming lowered his eyes and watched it slowly approach a small dead leaf with a small black beetle on it.

"Do you think it's weird?" Bi Ming and his pigeon are of the same mind, and now crouched down, staring at the little bug in confusion.

The beetle's shell looks as smooth as chocolate, and is engraved with a special pattern: The tearful eyes, the lower eyelashes and the tear marks form a symbol similar to pi.

And the eyes of the bug itself are also very strange, as bright as glass balls, with a faint blue luster.

This gave Bi Ming a strong sense of déjà vu – just like looking at the Sphinx, it was exuding that strange magnetic field from top to bottom.

She searched carefully in the memory bank and finally found the source of this sense of sight:

"Is this... the Eye of Horus?"

The moment her voice fell, the Beetle's body, like a charged toy, began to emit a distinct blue light and a "ZZZZ" start-up sound.

"The key is correct." The mechanical sound that appeared out of thin air made Bi Ming take a step back.

"Please answer the password immediately: Please provide 6 fractions with 1 as the numerator (non-repeatable), so that their sum is 1. The answer is limited to thirty seconds, starting now: thirty, twenty-nine..."

Bi Ming took a light breath and felt the thrill of the sudden acceleration of her heart.

Math problem? Good, she seems to have some ideas.

Moreover, she understood why the original work did not mention the details of the entrance of the second ruins. If this question was handed over to Cecia, the "Cultural master", it would be blind. After all, before Cecia crossed, she could only be regarded as a fish master, not a mathematician.

"The Eye of Horus comes from an Egyptian legend. If I remember correctly, its structure can be decomposed into six points. They are..." Bi Ming's mind quickly turned, "1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64... a set of proportional series?"

Bi Ming vaguely remembered that when they were playing the mathematics competition, I don't know who mentioned infinite series. At that time, the competition class also studied this mysterious and ancient eye, which contains the principles of ancient Egyptian mathematics.

As she murmured, the little beetle picked up her voice and announced the result: "The password is correct, allow entry."

Immediately, on the grass where she was standing, with the sound of "squeaking", a circular entrance that was well concealed and almost integrated with the environment slowly appeared.

Bi Ming licked her dry lips and looked carefully at the mechanism of the circular entrance - all of them passed through here, but no one found a real passage hidden underground!

In other words, the wooden door was a bait, digging a hole for some illegal intruders who thought they had found the "entrance".

It can only be said that the maliciousness of the designer is a bit big.

She sighed and glanced at the deep "entrance", where there was an alloy staircase going down the stairs, but she was afraid that she would encounter an alien that would make her lose her san, so to ensure safety, let's wait for everyone to come out.

However, God seemed to dislike her being so leisurely, and there was a clanging sound from this underground passage.

Clearly, the battle inside isn't over yet.

Bi Ming took a deep breath and carefully pushed the open "manhole cover", but did not push completely.

"That," she whispered to the little beetle who was obviously in charge of guarding the gate, "Since I answered the password, can I stop the attacking of the people in the ruins?"

"There are illegal intruders inside, and the guard's attack cannot be stopped." The little beetle responded mechanically.

"Then what about closing this entrance?" Bi Ming asked.

"The entrance will automatically close in two minutes. Please wait patiently." The security system was obviously set up with an automatic timer, so he couldn't understand Bi Ming's concern—the sentries were killing aliens, what if a fish escaped from the net?

The sound of heavy objects hitting the ground became more and more obvious. Bi Ming could only pick up the broken hair on the side of her ear, and take a few steps back with her pigeon. No matter whether there were any monsters rushing out of it, she would cope with it herself.

Soon, she took out the portable weapon she had used in the camp before from her backpack—the electromagnetic rod that paralyzed the nerves of the creatures, and then turned on the auxiliary function of the sneakers to enhance running and jumping.

As the rumbling sound in the underground passage kept getting closer to her ears, she tensed up and her lips became white.

Despite being mentally prepared, Bi Ming still felt a sense of dizziness when the pitch-black claws hit the ground—

The black monster, with humanoid limbs and torso, and a lizard-like head, exudes a thick fishy smell.

This is not a variety show, but a disaster movie scene.

Between the lightning and flint, the monster also saw her, its developed hind limbs shrank, then jumped up, and rushed towards her from the air.

Instead of screaming, Bi Ming calmly pressed the maximum power of the electromagnetic rod, and threw it steadily and ruthlessly towards the monster less than two meters away - as for why she threw it, instead of holding the weapon to fight it, because she is self-aware.

This body lacks exercise, and if it is too close to the alien, not only will it not cause any damage, but also be directly overturned by the opponent's claws.

Fortunately, the throwing aim was good, and the electromagnet rod hit the monster's head, and it was paralyzed by the strong electromagnet and froze instantly.

Taking this opportunity, Bi Ming ran in the direction of the wooden door.

In fact, this is a very dangerous choice, because she can't tell whether she will encounter a sentinel or an alien after opening the door.

Once attacked by both sides, she can't run away.

So after pushing the door open, she felt a strong aura coming towards her, so she could only close her eyes helplessly—

Leave it to fate.

Then she felt a hand wrapping her waist and abdomen, and the hot temperature spread from his fingertips to her whole body.

The next second, a voice like the sound of nature rang in her ear: "Don't be afraid, it's me."

Before she could clearly identify the other's face, she heard a sharp neighing noise behind her, followed by a strong gust of wind.

In the midst of a whirlwind, Bi Ming felt that she was being hugged tighter by the opponent's arm, almost embedded in the opponent's embrace. At the same time, a cruel voice sounded behind her ears.

"Fiirr—" There seemed to be a separation of flesh and blood, tearing.

When her chaotic brain resumed operation, she found that she was curled up in a man's arms and trembling uncontrollably, while the other party's eyes went beyond her, staring coldly at the alien who had been killed by him with his bare hands.

Bi Ming saw that the other party's cold and white face was stained with green slurry, and the red hair fluttered in the wind, making him look like an oil painting made of splashed paint with mixed colors.

When she turned around, she found that the man's hand was like a piece of steel, piercing the monster's chest.

The alien's blood was green, and the tissue fluid was translucent, all sticking to the hand he wasn't holding her on.

"Fini..." She called out his name softly, with a hint of strangeness. This was the first time she had seen Zhuma solve the problem of rough skin and thick flesh with only one hand without using superpowers. Alien.

The other party seemed stunned for a moment, and then looked down at her with a tone like melting ice: "Sorry, Testai, I'm late."

She looked at the red-haired man's hand dripping with unknown green liquid, and after a long time, she whispered her thanks.

Whether the action is terrifying or not, he is a savior.

Phoenix was actually a little bit remorseful. He thought he would not let Bi Ming take any risks outside, but he did not expect to bring her even more shock.

The moment he saw the alien pounce on her, something in Phoenix's mind suddenly exploded, subconsciously using the simplest and most primitive way - this hand, pierced the opponent's chest.

It was only when he regained his senses that he began to think, would his straightforward and cold-blooded fighting style make her afraid?

However, the next second, the girl interrupted his worries with a brisk voice:

"Well, do you want a handkerchief?"

"Huh?" Only then did he realize that he didn't seem to be blamed or hated by his childhood sweetheart.

Before Phoenix let go of himself, Bi Ming grabbed his arm with her backhand, and her azure blue eyes met him clearly, "Thank you, I almost thought I was going to die."

"I didn't pay attention..."

"This kind of place is inherently dangerous," the blond lady raised her face at this time, a faint blush appeared on her pale face, and said earnestly, "You saved me and stained your hand, I should say sorry."

Phoenix looked at the beautiful girl in front of him. Under the shade of the tree, her hair was messy and clinging to her cheeks, but her usual arrogant and cold eyes were like a peaceful ocean at this time, gentle and moist, as if tolerant of all things.

The man couldn't help lowering his head and put his forehead between her eyebrows, without any distractions, only pure intimacy.

"Testai," his voice was low and magnetic, his warm breath like a low-pitched harp, with gentle tremors, "I find that it seems like I've been saying thank you ever since I met you."

Thank you for letting him get back his childhood memories.

Thank you for her full trust and reliance on him.

Thank you for not showing fear and rejection to his bad side.

…Phoenix thinks things are weird, and he never thought he would bond so much with a playmate from the past.

But every time he saw those bright blue eyes full of trust, the desire for protection in his heart became stronger and stronger.

He would not resist this precious experience, for example, at this moment, staring at the blonde girl who wiped the sticky filth with a handkerchief, all the anxiety caused by the battle in his mind was completely dissipated.

For the sentinel, it is a miracle of one in ten million chances to meet a guide who can make him calm and peaceful even if he is not united.

After cleaning up the last batch of aliens, and taking the opportunity to stroll around the other two sentinels inside the ruins, what came out was this scene:

In the sea of clouds dyed golden by the setting sun, the leaves were also covered with a layer of golden frost, and the red-haired man's fingers were stretched out, caught by another pair of slender catkins, and the white handkerchief gently wiped the residue after the battle on it.