In the hall.

The crowd looked at the empty metal box inside and fell into meditation.

Nangong Jing frowned slightly: "it's a coincidence that the used high-tech creature caught the powerful man of the sharp blade demon clan, and there was a wave of beasts within a few days. Isn't it a coincidence?"

Lin Ling said: "maybe his original purpose is not for aze? It's just by the way to catch aze? "

Lu Ze slightly pursed the corners of his lips and laughed: "just ask."

Lu Ze uses the messenger to contact Michael.

After a series of sounds, Michael got through.

His shadow appeared in the hall, and his face looked very tired.

After seeing Lu Ze, Michael couldn't help but twitch: "Lu Ze, don't tell me that I've found the edge demon strongman of heatstroke again?"

Now he felt a stroke.

Lu Ze said with a smile: "General Michael is joking. How can I be so lucky? And now that the tide of animals has just passed, where can I pick up the edge demon with heatstroke? "

Michael rolled his eyes: "do you know that the tide of animals has just passed? I'm still in the defensive line now, and there are many things. If you didn't contact me, I would never receive communication now. "

Lu Ze smelt speech, smile: "General Michael hard, I just want to ask, now defense there how?"

Michael was speechless: "is that why you contacted me?"

Although he complained, he still slowly showed a smile: "the loss this time is much smaller than expected. Except for the loss of several warships, the casualties are almost zero. This is a miracle!"

"Not only myself, but also other officers can't believe the proportion of casualties. The tide of animals is fierce, and we are ready for big losses."

Lu Ze and others immediately smile when they hear Michael's words.

Nangong Jing and others on one side looked at it with soft eyes.

They all know that it's the credit of Ying Ying. She even ate the two stellar void beasts before they got close to the defense line.

However, this matter naturally can't say with Michael, Lu Ze just smile: "that's really great."

Michael looked at luzer's smile and turned his mouth.

He always felt that Lu Ze was not surprised enough.

However, he would not be foolish enough to think that Lu Ze had done something.

After all, the defense line is close to hundreds of light years, so many Shenwu soldiers, even the saints, can't take care of it, let alone Lu Ze?

So he didn't think much, just said: "you don't contact me just to ask me this? If it's OK, I'll hang up. "

Hearing Michael's words, Lu Ze said with a smile, "do you know the reason for this animal tide?"

Hearing Lu Ze's words, Michael's face suddenly became dignified. He frowned and gazed at Lu Ze: "do you know?"

Lu Ze: "I don't know."


Michael looked at Lu Ze's smile, and his mouth twitched. He was very angry.

"I don't know what you're asking?"

Lu Ze didn't notice Michael's stuffy expression. He said with a smile, "but I may have a clue here."


Michael opened his eyes and looked at Lu Ze in disbelief.

"After the end of the animal tide, we haven't left the defense line, just to prevent the animal tide from coming back. General Chengfeng has sent elite troops to explore for several times now, but no clue has been found. How did you find it?"

Lu Ze said with a smile: "do you still remember the strong one of the eight forged sharp blade demons at the planetary level last time?"

Michael nodded: "the one who can do the dark magic? Of course I remember

Lu Ze brought back a planet level eight forging sharp blade demon strongman and dark magic power, which naturally impressed him.

"Just remember, I found something in his spoils that didn't belong to the civilization of the bladed demons It's a higher level of civilization. "

Lu Ze explained to Michael the previous two black boxes, the weakly ordered space bomb and the metal ball that seemed to be the exploration function.

Michael opened his eyes wide with shock, but he didn't cut in, just listened quietly.

“…… Now, the black box is empty, and the contents are gone. "

Hearing this, Michael's body froze, the whole person fell into silence, the atmosphere became a little quiet.

After a moment's silence, Michael said slowly: "Lu Ze, it wasn't long since you caught this sharp blade demon last time that the tide of void beasts appeared Now you find an empty box in his booty, so you suspect he did it? "

He thinks that this possibility is not small, maybe it is really possible.

Lu Ze nodded with a smile: "what about the prisoner? Can I ask you something? "Michael frowned: "his accomplishments are too high. There is no powerful one who can induce and control his thoughts in our Terran strongmen. These days, he is being locked up in prison. Originally, the head of the army planned to take him back to Shenwu City, but before he could take him back, there was a wave of beasts."

"Now, he's still in the cell at the station."

Lu Ze and others looked at each other.

The cultivation of the strong is too high. There are very few spiritual powers. What's more, they need to have enchanting powers similar to autumn moon and gauze?

It is estimated that Qiuyue and Sha are the strongest mind control powers of the Terran.

Qiuyue and Sha frowned slightly: "the cultivation of the sharp blade demon clan is too strong. I can't control it for the moment."

Lu Ze slightly breathed: "then we can only think of other ways."

There was some silence in the atmosphere. Michael said, "then I'll report to general Chengfeng, and at the same time, I'll contact the station to let them pay attention to the strong one of the sharp blade demons."

Lu Ze nodded: "OK."

That's what he told Michael.

If it's really the beast tide launched by the powerful blade demon, then the reason why we launched this beast tide is obviously of great interest to everyone.

At that time, it will be a great credit.

There must be a lot of merit.


Taking control of the border line, Michael cuts off communication and breathes a little.

He turned his head and looked at the adjutant on one side, with a dignified expression: "contact the resident side, and let them take care of the sharp blade demon clan."

The young adjutant nodded: "yes!"

And Michael started contacting the headquarters.

In an office of the asteroid base, Cheng Feng, a bald man, looks at the star map in front of him and frowns.

All of a sudden, they couldn't find the source.

A moment later, he rubbed his eyebrows and sighed slowly.

Although we couldn't find the source, we didn't find such a large-scale herd in the area of thousands of light-years, which shows that the herd is really over.

Go back.

Chengfeng has plans.

After all, the Shenwu army has other things to do, and it's not a good thing to stay in this area all the time.

Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Come in."

Chengfeng has some low voice.

The door of the office opened and a brown haired man in war armor came in.

"General Chengfeng, deputy commander of Shangyang garrison, Michael wants to contact you, saying that there is an emergency report."


Chengfeng hears the words, slightly stunned.

"What's his emergency? Get through. "

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, the brown haired man nodded and connected the communication.

Michael's hologram appeared in the hall.

He saluted Chengfeng: "general Chengfeng!"

Chengfeng nodded: "well, what's the matter?"

Michael took a deep breath, and then his face was a little dignified: "I may have a clue about the animal tide."


Hearing Michael's words, Chengfeng's whole body is stiff, and his breath is surging slightly, which sets off a gust of wind in the office.

Then he stares at Michael: "you said you found a clue to the animal tide?"

Michael sniffed the words and shook his head again and again: "I didn't find it. It was Lu Ze who discovered it."

He didn't dare to claim the credit.

"Lu Ze?"

Hearing Michael's words, Chengfeng was even more confused.

As a star level strong man, he belongs to the real top of the Federation, and naturally knows more about luzer than other people.

He also understood how much the saints valued the young man.

Otherwise, how can the sages be the king?

But even if he knew, he was still ignorant.

Lu Ze, after all, is only now in the world, and he is still in control of the area when he is in the tide of animals. How can he know the clues of the tide of animals??

Seeing Cheng Feng's strange face, Michael can't help feeling relieved.

It turns out that even if the general is as powerful as Chengfeng, he will still be surprised.

This gives him a little comfort when he is deeply pierced by Lu Ze.

When the atmosphere was silent, Chengfeng breathed a little, and looked at Michael: "tell me more about it."


Later, Michael said, "it's starting from Lu Zesheng's capture of a powerful edge demon with planet level eight forging and dark magic power..."

“…… Wait

Chengfeng looks at Michael with a confused face, which makes Michael feel extremely happy.

Before, when he just accepted the strong man of the sharp blade demon clan with heatstroke, his expression was very similar to that of general Chengfeng, right?It seems that it is not him who is wrong, but Lu Ze!

"Captured a planet level eight forging blade demon strongman alive?"

Michael nodded solemnly: "according to Lu Ze, that sharp blade demon strongman suffered from heatstroke. He found it."

It's a common practice to say that

The corner of his mouth twitched, and then he took a deep breath, slowly calming his shock.

Originally, he thought he knew Lu Ze well enough, but now he found that he didn't know enough.

It seems that only the sages can really understand Lu Ze, right?

Chengfeng didn't think about it any more and said, "go on."

Michael could not help sighing as he watched the trend of quick recovery.

He deserves to be the general of Chengfeng. He has a steady mind.

Later, he told Lu Ze what he had told him before.

Soon, the prevailing office was silent.

Michael looked at the frown and said nothing.

He said all the things he knew before. Since then, general Chengfeng has not spoken.

After a moment's silence, Chengfeng said slowly, "order, the defense line will be disbanded. I'll go to Shangyang station. This time, I'll take the strong man of the sharp blade demon family to Shenwu city."

Michael smelled the words and said with a smile, "yes, general."

Just then, Michael's adjutant rushed over from a distance, looking a little pale: "general, something's wrong!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!