"Master, after those people entered the center of the Myriad Beasts Forest, did no one mention what the Myriad Beasts Forest center was like?" Feng Che looked around and asked.

"Although I haven't been in here, I once heard my father and some elders of the Dragon Clan talk about it, the center of the Myriad Beast Forest is a very dangerous dense forest, and the plants in it are extremely terrifying, either extremely poisonous or very powerful. Plant-type orcs, not to mention the orcs in the forest of ten thousand beasts, all of them are incomparably powerful and fierce! But there has always been a strange thing. I remember I asked my father and they said, is the forest of ten thousand beasts still alive? Are there any beasts that are more powerful than the dragon, phoenix, and unicorns? But Daddy said they don't know, even those ancestors who once entered the center of the Myriad Beasts Forest, and then went out and cultivated for many years, they only remembered The Myriad Beasts Forest Center is extremely dangerous, Profound God level 5 or below is cautious, and the rest is not remembered at all, so until now, no one knows what is in the Myriad Beasts Forest Center..." Long Ying thought for a while and said.

After Feng Che and Bao Bao heard the words, the more and more they felt that the center of the forest of ten thousand beasts was strange, and they didn't want to come in by themselves, but were sucked down. Could it be that flying above the center of the forest of ten thousand beasts is not allowed? What mighty beings below are offended because they fly above?

"Master, is it because we can't fly here, that's why we fell!" Bao Bao also thought of Feng Che and asked directly.

"Impossible, I know the location here, so I let Jin Ming land on that mountain before, and when I went to Fengwu Continent, I left from that mountain..." Long Ying shook his head when he heard the words. said.

"Dad, what should we do now?" Bao Bao heard the words and looked at Feng Che and asked.

"I've come here, let's see what's going on, I guess we can't leave if we want to! Let's look and see, is there any place to go..." Feng Che thought for a while and said.

Long Ying nodded and said, "Yes, since you pulled us down, we won't let us go up again, we can only take one step at a time, baby, just follow me and your daddy... "

"Then I'll help you find it together. This place is not big, so we can find it faster together!" The baby looked around and said.

"Okay, then let's look for it..." Feng Che said after glancing at the baby. Not forgetting to leave a trace of consciousness on the baby's body, the three of them began to search in the not-so-big black well...

However, after searching for a long time, there was no clue at all. Feng Che frowned and looked around, then looked at the top of his head, hesitated for a while, then lifted his breath and flew into the sky, but he couldn't get up at all, not even with his strength, let alone Let Jin Ming come out...

"Master, let me try..." Xiao Qing said in Feng Che's contract space.

"Are you okay?" Feng Che asked.

"I don't know, but I'll give it a try..." Xiaoqing said.

Feng Che thought about bringing Xiaoqing out. After Xiaoqing came out, he ran up and out, not to mention that he really flew up. The baby shouted with joy in his eyes, "Xiaoqing, you really..."



Before the baby's words were finished, Xiaoqing, who was halfway through the flight, fell down at an extremely fast speed and fell directly to the ground. Feng Che, the baby and Long Ying hurriedly flashed to the side, causing Xiaoqing to fall. After hearing that voice, Feng Che panicked for Xiaoqing...