Chapter 551 Poison Supremacy

Name:Poison God's Heritage Author:
Chapter 551 Poison Supremacy

"I guess I'm a bit late," I muttered as I looked up ahead. From far away, thousands upon thousands of ships carrying an innumerable number of cultivators were surrounding the Heavenly Academy. Just getting to the academy will be a pain in the ass. For a normal cultivator that is.

"Deploy," I muttered, and instantly from behind me a portal manifested, linked from the Lord of Lords pagoda to the space behind me.

A hundred puppet wielding a hundred of my specially anti-matter rifles.

"Take down as many ships as you can," I said. Then I made the Thunderbull march forward.

It rumbled as it moved forward, breaking the barrier of sound with every step, blasting loud booms of thunderous steps as it marched forward.

Lightning sparked as it moved, creating a disruptive and attention-grabbing echo for all the cultivators on the side of the Fire King's armada.

"YOU FINALLY COME!" shouted the Fire King from so far away.

Looking at the Fire King for a second then I looked away, as the rifles of the puppets behind me all were locked and loaded, then they blasted their shells.

A hundred bullet flew forward, and in a second, hundreds of ships were blasted to fractional smithereens, as the explosions of the shells warped the fabric of space itself creating miniature black holes that lasted for a few seconds, warping the remains of the ships into them then breaking apart closer ships.

I completely ignored the Fire Lord as I moved fast toward the meteorite formation that was protecting the Heavenly Academy and marched down.

I entered the academy's atmosphere as fast as I could to notice a massive finger made of infernal Qi pressing down against the protective formation of the Heavenly Academy, breaking it as it pushed down.

Form the looks of things, the Heavenly Academy wasn't fairing well, which came as a surprise to me, the power of Master Rain, the Grand Elder, and the Queen was barely enough to stop the finger that was pushing down on them.

Looking at the whole scene I noticed the presence of three people who were above the Emperor Rank.

One I immediately recognize from his mask, the others, I could deduce from their robes and the crown on their heads.

I didn't hesitate in diving face forward toward the three of them. The younger looking of the two kings, gave me half a glance and ignored my existence as he was focused on channeling his Qi to break the Formation.

The older looked at me an snorted. The snort alone was enough to rupture my eardrums from the sheer power behind it, but it wasn't something that would stop me as I continued moving forward.

"Kill it," spoke the older king.

The order was clearly given to the one with the least authority of the three, the one I know the most.

The masked man looked at me and charged forward his hand stretched as if he wanted to grab my own soul out. But I'm not the same person from last time.

The moment his hand was about to grab me, I pressed my own palm against his, blasting him away as if he was a used rag.

The power behind my palm wasn't the same as before, it wasn't that of an Ascendant, but of a fully fledged Emperor Rank cultivator using the full ability of the Book of Body form the Poison God's Heritage.

The Creedless, my old acquaintance, had his whole arm shatter, bone and flesh snapped and turned to mush from the mere impact as he was thrown away. I continued moving forward toward the cultivator who was assaulting the Heavenly Academy.

"Must I do all by myself," spoke the older king and came down to meet me.

Only I didn't bother with him as I continued heading forward, because he was about to receive a rude awakening.

The older king raised his hand, summoning what looked like a sword made of pure white flame, the heat was strong enough that it caused the whole of the Heavenly Academy's temperature to abruptly rise.

His aim was to slice at me and whatever was behind me, which included the heavenly academy that was already under pressure.

But instead of him swinging down, his expressions changed as he pivoted his entire body and swung behind him in an arc, creating a wave of infernal flames that shot upward.

Good call I say, because in that second that he switched target, fifty of my Puppets had already swapped target form the ships to the old man, and the sword swing he threw was to stop the incoming salvo.

An explosion of fire and sound rumbled above the Heavenly Academy, creating a cascade of bright red colors and fumes that covered the skies in a dark cloud for a second.

In that time, I threw several cannisters behind me and switched my direction to that of the older of the two kings, heading toward him as fast as possible while he was still recovering from the overextension of his swing.

"Foolish brat!" shouted the king, but his words fell on deaf ears, quite literally since I was still recovering from the impact of his earlier snort.

My hand had Creeping Demise in it and I flexed it forward, calling upon the heads of the hidden hydra.

The heads emerged with fire and poison in their wide open maws, to which the king slapped both hands together manifesting a powerful sound explosion that parted the heads away from him, making each head spill the contents of its mouth away from the emperor.

I didn't back down as my left hand was already ready, in between my fingers were five pills that I threw at him.

His eyes flashed to each of the pills and for once, a person was smart enough not to swat them away by to dodge them as if they were the plague, and in fact they were.

The pills flew away from the king and blew up in a curtain of poisonous clouds.

"Poison Cultivator, such filth!" spoke the king.

"Let me assist you my lord!" shouted the Creedless who was rushing towards us, but before he could make it half way, the cannisters I threw earlier finally reached their designated position, and with a snap of my fingers, all five of them blew up right in front of the Creedless.

Unable to understand what happened, the Creedless decided against the better judgement of any cultivator to not jump face first in a cloud of unknown substance and dove right into it, causing the clothes he was wearing to decay, and soon his flesh and bones began rotting even more than they already were.

Coughing and desperately trying to get away from the cloud of poison, the Creedless blew up a chunk of his Qi to swat the poison away, only for it to have the complete opposite reaction.

The poison I had in the cannisters was not only able to decay and rot organic matter, it was also incredibly volatile when it comes to Qi. Once introduced to it, not only will it latch on to Qi, it will consume, transform and reform it into more poison. Creating a thicker cloud in seconds which further drowned the Creedless in more Poison.

As for the Older of the kings, just because he dodged the pills and their explosions didn't mean I had no ability to control it, for I am Poison.

With a grasping motion, the poison behind the older king morphed into the shape of a spear, and then shot toward him, following him with vehement obsession.

"Infernal Prison!" muttered the older king as he slapped both palms together creating a cube using his hands.

The energy from his chant manifested a cubic prison of pure flame that tried to trap the incoming spear in it, only for the spear to explode inside the cube. Thinking that he trapped and destroyed the spear, the king let his guard down, only for him to notice that the fire cube was actually eroding away, as the poison inside was not only growing stronger, it was eating away at the qi, and the very foundation of the cube he made.

"What in tarnation is this?!" cursed the king as he noticed that all of his spells were easily consumed by my own.

Feeling that he will lose in term of Qi control, the king pulled out a spear that looked more ancient than the world itself, and charged me.

"Must I do all by myself!" he said as he charged forward.

Yet once again, before he could even reach me, he was forced to stop and swat away behind him.

A dozen or so bullets had already been shot and were about to pierce through him but he managed to block them once again.


"I don't think he has the luxury to do so, oh imperial king." I said. noVe-Lb-1n

Frowning, the king projected his Divine Sense and looked far above and beyond, only to realize why the Fire King was unable to stop the rain of bullets.

The hundreds of thousands of ships that came to assist in this battle were completely devastated, and that wasn't because of the puppets. But because I had throw a Tungsten Bullet, the very same weapon I used in the Poison God's Trial to almost destroy an entire city, only not just one, but more than a dozen had fell upon the army of the Fire King creating nothing but death and chaos and also allowing my squad of a hundred puppet to rain bullets freely at the older king disabling whatever big move he was trying to make.

"Good job Shen Bao, we got it from here," I heard.

Looking at the protective formation that was breaking down earlier, the Queen and Master Rain managed to repair and reinforce it in time, fully stopping the younger king from destroying it.

"I guess this levels the playing field, now, how about we start the second round?"