Chapter 556 The Last Stand

Name:Poison God's Heritage Author:
Chapter 556 The Last Stand

"What kind of creature is this," The Fire Lord groaned, the damage he took was too much even for him.

I was surprised, honestly.

"What the hell were you feeding her?" I questioned the Black Tiger.

"The real question, what didn't she eat... I was afraid she'd send the entire Dark Forest to an extinction frenzy, but thankfully she calmed down after ascending," said the Black Winged Tiger.


The Fire Lord roared, and with that, even Kyuu, didn't dare stay on his shoulder for long, she immediately jumped off, appeared, and disappeared several times across space and nestled on top of my head.

She has the ability to teleport now... impressive.

The Fire Lord's body temperature kept rising and rising, and soon his infernal red hair became blistering blue and hotter.

The red jewel in his right arm shone brighter and brighter as he said, "All the keys are here, I would have spent time to go and look for them, say, you wanted the keys to open the path to the Beyond, but I cannot allow that," the Fire Lord finished his sentence by slamming the Red jewel on his chest, surge after surge of red energy seemed to seep through him.

"The Beyond is too much for the likes of you, and this may seem like a prison, but it also serves as protection," he added, then grabbed another Jewel, it was the Metal Key.

He slammed it right next to the Fire Key and groaned from the incredible surge of energy coursing through him.

"YOU ALL WANT FREEDOM WHEN YOU ARE SEEKING DEATH!" the words he said were full of pain, but there was madness in that agony he was suffering from the power of the keys.

"It is not your decision, it never was, people were born free to do what they want, and if it is death that waits for them then it's their own fate," Master Rain said.

"Wise one, you lived your entire life weighing pros and cons, what made your mind stop working in this situation," the Fire lord then pulled out the Earth Key and slammed it right next to the other two, spitting a huge chunk of blood in the process as his body's energy was fueled up even more.

"Because it's better for the people to risk it against the unknown than die to the known, you only promise oppression. Anyone under you will be bound to eternal servitude and domination, they will have no will or word of their own, only to follow you, I'd rather die than live in a world where you're the ruler, after all, you never struck me as just or merciful," Master Rain said as he prepared his nail and hammer, shit was going to turn ugly real fast and everyone knew it.

"You said you'd rather die," the Fire Lord huffed and puffed, "Then die you shall, there will be no world where I do not rule!" his words were followed by a resonating shockwave of fire.

Suddenly the Fire Lord seemed to disappear from sight and appeared right next to Master Rain, his hand already ripped through Master Rain's chest and pierced to the other side. His entire arm looked to be made of metal, "Then your wish has been fulfilled!" he said, and suddenly his hand which was halfway out of Master Rain's chest roared and blew up a cone of flames.

Thinking the worst, as no one would survive something like that, I tried to shout for Master Rain.

Yet Master Rain's body turned to butterflies and dissipated causing confusion in the eyes of the Fire Lord.

Master Rain reappeared fully hale and healthy, but the Qi around him seemed a bit perturbed.

"He's gotten way faster, be careful everyone," Master Rain sent in a divine sense message to everyone fighting.

Taking him on in his current state is a suicide, but we can't run away, it's our last bastion, how are we going to neutralize him?

My poison is not that great in fighting him since he can just burn it all away, and I doubt my Grizzly Spider Poison will have any effects now. The fire around him is a notch higher than the Grizzly Spider Poison, it's on par with a Heart Flame's fire, and my own Heart Flame can't compare to his.nove)lB)1n

Mine is designed to cultivate pills, his is designed to burn cultivators...

Several bullets shot right into the Fire Lord's back, this time he didn't even bother blocking or parrying, as the bullets simply blew up when they came in contact with a massive rock wall that manifested out of nothingness

The effect of the earth key.

The Fire Key is enhancing his fire power, and the Metal Key is boosting his body's durability, and the Earth Key is protecting him from outside threats, the power of those three keys combined together is dangerous.

Suddenly the Wind King appeared right in front of the Fire Lord his whole body in mid-swing as he struck with the Wind Blade on his hand against the Fire Lord's neck.

A massive explosion of force echoed out almost blasting the Fire Lord away in the process yet he grunted and tanked it down as if it was nothing but the breeze of a chilly summer night.

"The proud Wind King resorting to sneak attacks! How laughable!" the Fire Lord's words were followed by a fist that swung at the Wind King who immediately used the Wind's power to extract himself from the blow, another cone of condensed flames surged out from the Fire Lord's fist.

The two beasts of the Demon Tribe and the Poison Clan arrived to the fight, but before the Whale or the Suzaku could even attempt to attack, the Fire Lord opened his mouth wide and sent a surge of concentrated blue and white flames towards them.

The two ancient beasts immediately switched to the defensive using the majority of their Qi to block the incoming attack, little to no avail. The surge of fire was so much more powerful than their qi barrier that it instantly broke it, shattering it and then wounding the two beasts to mortal degrees.

I rushed forward, this was a good chance to land a decent blow on the Fire Lord, and with that, I struck him on the side with as much might as my fists could muster, only for me to feel as if I had struck a wall with a hand made of eggshells.

My fist shattered in the process and a wave of pain immediately surged up my arm.

"Weak!" he said and with an impressive display of acrobatics, the fucker roundhouse kicked me in the face.

I lost consciousness for a second only to be woken up when my back slammed into the heavenly academy's upper island.

My current size was big and heavy enough that it caused the upper floating island to tilt and go down a bit.

As if I was an inflated balloon that was pierced, I started deflating soon after, the Golden Titan's Madness was ending and I was in for a world of hurt afterward.

Once the Madness is over, my body will be unusable for a bit, and right now the Fire Lord is completely powered up... this looks ugly