Chapter 568 Lost In Space

Name:Poison God's Heritage Author:
Chapter 568 Lost In Space

"So, what now? We're just to watch again, as you go..." Yuyu said, her words were full of sorrow.

I couldn't say anything.

"Let him go, head out first, we'll catch up to you soon," Liang Yu said and turned back.

The Thunder Bull made some sad noises as he approached the barrier, but it seems that he wasn't allowed in.

"You have yet to fully awaken your bloodline, only then can you cross," said one of the giants, it then looked at me, no at the folds between my robes, "That's a strange bloodline... it seems unaffected by the barrier, it may go too." He said.

And I understood the giant, he was talking about Kyuu.

Several cultivators approached. Many of which had hoods on their heads, covered so no one could see them, or know where they come from. But the energy they were releasing was obvious.

'Emperors... so many...'

"This is surprising, I believed that the number of emperors in the Vast Expanse didn't even exceed ten, but I guess many decided to hide their ability and power..."

"They probably didn't want to be dragged into the political confusion and fight in the Vast Expanse. An emperor cultivator is powerful enough to sway the direction of a war, look how close the fight was with the fire lord, now imagine if he had more emperor on his side..." Dao Shen explained.

The stone puppets judged and began giving access to each and every cultivator.

One of the hooded emperor-level cultivators approached the gate and then stepped in.

lightsΝοvel Nothing seemed to happen at first, but then soon, a bone-chilling scream echoed from within the gate.

Then the body of the same cultivator was spat back out, disintegrating to bits.

"That is what you get for being a fake emperor," snorted one of the cultivators.

"Fake emperor?" I questioned

"Pseudo emperor, he forcefully raised his cultivation from king to emperor without fully confirming his understanding of either himself or the world. It's a state that can allow you to access the emperor rank if only temporarily..." Zhang Tian explained.

I didn't even know this was possible.

More emperor cultivators entered and nothing seemed to happen.

"Let's go," said Dao Shen.

I looked back at Liang Yu and Yuyu. They looked sad but they didn't want to stop me from going.

"Godspeed!" said Liang Yu.

"Good luck, we'll make it to the Beyond, just wait for us," she said.

I then took a step forward.

The swirling blackness seemed to move around my body and started to dig into my skin.

Just as the pain began increasing, the blood within me, began reacting.

Every dark fiber of the black swirling mass began moving away from me, revealing a tunnel-like passage. Behind me, the swirling darkness fused once again leaving me alone.

And in front of me, was a spatial tunnel that seemed to extend to all eternity.


I was alone.

I waited and waited, and waited some more, but neither Dao Shen nor Zhang Tian appeared.

And when I tried to backtrack, the black mass dissipated.nOVe-lb-In


The tunnel I was in only had one direction and it was for me to choose it and to move forward.

I tried to use spatial laws to understand what's going on around me, but nothing seemed to work, Spatial Law is completely messed up here.

Trying anything would probably rend this spatial tunnel. So, I might as well not mess it up.

I began moving forward. But after a couple of hours of doing so, I got extremely bored.

"Might as well use that," I muttered as I pulled up my hoverboard, it's been ages since I last used this thing.

Looking at it now, it's still in great shape and the reactor is also pretty healthy. I only needed to replace the Saint Qi crystal in the reactor with an improved one. And voila!

Once replaced, I sat on the hoverboard and made it move in a straight line.

The Lord of Lords pagoda seemed inaccessible. Which was a bit sad, as I couldn't enter it and have the hoverboard move while I waited inside the pagoda comfortably.

But I can't do anything but suck it up I guess. there is only one way forward, and I guess I'll just walk forward.


"DID YOU FIND HIM?!!" the Lord of Lords spoke panic struck his face for probably the first time in eons.

"No! I'm still looking! What is going on?! I'm sure the passageway was perfect," the Wisest Sun replied as he weaved his hands through the air. He was pulling lines of what seemed to be law.

And if one were to understand the complexities of the laws that the Wisest Sun was drafting and pulling they'd know it was the law of clairvoyance.

Clairvoyance or the ability to see the future, is a complex art that not many could even fathom or even begin to understand.

It is a derivative law that takes 'Everything' into consideration. From the movement of the stars to the very action of every cell in the universe itself. It deduces and calculates based on past experience and happenings to anything that ever had occurred and begins to try and deduce a future based on it.

It tells the future based on the past.

The basis of this law is very simple. Take a person, with every memory he ever had, every action he ever took, every letter and word, every move and step he ever done, and take his memory of all of it, then plant it into a new person's mind. Granted they will think exactly the same, do exactly the same, and act exactly the same.

Because experience and memories make character and methodological thinking, if you clone a person's mind and overwrite another, you'll have the same resulting action.

Only what the wisest sun is doing, is deducing the entirety of the world, to understand what went wrong and why they can't find Shen Bao.

"I'll have to go and check for myself," the Lord of Lords said.

"You cannot move there, you'll destroy the Vast Expanse in its entirety!"

"I won't go to the Vast Expanse, I'll traverse the tunnel, perhaps I'll find him there straggling, because I'm sure he crossed, but I can't find him anywhere around the layout of the tunnel."

"Then go, and keep me informed, I'll keep deducing, that perhaps it wasn't something on our end..."

The Lord of Lords then moved away and headed toward the entrance of the gate.

The gate that the wisest sun made was sourced at one of his cultivation caves. The doorway that led to the Beyond, was a shortcut in a sense, because the distance alone from the Beyond to the Vast Expanse was extraordinarily long it would take longer than the time it would take for the creation and destruction of a galaxy just to be crossed.

The Lord of Lords arrived at the gate and it was opened but no one arrived yet. The cultivators who are crossing would take a couple of years of walking at least to arrive here, which is an incredibly short time period. And that is because they're merely emperor-level cultivators, if they were above it would take an even shorter time.

The Lord of Lords then stepped into the tunnel and moved forward, crossing extreme distances in the blink of an eye.

After some time, the Lord of Lords managed to meet the first few cultivators, he could see them, but they couldn't see him.

They looked exhausted and seemed to have barely started moving through the tunnel while, the Lord of Lords was already at the other side.

He looked and looked and there was no sign of Shen Bao.

The people who were with him, the two young men with a very good foundation and talent were moving forward, already having understood that they were separated from Shen Bao and didn't need to stay there waiting, they proceeded forward, as for Shen Bao he was still nowhere to be found.

The Lord of Lords resumed his voyage and arrived at the door.

The black smoke that made the gate was stable, there didn't seem to be any disturbance in its essence. Nothing affecting it. So where is Shen Bao?

He was definitely not in the Vast Expanse, and he surely wasn't in the tunnel, so where is he?