Chapter 638 Strongest Under The Sun

Name:Poison God's Heritage Author:
Chapter 638 Strongest Under The Sun

"But still, it is really not something I want to do, I'd probably just give up on the first round if you just want to save some face by having me join, you didn't specify that your bet needs me to win, not that I think I can," I said.

"I would also gain a lot if you were to win, however, the idea behind the tournament isn't just to see who is the Strongest Under the Sun. The bragging rights and the rewards are things to make a man salivate for," he said.

I doubt anything would be worth one's life to be honest.

"Ah, one thing, I forgot to mention, the winner will own the Sea of Demons land..."

"Isn't that already owned by that emperor guy?" I asked.

"No, he is just a self-proclaimed ruler. The land itself is ownerless. Once you get the title for it from the tournament you can claim it as yours."

"With my current ability, that's just asking people to take it away," I said.

"Not if you use that army you've been building," the Red Sun grinned at me.


"Anyway, though it is not enough to 'entice' you. The fact that you can own land in the Beyond is a special perk not many have. In fact besides us eight Suns, very few other people own 'land' here. And if you own land you can allow your people to live in it without being branded by another sect."

That made the gears in my head spin. And the Red Sun spoke those words knowing full well what they meant. RêAd lateSt chapters at Only

This will allow me to host the people form the beyond without them having to go under a sun's banner.

That by itself is a reward worth fighting for. Which got me more interested in the tournament.

"So is it going to be a full on battle tournament?" I asked.

"Why would you need to know that?" asked the Red Sun.

"To prepare, even batman needs prep-time..."


"Never mind, anyway, what's the concept of the tournament?"

Since I can't use the pagoda's facilities or its ability to move, I'll need to start preparing for an all-terrain battlefield.

"Shen Bao," Old Fu said. "Are you leaving?"

"I'll be in the pagoda, you can come in whenever, the Automaton will keep an eye on you. Also I guess the Red Sun needs you for something."

"Right, I'll head back once I'm done."

"Godspeed," I said.

"To you too," he said.

I soon got inside the pagoda and headed to the white room.

I understood many things from the Red Sun's words. First thing's first. Cultivating to the Void Stage is the least of my worries. It would really not matter if I make it to the void stage or not if I were to lose the first round which is pretty obvious.

He said it will be a mass weeding of participants. So that makes the situation pretty obvious. It will not be a fight against a random beast or anything of sorts, he mentioned that millions of participants might take the trial so doing something like that would be moot since they can easily overpower whatever is thrown at them by the sheer number of the people.

It will be an endurance test.

I don't know which kind, but since he said that access to the pagoda is forbidden, it means that it would be something that the pagoda can easily overcome.

The pagoda itself isn't an offensive treasure, it is defensive. And it can hide between spatial folds and has a gigantic space inside it. So, it will probably be a test that is easy to pass with these condition.

"A test where cover is needed... perhaps we'll get thrown in an active volcano or the depth of an icy field. Maybe even both... also he mentioned that it might take a lot of time... perhaps we'll even need to cross distance..."

With all that info I already have an idea in mind on what I need to make that will allow me to bypass all of those trials. And it isn't even that hard.

I began jotting down a primary idea of what I wanted to make and the finalized sketch looked pretty decent.

A four-thruster boat that can act as a submarine and has wheels on the side and jet thrusters from the back. Basically, a space ship...

"I guess I'm getting a bit out of theme with this thing, but that's the only thing that can allow me to survive any biome. The boat part to travel across seas. Or even dive through them as a submarine. The jet thrusters if I need it to fly. And the wheels for a worst-case scenario where the possibility of flight is prohibited."

With the sketch done. I began working on the core and reactor part of the ship. This is basically an upgraded version of the hovering cube I made in the Dark Garden, and hopefully I won't need to use all of its functionalities. Especially since I'm prepared to load it up with a shit tone of weapons.

After all the best way to get through random troubles and problems is to simply shoot them into nothingness...

I love the smell of freedom