Chapter 325

Name:Pokemon Court Author:
Building a Taoist temple is not just a matter of words. In order to meet the assessment, Tingshu must make very sufficient preparations in advance.

For example, like referees, professional Daoguan matches can not be as perfunctory as roadside matches. Each match requires personnel with professional referee certificates to be responsible for command.

An excellent referee is even extremely important to a game. This profession looks simple, but there are many ways behind it. Like the professional referee of the League Conference, their salary is enough to make most people jealous, but their professional level is also top.

Professional referee certificate is the most common one. It is the most basic thing for a Taoist referee, and it is also necessary for every Taoist priest.

Since Tingshu wants to establish a Taoist hall, he wants to get subsidies from the alliance. If he hires outsiders again, it's not worth it.

It's better not to let the fat and water flow into the fields of outsiders and let everyone in the ancient green house take the job.

Ah Yang and Chi are both boys, and they are almost the same age. At present, only these two children have employment experience in the Qinggu house. They have been honed in society, so they can get professional referee certificates. Tingshu is also more relieved.

This certificate is not difficult to test. As long as it has been trained for a certain period of time, as long as it is not physically disabled, there is a problem with IQ, the tuition fees are up to par, and the attitude is serious, few can not pass.

This profession is difficult to find employment. Although there are many trainers and countless times of training, professional referees need to be used, that is, some more formal competitions and Taoist hall competitions.

Therefore, for the referee, the task is not difficult, but the employment is difficult. Without a certain relationship, it is difficult to find a stable job.

You can't have a trainer on the side of the road. You take out your professional referee certificate and want to serve as a referee for others. Ask for compensation afterwards? It's strange not to be beaten away. I'm not so strict with the tactics.

Referee is an attitude and fair embodiment of formal and large-scale competitions.

Ordinary matches are only a form, and rarely involve interests. No one will spare that effort to find a regular referee.

"Referee? Me? " Chi also said nervously.

"Don't worry, no problem." The court tree smiled.

"Build a Taoist temple?!" Granny olan didn't care about the referee, but was surprised that Tingshu said to build a Taoist school?!

If grandma olan hadn't been old, she would even have stood up and felt if Tingshu had any strange diseases and fever in the past three years, and even said such absurd words.

"I'm serious, Granny olan." Tingshu quickly waved his hand, and he knew it would be this reaction.

In the eyes of most people, the Taoist hall owner is already a very bright career, even a trainer with masters qualification. It is not so easy to establish a Taoist hall. It needs to meet many thresholds, be introduced, and then go through a series of troublesome assessments

But Tingshu has this confidence.

The experience of leaving the college for one year has given him enough positioning for his strength.

In general, Tingshu already has the basic conditions for a Taoist school owner. As long as there is no accident in the assessment, Tingshu is confident that the things of the Taoist school should be improved in one year or two years at the latest.

More importantly, as the top coordinator of Fangyuan, he is in the limelight. It's not too much to say that he is half a public figure. If he goes through a few more advertisements, even if he can't reach the level of "well-known" and "everyone knows", he can make an impression on some people, which has a vital impact on his application for Daoguan.

If we can have a good relationship with those enterprises that invite him to speak for them, there is another way. Sometimes our contacts do not need to be deep, but they are very helpful to a person's development... The premise is that this contact has enough value and status.

"You child..." olan stopped talking and found that he still didn't understand the court tree.

"Chiye, the training of professional referees only takes three months. You and ah Yang will take the test. I'll find a place."

"What about me? What about me, brother Tingshu? Can you help me?" The tiger is in a hurry.

"Don't worry, there will be some in the end, but during this period, the fruit land of Qinggu house still depends on you." The court tree smiled.

Tiger too although very depressed, but also helpless.

"Little Lina, the girl, won't come out yet." The court tree shook his head and looked at Mu Mu, who had not spoken much.

"What can I do for you?" Mu Mu hesitated and also tensed up.

When Tingshu comes back, she seems to be determined to change the current situation of the ancient green house. Although granny olan is very happy about this scene, she is still worried that Tingshu is under too much pressure to take care of everyone.

"You." Tingshu smiled. Just now he already knew the situation of Mumu. The little girl was still dreaming of a star. "Do you know who the most famous star of Fangyuan is?"

Mu Mu nodded like a rattle.

"What about the cost of her performing in a concert?"

Mu Mu's eyes brightened and continued to nod“ What about her endorsement fee? "“ I've paid attention to many stars. " Mu Mu said confidently“ Then there may be something I need your help recently. " Tingshu smiled. Unexpectedly, Mumu was the little guy who could finally help himself. Hearing that he can help the tree in court, Mumu's mood becomes better. The strange feeling that he hasn't met for several years has disappeared a lot. Granny olan was stunned and thought of Tingshu's current identity. She was filled with emotion. I see. Tingshu has been invited. It's amazing. It's only three years, and she has achieved such high achievements... She is so optimistic... "By the way, brother Tingshu, why do ah Yang and I have to take the referee certificate? If you are a referee, one is enough? " Chi also asked suspiciously“ Oh, well, it's true that one referee is enough, but there are always special moments ~ "Tingshu said with a smile:" for example, when I'm out, the Taoist museum needs an 'agent owner', who needs to have the identity of a trainer. I'm going to help you get one first. "“ It's between ah Yang and you. " Tiger Tai and Mu Mu are not old enough. Lina is not suitable to be the owner of the hall. She is eager to be a coordinator. Ah Yang and Chi are also relatively mature. One of them performs the functions of the Taoist hall for him when he is away. He can also go out often to do his own things. As long as we deal with the inspection of the alliance, everything will be fine“ Trainer! " Chi also showed a hopeful brilliance in her eyes. At the thought of Tingshu going out for three years, he has not only obtained the qualification of trainer, the certificate of nurturer and the honor of top coordinator, but also everyone in Qinggu house has a dream like feeling. In addition, what Tingshu needs to do next is also of great help to the development of Qinggu house. Now... The children in Qinggu house are full of fantasies about their future.