Chapter 381

Name:Pokemon Court Author:
At this moment, everyone felt as if they had seen a dreamland.

Furong, the king of four days, lost?

In the impression of most trainers, there are few team division concepts such as ACE elves and main elves. For them, the heavenly king represents the highest palace of trainers, and elves naturally have strong strength.

Even if we know that this floating ball is just an elf newly cultivated by hibiscus, the victory of Tingshu is still incredible for everyone.

Many people stared at Tingshu, the Challenger

Who is sacred.



With the help of Furong, Tingshu barely fell into the tiger's mouth of these trainers and slipped out of the crowd alone.

"Master Furong said, looking forward to fighting with me next time... What does it mean?" Tingshu was surprised at what Furong said to herself at last.

"Forget it. If you have that chance, it will be a real battle at that time." The tree took a deep breath.

After this battle, he felt the gap between himself and the four heavenly kings, and Furong seemed to be only a young generation of heavenly kings, and he was not rich in experience in this field.

Among the four heavenly kings, the most famous is the heavenly kings of the older generation.

"With my current accumulation, it's hard to parry even one of the main elves of the four heavenly kings, let alone the other's ace elves..."

"However, I'm far from reaching the bottleneck. It won't take me long to catch up."

Thinking about the battle with Furong, Xiaoshi got the message from Tingshu and came here quickly.

Seeing Tingshu, Xiaoshi is too excited to speak. It's hard to believe that such things as those in the story will experience around him. The protagonist will be someone he knows, and even instructed himself the day before.

"Brother Tingshu... You..." Xiao Si said slowly.

"According to the four heavenly kings, it's far from enough. The floating ball was cultivated by master Furong in less than a year." The court tree shook his head and said.

If you want to really fight against the four heavenly kings, you may have to work hard for another three years before you have a chance, Tingshu thought.

Xiaoshi didn't think so much about Tingshu. He only knew that he had witnessed a great thing happen. No one knew what kind of chain reaction it would eventually cause.

Because of this, Tingshu didn't stay too much in Corydalis. At the beginning, too many trainers saw him in the Central Park.

If you stay here, you'll probably have some trouble.

Xiao Si didn't go with Tingshu because he had to challenge the Corydalis conference. When Tingshu continued to move towards Qiuye Town, the result of the battle with four heavenly king Furong spread quickly.

At that time, many of the hundreds of trainers recognized Tingshu.

The two reputations of Rogge Taoist hall, temporary Taoist hall owner and top coordinator, have separated Tingshu from the category of ordinary trainers, making it easier for people to accept some of the results of the battle.

"Applying for the establishment of the Taoist museum?"

Caiyou alliance, because of this battle, Furong was teased by Bonnie of ice among the four heavenly kings, and got some information about Tingshu.

"Tell me about his strength." Bonnie said.

"Not as good as me." Hibiscus looks the same.

"I know that." Bonnie was speechless.

Furong didn't want to talk too much about it with Bonnie. She fought with other trainers because she underestimated each other's loss... It was not a glorious thing.

However, Bonnie finally got the answer she wanted from the other party.

"The overall qualification of the hunting Phoenix butterfly is not good, but he has found the cultivation method, which shows his personal cultivation level and perseverance."

"Consciousness, judgment and command level are at the top level of their peers. At the same time, there are deep fetters with elves, which is the most valuable."

"If he doesn't encounter any difficult problems in the process of growing up, it's only a matter of time to grow to our level, maybe five years, maybe ten or twenty years."

Furong gave an unexpectedly high evaluation

Bonnie looked again at Tingshu's application for Taoist training.

For a long time, she sighed and said, "unfortunately, it's an ordinary person after all. He needs more efforts to achieve the same achievements than Furong, a trainer with special abilities."

Furong, the king of four days in Fangyuan area, is only 18 years old this year, but few people know that she has only been a trainer for five years.

Five years, heavenly king.

The affinity for the spirit of the ghost system and the ability to communicate perfectly make the other party have inherent advantages in the cultivation of the ghost system!

That's what Bonnie laments. Although it's not terrible to reach this level with resource investment and famous teachers' teaching in five years, telepathy, ninja, super ability and fighting... Are like a cheating device for trainers. If you master one perfectly, you have the foundation to become a top trainer.

"In the Fangyuan area, Mr. Qianli of the orange China Road Museum is only one place away from the four heavenly kings. If someone abdicates, he can pick it up at any time. Yasha, the granddaughter of the old emperor mula, is much worse than this court tree, and I don't know if I can get the true biography of the old Mr. mula."“ Other owners are also excellent. " The strength of the Taoist hall in Fangyuan area is not weak, both the old generation and the new generation, which is worthy of recognition. But I think of Furong's comment on Tingshu... The younger generation is the strongest. If it is Fangyuan, I can afford to call it“ Defeated Bonnie, the king of four days? " Kangkenstein, who was completing the evaluation of a gorgeous competition, was stunned by the news“ Fangyuan youth generation is the strongest? " He laughed and seemed surprised at the news, but kenstein's expression showed his mood at this time, and he was extremely happy. Tingshu... Since the war, no matter what the process is like, this result alone has made his own value higher. What kangkenstein valued was the grand ceremony between the trainer and the coordinator in the near future. At present, Tingshu did such a thing. When he was present, the momentum of the coordinator would naturally be stronger“ The gorgeous competition venue in Qiuye town has been established, but the staff has not been equipped, and the decoration and equipment introduction have not been completely completed. "“ In addition, I don't know the progress of Tingshu's application for Taoist Hall... "When a Taoist hall opens, it must be publicized and operated. Otherwise, if the Taoist hall is not famous, there will be no challengers. Kang kenstein is ready to give Tingshu a big gift after the autumn leaf Taoist hall is established. In addition, Fangyuan is also discussing the strategic victory of Tingshu and four heavenly king Furong. Fangyuan is the strongest young generation. This title not only makes people remember Tingshu, but also causes a lot of trouble for him. Many trainers are not convinced.