Chapter 584

Name:Pokemon Court Author:
Komatsu's Geng ghost stood in place and looked at the dream demons in the sky. His evil smile converged and showed a serious expression.

It felt that this opponent was no better than the ghost elf he had met before. The momentum and breath of the other party were strong and terrible, which made Geng ghost recall that when he was not accepted, the ghost in the charred city tower he met was old and immortal, and... The same kind of trainer he had seen from a distance.

This sense of oppression has not been felt by Geng ghost for a long time. This is not because the strength of the dream demon is strong, but because it is an elf with ghost attribute. The smell emitted by the dream demon makes it tremble. It is like a green caterpillar meeting Bibi bird, which is the suppression between races.

This feeling is very strange. It is obviously the same kind, but the smell of the dream demon makes it very uncomfortable.

"Geng GUI, is it... Worried?"

As the owner of the ghost attribute Taoist hall, Komatsu trained experts in ghost attribute elves. When he saw Geng GUI's look, he knew that Geng GUI had no confidence in defeating the other party after he perceived the strength of the dream demon.

"It's the ghost that can make my ghost fall into this state... Last time, it was the ghost cultivated by King Juzi." Komatsu was lost in thought.

Who is the king of chrysanthemum?

As one of the four heavenly kings of Guandu, the headquarters and birthplace of the elves alliance, her old man is not only terrible with high seniority, but also a figure of the same era as Dr. Oki, and her strength is even stronger.

Not at all, in the eyes of the old generation of four heavenly kings in Guandu, the new four heavenly kings in other regions are indeed pink and tender.

Even if the ghost attribute of Fangyuan is the communication between the four heavenly kings hibiscus and Juzi heavenly king, although they have the same status in theory, Hibiscus is also a respectful gesture of the younger generation.

A few people think that the lotus King respects the chrysanthemum king because of his age, but Komatsu knows that the lotus king is really just a junior who listens to the guidance in front of the chrysanthemum master.

He once listened to master Juzi's training experience with the lotus king, and had the most say in this.

As the four heavenly kings of the older generation, master Kikuko's cultivation concept is almost the peak in the field of ghost attribute. Only the elves she cultivated have the illusion of racial oppression for Komatsu's Geng ghost.

But now there is another person.

"Tingshu..." Xiao Song frowned. He didn't believe that Tingshu could have such a superb cultivation method at his age.

He doubted that the other party had any adventures. By chance, the dream demon grew to this extent.

Komatsu doesn't know... His guess is close to the truth.


The heart silently read a sentence. Komatsu's pupils shrank, and the dream demon and Geng ghost moved.

With a terrible smell of fear, the dream demon came to Geng ghost.

It flew down gently and came to the side of Geng ghost. At this time, Geng ghost obviously didn't react and was stunned by the approaching fear.

"Silicon ~ ~ ~" Geng ghost screamed and subconsciously wanted to retreat into the ground.

This breath makes Geng ghost feel fear. It has never felt such a terrible breath at all. Many ghost elves, including dream demons, feed on human emotions, of which fear is the most important food.

Geng GUI has also absorbed fear, but he has never felt such a frightening momentum.

Just as the dream demon is the "embodiment of fear", just as its growth has never been separated from the "fear energy".

In a few years, the fear energy finally condensed and fermented by the nightmares of 300 children day and night has never been enjoyed by even the cultivation of elves by the king of chrysanthemum. She may have a higher cost-effective cultivation method and a faster cultivation method, but she can never spend time and effort to do such things contrary to the harmony of heaven.

Dream demons enjoy resources that can only be obtained by some "unscrupulous" evil forces.

With Bai Cheng's light, Tingshu occupied the treasure land accidentally created by the nightmare team for himself. The dream demon can be said to be very lucky and has less struggle for several years than other elves.

Or some people are rich, powerful and have time to create a treasure land for elves to use in order to condense fear energy, but the cost performance is really not high just to cultivate an elf. There are too many methods that are more efficient than this method.

Therefore, the situation of dream demons is difficult to replicate.

If it wasn't for the dream demon, its starting foundation was not high. In addition, it only focused on digesting fear energy during this period of time, and didn't have too much time to ask for itself in other aspects. I'm afraid that now it has become the strength of some of the main elves of the four heavenly kings.

However, although its strength has not reached that level, it has accumulated enough details. As long as Tingshu is willing to spend time, the dream demon will grow up and reach the level of the main force of the four day king sooner or later.

It is not only a dream demon, but also a floating bubble. It has four top move secrets. One of them is a precious treasure comparable to the top skills of hunting butterflies. Its growth path will not be more difficult than that of a dream demon.

In addition to the super Tanabata green bird, perhaps in one or two years, Tingshu can really become a top trainer and have the strength to fight some weak four heavenly kings. Dream demons, which absorb pure "fear energy" to grow up, are the most primitive growth path of ghost elves. However, this path is too difficult in modern society and breaks over time. Although many amazing trainers have found all kinds of methods that can also cultivate ghost elves, I have to say, Absorbing the most primitive negative energy or human life is the simplest and rough way for the growth of ghost elves. Therefore, in the face of the dream demon, Geng ghost retreated, which is not only a fear of strength, but also represents Komatsu's cultivation method of Geng ghost. It is better to swallow the huge "fear energy" and accumulate the horror inside information at once. The growth path of the dream demon is more pure“ The spell that can deeply enter the heart slowly flows into Geng ghost's ears, and Geng ghost is directly pulled into the bottomless abyss. The strength of this Geng ghost is at most stronger than the dream demon half a year ago. It is limited. For the dream demon now, it can be manipulated at will. Even if the other side is the main force of a Taoist trainer. Although Komatsu is a trainer of the Taoist school, after all, he is only the same age as Tingshu. He inherited the Taoist school from his grandparents. When did he face such oppression? The power of dream demons directly made Geng ghost have no power to fight back. Before the end of the activity, he was forever lost in fantasy territory. Looking at the fallen Geng ghost, everyone knows... The very strong court tree in the flight attribute activity is back.