Chapter 796

Name:Pokemon Court Author:
In the midst of crisis, xiaoshatian's deeper understanding of defensive moves is the opportunity for its mutation. The court tree is inspired by its form.

With the current small broken drill's attainments in the light wall, you can build a prism giant cocoon with the light wall and wrap yourself in.

With the help of the nine tail ice moon, you can make the small broken diamond act as the core of the ice moon, transform through the goblin gas field, and enjoy the huge goblin energy gathered in the past.

This method makes Tingshu think of the word "topping". There is a goblin gas field responsible for transformation, which should be regarded as an energy topping.

You know, except for those elves with rare characteristics, the energy between elves cannot be transmitted to each other.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything. Biktini, a legendary elf with superpower and fire attributes, has the ability to directly transfer the energy in his body to other elves by touching!

It is said that the trainer who has accepted biktini will never fail, because biktini's body can produce endless energy and expand the strength of his companions infinitely. It is precisely because of this ability that biktini is known as the star of victory and the legendary spirit!

In fact, the goblin aura of zhernias is similar to the ability of biktini. However, whether zhernias or Tanabata green bird, they don't have the ability that biktini can produce endless energy, so biktini is so special.

However, Tingshu has perfectly mastered the ability to decompose and aggregate the goblin energy through the ice moon and the goblin aura. Why can't this energy be absorbed and utilized by the elves again? Tingshu thought boldly.

A trainer once developed a skill to let the grass elves swallow the energy ball extracted from the nature, which can achieve a short-term strengthening effect. However, it is a great burden on the body and is not the right way... Now... Tingshu wants to reproduce this skill in terms of goblin attributes.

Let the little broken diamond assimilate the goblin energy released from various elves and strengthen itself! If the absorption of ice and moon, the decomposition and transformation of goblin gas field, and the assimilation of small broken diamond through defense skills, can it achieve the effect of reuse?

Such a huge goblin energy is absorbed by the small broken diamond. It's time to mutate!

Even if the effect is not 100%, even if the conversion rate is only 50%, it is definitely better than the effect strengthened by goblin Qi field alone.

After all, the small broken diamond, cherulian and Jiuwei have long been resistant to the assistance of the goblin gas field. After using the goblin gas field to strengthen it for a certain number of times, the effect has been weakened a lot, which is not a long-term plan. Therefore, this time, the court tree was so overjoyed to see that the small broken diamond took the unique skill of light wall to create a defense space to wrap itself.

If it goes well... He will create a new method to assist the elves to absorb the energy of the elves faster on the basis of the goblin Aura!

Even, if there is a medium, Tingshu can create strange things containing goblin energy through this method!

Goblin gem... You can have almost as many as you want, which is much more terrible than simple goblin aura enhancement.

Thinking of this, Tingshu smiled proudly, but Kona didn't care what Tingshu was thinking. Instead, he felt the movement behind him with a dignified expression.

"Continue to retreat."


At this time, the court tree had collected all the elves, leaving only cherulian to assist them in their retreat, and so was Kona. There were no elves except the frozen birds.

Under the leadership of Kona, after walking out of the dark ice path, they and cherulian sat on the back of the frozen bird and quickly flew up from the underground cave. At the same time, the sound of cave collapse came from below.

"Cherulian, dispel the ice and snow."

In the process of flying up, because the air flow stirred the surrounding walls, unstable ice and snow immediately swept along the air flow. At this time, cherulian put on a powerful mental shield to protect them.

After a while, they returned to the fork when they entered. When they got here, Tingshu suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature was colder.

"It seems that the broken ice that does not melt has fed the twin islands again, and the change is going on slowly..."

ConA looked inside again with some emotion.

"Tingshu, you leave first and wait for me outside." After confirming that it was completely safe, Kona turned to look at the court tree.

"OK, master Kona, be careful." Tingshu nodded, but his reminder was superfluous. A twin island is not expected to put a top strong man in danger.

After that, Tingshu quickly returned to the outside along the original route. At this time, many people have rushed towards the interior of the twin islands. Obviously, most people heard the news just now, and even some others found the subtle changes produced by the twin islands.

This change is not obvious now. It must take long enough to show. Unlike human hindsight, the elves around the twin islands feel the change more clearly than human beings.

When human trainers successively entered the twin islands, a spectacle took place on the twin islands.

Countless ice and water elves poked their heads from the bottom of the sea, formed their own troops and began to land on the twin islands. There are too many elves. Tingshu was startled when he walked out of the cave. How is this scene so similar to the crab disaster in previous lives? The scale is so large that the trainers dare not act rashly. They can only quietly watch the elves move past. The duration of this process is neither long nor short. After the trainers react, these elves have retreated. Although there is no intuitive understanding of the changes that have taken place in the twin islands, most people realize that it is unusual to see these water and ice elves climb the twin islands like a pilgrimage. Just when the photos of elves landing on the twin islands were posted to the Internet by interested people to trigger heated discussion, Kona found the court tree“ Where's the frozen bird? " Asked the tree“ It's already arranged. " ConA smiled and dropped an item. In a hurry, he took the heavy thing. Tingshu looked at it carefully and looked stunned. He raised his head: "don't melt the ice?"“ Is that why you're here? Although there is no ice that has not melted for ten thousand years or for a thousand years, this ice that has not melted for one hundred years is more suitable for you. Although the formation time is not the longest in the twin islands, the energy in it is at the peak. I asked the frozen bird to help me find it, even if it is a gift for you. " Holding this fist size, there was no ice melting out of the temperature. Tingshu smiled, "in that case, I'm not polite." Indeed, although this one hundred years of non melting ice is not as shocking and valuable as the one thousand years of non melting ice spread on the Internet, or even the ten thousand years of non melting ice at the bottom core of the twin islands, it is also a rare treasure. It is definitely not comparable to the artificial non melting ice purchased by Tingshu. With this, Jiuwei will enjoy it next.