Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 1154

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
After a good meal, the huge Salamence spread its wings and flew into the sky under the eyes of the children.

The huge Salamence flew away, and those children who still wanted to play with it had to gather around Lin Xiao and look at him.

In the face of a group of little loli and Max who had real eyes that day, Lin Xiao had no choice but to let them come back tomorrow, and play with Dalonglong tomorrow to dismiss these little loli and Max ladies. .

"Huh! So tired!"

In the return to house, Ash rubbed his hands vigorously and moved that many pieces of meat at one time. It was really choking.

Brock hasn't gotten much better either. At this time, he lay softly on the sofa, weak.

First accompany the two girls to go shopping, and then help Lin Xiao feed Salamence. The two of them have a hard time.

"Don't complain."

Lin Xiao washes off the smell of meat in the bathroom, walks out, said with a smile: "Let's go, I invite you to eat Feast, treat you guys."


When he heard the feast, Ash jumped up immediately.

Lin Xiao was speechless, "When did I lie to you? Or do you think I can't afford a big meal?"

Ash suddenly became anxious and said anxiously:" I didn’t mean that, I wanted to say if I could replace it with other dishes, such as big pot dishes..."

Since then, Ash still thinks that Lin Xiao’s dishes are cooked. It's delicious, especially the big pot of dishes. After eating it several times, it feels delicious and not greasy.

Lin Xiao suddenly laughed. He thought he wanted to eat something that was flying on the ground. It turned out to be just a big pot of food. After a few people glanced at it, he asked, "You also think so?"

"Of course I eat big pot dishes!!"

Brock, Michelle, and Misty unanimously expressed their opinions.

This group of snack goods, Lin Xiao laughed, said: "Let's go, let's go out and make it."

"Yeah!!! Long live!!"

Under Ash's weird roar, Lin Xiao brought the backpack above and went to the supermarket next to the hotel to buy the ingredients, and the entire group moved towards the place where he made big pot dishes last time.

Fiercely had a full meal. Several people lay lazily on the grass. Misty's face was blushing. Some of the sorry ones approached Lin Xiao and asked in a low voice: "That Lin Xiao, I What should I bring to visit Ash’s mother?"

Bring something to Delia?

Lin Xiao sat up straight and took a look at Misty. It was then that Misty passed by not as a friend but as Ash’s girlfriend. He really needs to bring something with him. .

But Delia doesn’t have anything lacking. I have everything that should be. After thinking about it, Lin Xiao still said, “I feel like I can just bring some local specialties. Delia was very happy back then."

"I felt a little nervous."

Misty's face was red, and she was very nervous when she inhaled, but Ash didn't know yet. The sorrows of my own daughter-in-law lay on the grass and fell asleep after eating.

Although she has been to Ash’s house and lived there, she went as Ash’s partner at that time, but now it’s the transformation of her daughter-in-law to see her mother-in-law, Misty is not nervous It's a weird thing.

"Don’t worry, silly girl, Delia is easy to get along with. She will be happy as long as you pass by, so you can rest assured and don’t worry too much."

Misty Lin Xiao couldn’t help but chuckle, but every girl would be very nervous when facing this, but it’s strange that a man didn’t feel that way when he saw his mother-in-law, but he always said " Do you have money? Do you have a car?” except for the type.

But since Misty has already asked for help, Lin Xiao couldn’t say nothing. He thought about it and said, “Just like what I said just now, just bring some local products, Ash’s mother. There is no shortage of other things, and there is no need to have too many things. The main thing is the heart."

Misty has also consulted Michelle on this question, but where does Michelle know? She herself and Lin Xiao were not very long, and she didn't know what to prepare when she saw her parents.

And Lin Xiao's woman doesn't seem to need to prepare anything. Professor Oak and Oak Syracuse don't care about that set.

You will be very happy if you really bring your things to visit them, but at the same time you will also say that it’s good for people to come, why do you bring things?

"Lin Xiao, then we will see you in the expansion zone! Must come here soon!!"

In the early morning of 2nd day, the three of Ash bought the SS Ticket to Kanto. Ready to leave for Kanto.

When Lin Xiao asked why he didn’t buy a plane ticket to take a boat, Ash’s answer directly defeated him, “It’s not fun to be a plane, and taking a boat can be a vacation. It’s just one move, two gains to see the scenery. "

It takes at least half a month to take a boat from Hoenn Region to Kanto. Everyday all I watched the endless sea and traveled that many places for a few years. Has this guy not seen enough?

However, how Ash chooses Lin Xiao, he has no way to interfere. He can only congratulate him on his smooth journey and his safe arrival in Kanto, although the next sentence of the smooth journey is missing halfway...

But Lin Xiao can't bear Ash's disappearance. The biggest reason is that Ash's disappearance. Then Delia can't be sad to die? I don't want to see Delia cry in tears.

In the blink of an eye, only me and Michelle are left. Of course, there is a fatty Morrison who is not very familiar. Today Morrison’s game is ahead of him. Lin Xiao intends to take a look at this Little Fatty with Ash’s request. The heart of victory, what stage is it going to?

After buying the tickets, Lin Xiao and Michelle walked into the lively audience.

Suddenly many viewers recognized him and greeted him with smiles. Lin Xiao smiled one after another and responded, and many of them ran up to Lin Xiao with a pen to sign.

In the past, Lin Xiao thought that the so-called fans just liked it, and he didn't understand those crazy fans. At this time, he also encountered this situation.

Once Kona announced his abdication and took the child at home, many of her fans were sad and even some found them in the manor.

At this time, Lin Xiao felt a nodded, especially in full view, a pure-looking girl happily ran up to ask for an autograph.

The signature is normal, but Lin Xiao feels sad about where she needs to sign. ..