Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 1629

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
Lin Xiao said yes, you want to make Scyther accept the first thing to do is to not be afraid of it! If you have been afraid of it, let Scyther how this heart will recognize your day higher than the small Pokémon? !

Even it you are afraid of how it also led the fight to win? This is not bullshit you? Even the ghosts do not believe that out.

"just ~~~"

Scyther eyes gradually eased off no previous sharp, so May relaxed while hastily blink a few eyes, blinking really to shed tears.

After blinked, eyes feel comfortable a lot, May just took a deep breath, said: "I know you are very good fight, and I think you can understand the heart of the battle, you and I can fight side by side with you?! "

May will not say anything too fan, love it, or obey Lin Xiao many things there to sell off now, but May can only do this step up.

In the face of a small Pokémon May performance is very passive, she can be good for small Pokémon, able to go slowly in depth, the solution small Pokémon, they are as their best friend, but let May He may go by mouth to convince each other that they will feel a loss for words, do not know to say something good.

Scyther quietly watching her May want to know these things are not true, in fact, human beings and small Pokémon in itself is a contradiction of the very existence of mankind and spending time with small Pokémon can understand the basic human words, but human beings in addition to a column outside guy, basic functions from the voice and understand that some gestures.

Many people have said that only a small Pokémon clever and powerful wild beast, but each time recall this sentence Lin Xiao feels exceptionally sarcastic, clever little Pokémon wild beast, that is what humans Woolen cloth?

After a small Pokémon and humans can get along for some time to completely understand human words, but human beings?

Even if you are not necessarily a lifetime trying to understand the small Pokémon say.

On the other hand look so human it is ironic, since that only the most intelligent, but even small Pokémon can not understand the language, do not reverse metaphor for the wild beast of small Pokémon was able to quickly understand .

Unfortunately, some have been reluctant to face the problem of human Bale, who is also a small Pokémon concessions, Lin Xiao even wonder if one day mankind move thoroughly angered the small Pokémon who, in many of the legends under the leadership of the small Pokémon and human bombers will be what scene? !

without exception, the fate of mankind is absolutely very worrying, and that number is the number of mankind will not speak no ordinary small Pokémon several times, that is, those little Pokémon were hardly old fart of mankind will be able to continue to come together rubbing, kneading.


May Scyther's face look is very magnanimous, before either Scyther eyes, then, May will not be afraid to understand at this time how to get along with and after Scyther, May and will not be afraid of it.

And then, although Lin Xiao moved from over there, but May said is the truth, she wanted to be able to fight with Scyther, these all are the truth, rather than to fool the Scyther .

Small Pokémon often feel very powerful for humans to distinguish whether lying to myself.

Unfortunately, May performance is very magnanimous, let Scyther not to be a trace of cheat on their trail, the eyes gradually softened, "just !!" raised his sickle, Scyther looking at May.

May surprised a moment, subconsciously want back, Lin Xiao silent, as long as their feet withstood May from behind, a little push, May suddenly cried out in surprise stumbled forward, before she came back to his senses he had hugged Scyther.

"just ~~~"

found himself clinging to Scyther May the soul are almost scared to fall out, feeling his body becomes stiff, afraid to move for fear of the next second Scyther so give yourself a sickle.

At the same time was secretly worry, blame Lin Xiao actually push yourself over, now how to do?

But May did not think about sickle among the fall, Scyther quietly watching May, suddenly narrowed eyes, smile, Scyther even if you can hardly smile from its face look out, only notice a change in these expressions from the eye in order.

is referred to as facial paralysis, and Scizor more intensified, and that is always a cool expression, facial paralysis from upgrading to an iceberg!

Amount ........ in a hurry dares of May feel Scyther hugged himself, a smile could not help surprised a moment, quickly come to understand this is acknowledged Scyther own, and his own willingness to fight side by side together.

Among the excitement reached out and hugged May Scyther, excited and said: "Thank you Scyther, I will not let you down."

"exactly !!!"

Scyther holding May, May told myself will not let her down.

"Paipai Pai !!!"

Lin Xiao smile clapping, and May is true Scyther each other and receiving applause, clapping with Lin Xiao and Bali Si Dawn , Ash, Brock first to applaud, let others in the classroom all have to applaud.

"Thank you! Thank you !!!"

looked at the whole class of students are applauded for their own, May cried, the tears keep the eyes red bow toward thank you .

Many times people are so simple, but often can become very dark! Everything is human nature dictates.

"go and exchange their feelings small Pokémon it, silly girl." May also pleased to see he kept straining bow thanks, Lin Xiao smiled and squeezed her little face.

"Enen." May his eyes red, but people very happy, tears wiped his face, nodded with Scyther to their seats, quietly chatting and Scyther.

ended down everything and everyone began his work, and his little Pokémon exchange, the fastest increase the feelings you want a good deal with tomorrow's battle.

"ah !!!"

Growl sounded a sudden burst of miserable, scared people in a classroom, including Lin Xiao, not blame bad quality of everyone's mind, but this Growl called a bit miserable!

turned to look, actually Ash, but Ash can not now before the happy look, Lin Xiao remember a few seconds before this child is still happy to Raichu grooming, few results seconds after changed. ..