Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 1770

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:

After a battle with Darkley, Mew has returned to his previous heartless character, who only knows how to play. As for As a result of the battle, Lin Xiao did not ask, nor was it necessary.

Mew is very happy to find Jirachi and play with him.

It likes to tease people and other little Pokémon. Many of the little Pokémon in Lin Xiao's team have been tossed by Mew, but Jirachi doesn't know it. It always feels that everything is fun and Mew is having fun.

Getting a lot of delicious things, Celebi happily flew to the side and began to nibble.


Nibbling on his favorite candy, Celebi suddenly felt that reaching Clay’s gaze was focused on him and looked at it strangely, feeling a bit After hesitating, he finally took out a candy and handed it to Dakley, and told it was delicious, but I can only give you one.

Darkley was taken aback. He did not expect that Celebi would share his food with him. Suddenly he did not know what to do. This is the first time that Pokémon has treated him well and let him Yi felt the feeling of being cared for, and a strange feeling arose in his heart. Dakley looked at the candy that Celebi was handing silently.


Seeing Duckley staring at the candy, Celebi thought Duckley was too small, so he pouted dissatisfiedly. I complained, and looked at the candy in my arms reluctantly, then took out two more and handed it to Darkley and told it that there could be no more! Otherwise, I won't have to eat.

Take out three candies to distribute to Darkrei. Celebi feels distressed and reluctant to bear it, but watching Darkrei's silence is a bit pitiful, so he is cruel to share it with Darkrei. Some Lay, if you know it, take five knives from Lin Xiao! !

They have been given to Darkley 2/3/2021, which shows how distressed Celebi is.

Lin Xiao will not be stingy enough to not give Dakley candies. This type of candy is the most expensive one. You have to buy a lot of Normal candy for the price of one, although the price is a bit more expensive. , But the taste is very good, Lin Xiao bought a lot and gave Celebi a few at a time to satisfy the appetite of the little fellow.


But what made Celebi almost cry is that Dakley still did not move, still looking at the candy in his hand, its greed makes Celebi turned his head madly, and didn't want to pay attention to Darklee, this greedy fellow gave you more than half, and he still wanted it! !

It's hard to think about leaving Celebi away from yourself.

Celebi turned his head to the side, and Dakley recovered, his eyes remained unchanged.

Tangle and hesitate again, hesitated for a long, long time before Celebi reluctantly handed all the candy except this one in his mouth to Darkley. It was a hemorrhage!

After a long period of entanglement and hesitation, the soft-hearted Celebi finally defeated his mouth and gave the candy to Darkley.

A tear flickered in his eyes, but it was soon hidden by Darkley’s eyes. He slowly raised his forehead, and Darkley picked up a candy from Celebi’s hand. It was just one. It was not greedy. It was the first time that Pokémon was so kind to him. Darklay was stunned. It was not greedy and wanted everything.


Although he is willing to give all the candy to Darkley, Celebi still feels uncomfortable. Candy is his favorite! Seeing that Darklay had only taken one, Celebi shouted with joy.

Feeling Celebi's happiness, Darklay slowly put the candy in his mouth. It was sweet and fragrant. This was the first thing Darklay felt.

It’s very rare. When Dakley saw Celebi moved towards, he showed an innocent smile, corner of the mouth twitched, slightly raised, although the arc is very small, it is almost invisible Clear, but it is indeed a laugh! ! !

This made Lin Xiao, who had been chatting with Mewtwo but focused on Dakley's body, froze for a moment. This guy actually laughed! ! Although the arc is small, it cannot hide from Lin Xiao's Aura Force perception.

In less than half an hour, Lin Xiao was emotionally fluctuating because of Darkley. Mewtwo knew Lin Xiao's thoughts and glanced at Darkley unexpectedly. Mewtwo is sensitive to Darkley. It was the same with Ley. He felt that someone looked towards Mewtwo when he was observing, "hmph ~~" lightly snorted Darkly turned his head and ignore Mewtwo.

Mewtwo didn't care either. To be precise, Mewtwo's personality is similar to that of Darkley, and it's relatively indifferent.


Suddenly there was a scream from Celebi, which shocked Lin Xiao, what happened to this little fellow?

"gē gē gē ~~~"

Waiting for Lin Xiao, Dawn, May, and Baihe turned their heads and looked, they couldn't help but laugh.

In the past, Celebi would be cautious about eating to prevent Pikachu Snatch's own food. In fact, this time Celebi did the same, but didn't want to prevent Pikachu but ignored the new guys who joined the team.

Jirachi hehe smiled and stuffed the candy into his mouth, making his mouth puffed up slightly. It looked cute, and it was not only bad, but also Mimi and Mew.

Mimi, Jirachi, and Mew, who were playing in the distance, asked Fragrance about the candy, turned around and saw that Celebi raised his little hand to Darklei with a smile on his face. A few delicious candies.

Lin Xiao’s little Pokémon knows that this is a candy that Lin Xiao bought specially. It tastes very good and very sweet. The snack food Jirachi immediately flew over and took one of the candy before Celebi didn’t respond. .

Looking at one less candy in his palm, Celebi was stunned. As a result, the candy was robbed!

Jirachi took one without Celebi's expectation. Mimi took one while Celebi was stunned. Mew, who was so pedantic, walked with one in the blink of an eye. Of the four candies you don’t see three!

This made Celebi scream distressedly, this is his own reward, but it was snatched away first.

As Celebi's yelling sounded, the little Pokémon around was surprised and looked towards this side and quickly understood why Celebi would emit a sharp Growl.


A small figure passed by, and the candy was gone at the last moment. ..