Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 2220

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
Axew, who was already disappointed, suddenly stared wide-eyed and looked at Lin Xiao excitedly. He wanted to know what he needed to do before he could fight first.



It is about the joy of fighting after the meeting. Axew looked very excited and surrounded Lin Xiao keeps spinning and wants to know what he needs to do.

The anxious little fellow, Lin Xiao slightly smiled, pointed to the bush in the embarrassment and said: "Axew, there is a Deino in it. It is a shy and shy girl. You just need to go in and engage with it. Good relationship, and then just bring it out to play, I promise to let you go first if there is a battle in the future!"

"Axew?!" Axew stared at Lin Xiao, and seemed to want to know Lin. Would Xiao lie to himself, but Lin Xiao smiled and didn't look like he was lying. Axew yelled happily and jumped directly into the fence moved towards the bushes and ran over.

As long as you get this girl, you can fight first and get this girl! ! !

At this time, Axew's mind only had this thought left, and he jumped directly into the fence, moved towards the bush and ran, Bobby stood beside Lin Xiao and asked with some worry: "Is it okay to do this? Will it arouse Deino’s disgust?"

"Do you think you hate a lively and cute child?"

"Uh, no, I prefer children, Especially the obedient and sensible child."

Bobby was stunned. Although he didn't know what Lin Xiao wanted to say, Bobby still shook his head. Who doesn't like the lively and cute child? Even if the child will do something wrong, he is basically reluctant to Punishment it.

"The current Axew is the child I said. Do you think Deino’s character will become hateful because of Axew’s liveliness?" Lin Xiao pointed to Axew said with a smile,

"Probably not." Bobby woke up, thought for a while and said not quite sure.

"Now that it won't be so we have to worry about watching." laughed, Lin Xiao looked at Axew who moved towards the bushes step by step, holding a heart of watching a play .


Close to the bushes, Axew didn't bother Deino directly, but stood outside the bushes and talked with Deino.

"Single Dragon!!!"

Axew suddenly got close to him, making Deino a little nervous, but when he saw that Axew was still a child, he slowly let go of his vigilance, and Axew is not too close either.


Knowing that Deino is a little wary and guarding against his approach, Axew did not rush up hastily, but sat directly on the ground with a big smile. Communicate with Deino.

"What are they talking about?"

Bobby looked at Lin Xiao curiously, Lin Xiao couldn't help rolling the eyes, "How could I know that I am not a god!" !!!” Lin Xiao wanted to know what little Pokémon said, unless little Pokémon used telepathy to communicate, but whether it was Axew or Deino, how could Lin Xiao himself know what they two were talking about?


"Single Dragon!!!"

The communication between the two little Pokémon continued, and Bobby scratched his head awkwardly , I feel like I asked a very stupid question.

"Single Dragon!!"

I don't know what Axew said, Deino hiding in the bushes sent out a cheerful Growl, making Lin Xiao and Bobby turn their attention .

"Axew, Axew!!!" Axew hugged his belly and fell on the grass and laughed. It may be that the two little fellows said something interesting, which led to a lot of improvement in the relationship between the two parties. From Deino’s voice, it can be known that this child is very happy and has let go of his vigilance towards Axew.


Under Bobby’s somewhat surprised eyes, Deino seemed to let go and slowly walked out of the bushes and started on the grass. Play with Axew.

Lin Xiao said with a smile: "Let’s go, let’s leave, let their two little fellows play here for a while, I believe that after this time, Deino will become more courageous. Wait for you to get some food in the past. Although Deino has already eaten it, Dragon Type Pokémon has a relatively large appetite and can be eaten sometimes."

"Thank you." Bobby looked at Lin Xiao My eyes are a little red, and I am very moved. Lin Xiao Help has been a lot of work. Now there are not many people who are as enthusiastic as Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao allows himself to feed Deino. Obviously, he wants to let Deino, who is gradually letting go, be more than himself. Get in touch and accumulate experience for yourself.

"Thank you or anything. If you really want to thank me, please wait for a big meal and invite us to dinner. It's almost noon."

A big man is red I would like to say thank you with my eyes open, and anyone would feel a little awkward.

Lin Xiao couldn't stand it a little, so he simply replaced the thank you with a big meal, so that Bobby's heart would feel a little more comfortable, and he would not face such embarrassment.

"hahaha, little things, little things, I'll prepare them right away!! Don’t wait for me to feed Deino, so I’ll prepare them right away!!"

Lin Xiao took the initiative to propose a big meal and let Bo It was a little more comfortable than he felt, because he felt a little sad that he didn't give anything.

"Then I'm looking forward to Mr. Bobby's big meal." Smiling and waving his hand, Lin Xiao returned to the little Pokémons and continued to supervise the little Pokémon's training, and Axew took it as a holiday. Now, the little fellow trains very hard, but it’s a pity that he has been pressed by himself, and he basically has no chance to fight.

When I think of Axew's happy appearance, Lin Xiao is a little bit emotional. It seems that he has been oppressing Axew for a long time, and it should be time for it to start fighting.

Actually, the current Axew is not inferior to Deino. As for the future, Lin Xiao can’t tell how far Axew can grow in the future. Lin Xiao doesn’t know how, he can only take one step at a time. The future of a little fellow is a bit It's confusing.

Lin Xiao dare to say that Deino is definitely a champion-level Pokémon, but he dare not make such a rhetoric for Axew. On the one hand, it has not been fully seen, and Axew will eventually be able to compete with Deino. The shoulder-to-shoulder may be a question mark, even Lin Xiao dare not pack the ticket casually.

With its lively and mischievous character, it adds too much uncertainty to Lin Xiao, and he can only take one step at a time, but he is looking forward to the growth of Axew. ..