"Yes Ivy?"
"Ow!" I yelped as Ivy kicked me in the shin. "What was that for?"
"Nothing." She said firmly and I pouted at her. Okay so yes, Ivy had been making eyes at Lucario since we first ran into the pair.
But it wasn’t like I was going to use her on my team!
"Can we get back to actually battling?" Ivy asked, and I nodded a bit embarrassed.
"Sorry. We keep getting distracted."
"It’s fine I guess... Are you going to let them out?"
I looked at the two pokeballs I was holding and sighed.
"Yeah I guess. Come on out!" I called and Riolu and Lucario both appeared from my pokeballs.
Both pokemon shared a look of surprise as they sort of checked over themselves.
"See? Nothing weird about pokeballs." I offered and Lucario nodded slowly, while Riolu scoffed. "Right, well. Ivy and I are doing some more battle practice if you want to watch. Or I guess you can head back to the cave or go back in the pokeballs if you want. Up to you." I offered and Lucario nodded, walking towards the edge of our little clearing and settling in. Riolu looked from her mother to me and then back to me.
She scoffed and hurried after her mom.
This time I rolled my eyes and turned back to Ivy. "Ready?"
"Yeah!" She said and threw out Sewaddle.
"Sew! Sew!" He cheered and just as Ivy was going to give him a command he turned around and leapt for Ivy.
Poor Ivy screeched as he smacked right into her, and started sewing leaves into her hair.
It might take a bit before Sewaddle is ready for battle...
Lucario and Riolu followed us back to the cave after Ivy and I had battled each other out.
Mostly for me it was Mimikyu, since Gible was still a little early for that. But Ivy had an array of grass types that Mimikyu battled through with Chansey recovering everyone afterwards.
I just kept looking towards Lucario and Riolu as they followed the two of us back.
This whole situation was so complicated.
Riolu certainly hadn’t been on my capture list. There was only one fighting type in Kitakami that I was on the lookout for, but if Lucario wanted her daughter to grow strong... Then I couldn’t deny I was a good bet for that. Chansey and Gravity alone would turn her into a powerhouse.
That and Lucario were famous for being able to sense bad intentions. If Lucario, or Riolu hung around my stable it would keep things so much safer!
Riolu was a little brat!
I huffed as I entered the cave and flopped onto my sleeping bag.
"That was good training." Ivy offered as she settled in herself. As she sat she noticed that there was a hidden leaf sewn into the back of her pants as it crackled as she sat down. Sighing, she reached back and fiddled with it until it came out.
"It was. Mimikyu definitely deserves his rest." I patted his pokeball. Chansey might be able to heal, but that didn’t mean the constant battles didn’t take something out of him.
He’d rest up until I made him some food, and then I would let him eat and sleep it off.
"Ri, Rio, Ri?" Riolu demanded as she stood beside me, and I almost scoffed at her obvious desire before I controlled myself.
She might be a brat, but Riolu was my responsibility now.
"No training yet. We need to work on our connection before we can do battle training." I explained calmly. Then because I was going to be nice to my new pokemon I patted the bag beside me.
"Here sit, I’ll explain it." I offered and while her eyes narrowed at me, eventually she looked to her mom who nodded, and Riolu settled in beside me.
Lucario though settled into a spot a bit farther away, just sort of watching as she leaned against the wall arms crossed...
Damn she was so cool!
I shook my head to get rid of the distraction. Then because I was going to explain this, I might as well pull out another who needed to hear it.
"Hold on." I told Riolu and carefully I grabbed my blood covered pokeball although it was much cleaner now as the blood had mostly dried off and flaked. I released Gible.
"Gib?" She asked as she popped up a bit further into the cave and away from anyone in particular.
"Hey Gible, I’m going to explain to Riolu about training, how we are going to get super strong. Do you want to come join us?" I offered and Gible looked at me.
I looked at her.
She looked at me.
Riolu looked from Gible to me.
And then Gible’s mouth opened wide.
"I see." I answered without seeing anything at all.
What was that supposed to mean!?
Then she just walked over and plopped down next to me on the sleeping bag.
"Right... Anyway, training! So! First Chansey is going to give you an examination and we are going to come up with a nutrition plan! You can’t grow stronger if you aren’t eating everything your body needs to grow! So that is step one."
Riolu nodded slowly like she was trying to understand, while Gible just sat there mouth open...
Ah, no she was drooling now. I guess the word eating had made her hungry.
"Once that is settled we will get into training. Now I have a few secret training methods to raise strength, but at first we aren’t going to use them." I explained feet kicking. "With all of you that I captured here in Kitakami, I’m going to focus on two things. One, battle training. Teaching you how to react in pokemon battles, so you can grow strong there. Ivy helped with that already today." I said and Ivy looked up from where she was grooming her Fomantis, the one that she battled with.
"I’m just using you to teach my pokemon that." She replied back with a sinister smile.
I just ignored her, even as Riolu sort of scooted behind me a bit at Ivy’s smile.
"Anyways, but then? Then we are going to do special training." I smacked a fist lightly into my palm. "I have a training method to make you physically strong, but we are going to develop a secret method to make our special attacks better!"
I looked over to Gible and realized.
She had no idea what was going on. She was actually looking over at Fomantis with predatory eyes.
So I distracted her, "Gible?" I asked to get her attention, and when she was focused on me, I reached out and picked her up.
"Gib?" She reacted in a little surprise, but was still calm as I planted her in my lap, and started scritching.
"It’s okay Gible. You’ll see. You are definitely someone we all want around." I told her, even as she seemed to be utterly still more in shock than anything.
"Drag." Dragonite added in walking over and lifting me right off my feet, and squeezing Gible and I in a big squishy hug!
Gible would realize someday that she was loved.
"Rio!" Riolu pointed from behind me. We had all set out after hug time.
"Drag!" Dragonite agreed and we banked around the mountain.
I actually wasn’t surprised where Riolu was guiding us. The Paradise Barrens on the north west side of the mountain, had been where you could find them in the game.
Now if only Riolu would stop jabbing me in the side as we flew along this could be more peaceful.
I jabbed back, getting a solid connection to her getting a nice "Oof!" From the jackal.
"Drag! Dragonite!" Dragonite scolded both of us as she looked back at us for a moment and Riolu and I both stopped roughhousing under Dragonites judgemental stare.
"Sorry." I said to Dragonite and Riolu, even if she had started it.
"Rio." She apologized as well, although I think in her case it was more the angry Dragonite glaring at her.
"Drag." She nodded pleased and then with a single flap of her wings we were moving again at a rapid pace.
"Which way?" I asked and Riolu pointed, and Dragonite adjusted, but as we started flying over the barrens I realized I didn’t even need to ask any more.
Because I could hear them,
The sounds of metal ringing up from the barrens. Clashing of steel, and roars of dragons!
I could feel myself growing even more excited as Dragonite shifted and surged forward.
More cuties!
Dragonite winged up and pulled to a stop atop a large rock overlooking what looked like an arena.
Compacted dirt and rock, and... The pokemon were playing music, sort of.
A group of Jangmo-o were challenging each other. Scales were slammed into to make noise as they faced their opponents, and each side responded with a shift in the group and then a large noise ringing out.
It was... Familiar. Like I had seen this before somewhere.
I slipped off Dragonites back. Riolu hopped off and whined a bit as she clapped her paws against her ears.
Oh! That explains why Lucario had looked so put out about the Kommo-o!
"Want to go back in your ball?" I offered and despite her discomfort she shook her head glaring at me.
But I also couldn’t just let her keep getting hurt like this... I grabbed my bag and dug through it, medical section, med kit, and... yep! I had some. I grabbed a bunch of cotton balls and offered them to Riolu who just looked at me like I was crazy.
"Put them in your ears!" I said loud enough to be heard and she blinked before looking at them and then she swiftly started snatching them up and stuffing them into her ears.
She blinked.
"Rio!" She belted out much louder than needed, but looking actually happy.
Then I could turn back to the view, but Dragonite I noticed was very focused on what was happening.
But not the little Jangmo-o. While I was distracted they had four Hakamo-o join them and they were adding their own noise to the group.
But then Two Kommo-o stepped out, and that is what Dragonite was focused on.
Then they rang out, and this time I pressed my hands against my ears to block out the noise.
But it wasn’t just noise. I blinked, as I realized what it was.
With the larger Dragons being bipedal I was able to recognize what was happening.
They were dancing. Choreographed dancing, but one I had seen the like of before.
It was a Haka. The Dragons were performing a Haka against each other!
I felt my mouth drop open, because it was fucking cool!
They shook, they slammed palms against chest plates, and elbows, stomped in time, and the differences in metal coats lent a musical element to it. The tinier Jangmo-o. Brassy Hakamo-o, and the booming bass of the Kommo-o.
This was both training, challenge, and culture all tied into one.
Dragonite was focused and interested due to the draconic challenge inherent.
And then it ended. Both sides finished their challenge, and the crowd of other dragons around all rose a voice together, calling out and making noise.
It was as cacophonous as their Z move.
Then I giggled, because it was like a group of parents watching a little league game.
They were calling out who they thought had done the best. Pointing and clattering against each other. I had a feeling that a brawl would break out soon if not for a single loud ringing.
Not the largest.
Not the toughest.
No. But that was definitely the oldest Kommo-o. His ringing sound wasn’t as loud. It quavered in a way that told me the steel of his armor was not as strong as it should be.
But at the sound everyone went silent.
And then He stepped in between the two groups, looking them both over, and pointed at the one on his left.
The ones on his right bowed at his judgment, and there was a great cheer for the victors.
"That looks like fun!" I said and Dragonite beside me looked over and nodded happily. We were both on one thought.
I wanted to do it too!
I looked to Riolu and gave her a big smile.
She instantly seemed to realize my intentions. She shook her head.
I nodded.
She shook harder.
I Nodded. HARDER.
She made to run.
Dragonite picked her up.
Both of us smiled brightly.
"RIO!" She howled, but it was too late. Dragonite leapt, as I jumped on her back and we both flew over to get involved!