Chapter 58

Name:Pokemon Trainer Vicky Author:

"Food time!" I called out, finally finishing the evening meal for all my pokemon.

Having more than twice what I had before made things more complicated, but thankfully most of my new tummies were small guys, so it actually wasn’t that much more food than before.

"Don’t you think that’s a little extravagant?" Elizabeth suddenly asked from behind me.

It was getting close to dinner time for humans too, and more and more people had been gathering on the porch at the little table there watching as I ran my pokemon through their final bit of training then started preparing their meal.

"Nope." I answered back without hesitation. "Each of my pokemon receive the food they need after their exercise, along with vitamins that they burn naturally, and I use berries to help flavor the food to their liking. I can’t ask them to work hard without a reward. This is just the basic trainer stuff. They fight for us. We take care of them."

Turning around I could tell that Elizabeth probably didn’t agree with my philosophy, which was sad, but also as much as I felt for her pokemon, it just meant her pokemon would never grow truly strong.

So advantage get, I guess?

"Food is done!" Grandpa Roy called out and I hesitated as I noticed it.

A family dinner out on the porch.

A family dinner alongside Uncle Leopold’s family. I could already see the glare that Uncle Leo was shooting at Papa.


But I followed after a moment. I had been running around all afternoon working with my friends. I was hungry too.

"Thank you." I offered to Aunt Melissa as she settled a plate in my spot and she nodded, smiling faintly, but it looked less like a real smile, and more like just one she was wearing at the time. I did notice how she pointedly didn’t fill Papa’s plate like she did some of the others. A minor snub, but one all the same.

We settled in.

"Victoria, your training has been going well?" Grandpa Roy asked as everyone took a seat.

"Yeah mostly. I need to get a TM or talk to my friend Zelos. Jangmo-o needs a ranged attack, and I think Dragon Pulse would be perfect. Her Fraxure knows it, should be able to trade her for tips on how to learn it."

"Fraxure?" Elizabeth asks, looking confused.

"It’s a dragon type usually found in Unova. Super duper strong physical attacker. Haxor, it’s evolved form trades in some of the defense other dragon types get, for just pure brute force... Ahhhh I wish I could have one! They are super cute with axe faces!" I told her using my fingers like axe blades to show her what I meant.

"Unova? Oh! Is that the ambassador’s daughter?" Uncle Leopold asked suddenly interested and I nodded.

"Yeah, Zelos Bia, she went to my school. She’s... Nice?" I offered. Because she wasn’t, but she also wasn’t cruel. Just sort of blunt and a bit... "She’s a bit of a disaster though." I added thinking back to her first day at school where she got so upset after getting muddy, and how she didn’t know how to cook.

"Sounds like an interesting girl." Uncle Leo said. "You said you were friends?" I was about to stuff some food in my mouth but stopped and brought the fluffy white rice back to my bowl.

"Yeah! We are rivals! I can’t wait to see her again, I should call her!" I said happily, she should definitely have all eight badges, by now. I wonder how much training she’s done! Would she have advice for raising little dragons?

"Good. A good relationship with the Unovan ambassador is very good. Perhaps invite her over? I wouldn’t mind a moment to speak to her father about how he has enjoyed Kanto." Uncle Leo added, and it clicked.

Ah, he was trying to use me as a connection for politics....

Eh, whatever.

"Speaking of the League. Vicky." Granda Roy added and I put my chopsticks down again. Food... So close!


"We received a message this afternoon from them, they had a request for you, and for us regarding the stable."

"Tell them no take backs. The Goomy aren’t going anywhere even if they say super please!"

The table went quiet as everyone looked at me.

"What? Was it not about getting a Goomy? They are really cute you know!" I explained making a woogle gesture with my hands.


"I don’t believe your Goomy are the focus of the request, but they were involved. There was a request to have a guest come and visit the stable. The Champion, Lance."

"Huh? Okay sure?" I offered with a shrug. Stupid Lance, and his stupid spiky hair... And his cool cape. I bet I could pull off a cape. Better than him even!

"Interesting." Grandpa Roy offered, stroking his chin." I will be honest and say the clan is very hesitant to accept such a request. I was almost hoping you would refuse outright to give me an easy excuse."

"Huh, why? Lance is a Dragon Master, I’m honestly really surprised I didn’t see him come barging in during the inspection. It makes sense he would want to see them."

"Lance might be Champion, but he is a Blackthorn. A Johtan." Grandpa Roy said seriously, looking serious with the way his face firmed into a scowl.

"So? The League already shared all the information about the dragons I brought back right? Let him come. That way he’ll have an idea of what is coming for him! I’m gonna kick his flying ass!"


"Sorry, his Flying butt!"

"Flying?" Elizabeth asked, wondering what I was talking about.

"Ah, that’s Lance’s secret, he doesn’t want it to get out... Lance isn’t a Dragon Type specialist! He’s a Flying type. Almost all of his pokemon are flying types." I answered. I had seen Lance’s battles on the TV before.

"No, he isn’t!" Elizabeth argued back instantly, nearly slapping the table.

"Dragonite? Flying Dragon. Gyarados? Flying Water. Aerodactyl? Flying Rock." I ran off my fingers as I spoke. "He has a Charizard too, although he doesn’t use it much. Flying Fire. I don’t think I ever saw, does he have a Kingdra?" I asked, and it was Grandpa Roy that nodded.

"He does. He used it during the Elite Four Battle against Blaine, when he claimed the Championship."

"Aerodactly?" Elizabeth mentioned, but I ignored her, because I was on a roll!

"Okay so one pokemon that’s not Flying. Pretty good, for a Flying type specialist. Rock Types are his weakness by the way. Almost all of his pokemon are weak against it." I offered then since everyone was finally silent I scooped some food into my mouth.

Ah! So nice to have a bit of peace and quiet.

"Heh." Papa broke the tension with a chuckle that had Mama joining him.

"You hear that Roy? The proud Dragons of the Blackthorn are flying specialists." Gram Gram replied and that had Grandpa Roy chuckling alongside her.

"Well Dragon Specialist or not." Grandpa Roy had to stop to chuckle a bit before continuing. "The League urged us to accept his request in this matter. You have no issues with it?"

"Nope.... Oh wait! Dratini. I wasn’t supposed to show that we had a baby." I told Papa and he nodded looking to Grandpa Roy.

"Vicky, how was the flight?"

"Cold! But fun. House is good. Growlithe are fed and back on duty... Except for Pillow. I am pretty sure he stole my bed again."

"He always does." Mama said and pulled me into a side hug as she led me in.

"Have you seen Chansey? She wasn’t outside."

"Ah. She’s in the living room, with your father." Mama said, saying ’father’ with a drip of irritation.

"Did the pokemon battle between Papa and Uncle Leo get out of hand?"

"Oh if only." Mama said sarcastically. She opened the door and I saw what happened.

"You had better thank Chansey for her help." I told the two grown ass men that looked like they had gotten into a fight with a Hitmonchan and lost.

Papa was holding a bloody rag to his nose, and Uncle Leo had a split lip.

Both were dirty, clothes damaged. And of course Chansey was being kind and healing them up...

If they looked like this after Chansey had been helping?

I sighed. "Chansey? Want to sleep with me tonight?" I asked, and she blinked before smiling happily and throwing me a fins up.

I nodded and looked at Papa.

"You should see the other guy?" He offered to my unimpressed look and that made me roll my eyes as widely as I could.

"Shut up Vic. Your mouth smells like shit."

"You threw it in my face, you cheat!" Papa argued back, rising out of the couch as Leo did the same, both men looked ready for round two, before the Goddess descended on them.

A single push and she sent both fully grown men onto their asses back in the chair and couch they had been using. Poor Uncle Leo almost tipped completely over at the force and looked a little startled when he managed to get the chairs legs back onto the ground.

"Chansey." She said simply a complete denial.

"Yeah don’t do that. Chansey has my permission to beat both of you up." I say and Chansey looked over and threw me a wink.

We both knew she didn’t need my permission.

I winked back and then left the room. I had been shown what room I could use while staying here, and as I walked in. I found my final two pokemon. Riolu and Lucario were both inside. Riolu had evidently decided pillows were the best thing ever.

She was asleep on the fainting couch in the room, but utterly covered in pillows. Lucario was beside her, looking pretty comfortable herself on the couch with a big pillow behind her.

"Want a blanket?" I asked quietly, so as not to wake up Riolu and she shook her head.

"Chansey will come in soon." I told her and Lucario nodded at that. Then I looked around for another of my missing friends. The faint light coming under the closet was what caught my eye. Along with the cord that was sticking under the door. I checked inside, and found a mess of colors and fabric and all sorts.

My appearance caused Mimikyu to still before I blinked at him.

"I’m going to bed. Don’t stay up too late. You can sleep in tomorrow, but we will still be doing training. Okay?"

"KuKu!" Satisfied I closed the door and yawned. Time for sleep.

A few moments later ready for bed, I gently placed Gibles’ pokeball on the side table beside me.

"Good night Gible. I can’t wait until we can both take a nap together." I told her with a smile as I settled in and closed my eyes. I was mostly asleep when Chansey came in, slipping into the covers and cuddling with me.

Chansey might be full of muscles, but she was still soft and I cuddled closer as dreams came.


The next morning after a quick breakfast for everyone. It was time to get to work.

"Be a good boy for Lucario okay?" I asked Jangmo-o who had been up early alongside Arcanine. Arcanine seemed to have gotten a little attached to the little guy.

Then again they both had a battle desire in them.

"Jang!" He barked out, his tail wagging.

So cute!

I pressed my forehead to his head scale then pulled away.

"Okay guys! I’ll be back soon!" And I hopped up onto Dragonites back and disappeared into the early morning sky.

I couldn’t go full out training next to the Ferrous clan house. Not even just because I didn’t want to share Gravity training, but because my pokemon caused serious damage when they got going.

So we flew off, and I had the perfect place to go in mind.

We landed not long after, at a familiar landscape. I stretched and walked over to the small hole in the dirt and rock that we had left.

"He used to be so tiny." I muttered and then I released everyone, and it only took a few moments before everyone realized where we were.

"Training time!" I called out, even as Gyarados took a moment to look around. This was the waterfall he had risen from after all. The place we first met.

Our place.

He looked to me, and our eyes met. He leaned in, and I hugged him for a minute as I could practically feel the emotions flowing out over my Blue Heart.

But soon enough Arcanine was whining for attention and I pulled away leaving a kiss on his nose.

"Alright! Chansey! Slow them down!" I called out and Chansey cheered and then everything got really heavy. Gyarados even slumping as he was the least used to the heavy Gravity.

"Alright everyone! Same as yesterday, just with Gravity giving us a double exercise now! Gyarados! Not you! We need to work on your physique some more! You’ve had the least time out of everyone. So we are going to push you hard my Heart."

Gyarados let out a roar that wavered quite a bit more than normal as he tried to rise back up.

Gyarados had the least time under Gravity, and he was definitely the largest of my pokemon he had the most amount of weight to deal with.

"The rest of you! You know what moves to focus on, let’s go!"

I grinned as I ran alongside the river with Gyarados. Letting him work on strengthening himself.

"Use Ice Fang!" I called out, and Gyarados did so, the energy rushing to his face and forming into a row of fangs that he used to bite at nothing. "Now again! That’s the move we are going to practice today! We are aiming for the top! Just like with the waterfall! It’s gonna be hard! We’ll fail again and again! But we won’t give up!" I roared and Gyarados roared along with me.