Chapter 22

Name:Pokemon Urban King Author:lqing
In an instant, a force appeared out of thin air, which encased the Small Captain who was desperately escaping, and also made him lose the chance of summon Pokémon.

Discovering that he was suddenly unable to use his strength, Sakamoto was surprised at first, and then immediately guessed that Bai Mo, the Psychic, might have caught up with him.

Moved his arm and found that he could not get Poké Ball, his face suddenly showed horror, and his voice tremblingly said, “Please let me go, the slate, the slate has been taken by Team Aqua. People take it, no, not on my side.”

Hearing this, Bai Mo just raised his arm and moved towards him with a wave.

next moment, Sakamoto was immediately wrapped in Confusion and came to him.

Glanced at Sakamoto who turned pale with fright, Bai Mo indifferently said, “I know that the slate is not in you, I am looking for you, just because there is a question I want you to answer, if you are not honest, you… …”

Chapter 0030 I met Quanmei for the first time

“Know, know, I know, I must know everything, may I ask!”

Bai Mo’s words are still Without finishing talking, Sakamoto immediately begged for mercy. In the eyes of ordinary persons, Psychic people are all monsters killing without blinking an eye.

Seeing this, Bai Mo’s eyes flashed with disdain, and then asked indifferently, “I ask you, in your Team Magma, there is a member who is about 1.8 meters tall and has dark skin. There is a line in the corner of his eye. The scar, do you know who it is?”

Hearing this, Sakamoto lowered his head and thought about it, and then eyes shined. There seems to be only one person in the organization who meets these standards.

Thinking of this, he immediately asked, “You mean, the captain of the fifth squad, Kubaki?”

“This person, did he go to Littleroot Town a year ago? Seeing that Sakamoto seemed to know, Bai Mo narrowed his eyes and asked, a killing intent flashed in his eyes!

“Yes, yes!” Hearing this Benmu immediately clicked nodded and said, “Wamu completed the task and was rewarded, so he quickly became Small Captain, and he also I don’t know where I got a lot of money, and I got a top grade Aptitude Poochyena in the organization!”

“Now this Poochyena has evolved into a Mightyena, and has the strength of a quasi-king. So he became the fifth Small Captain!”

Speaking of this, Giovanni’s face still showed a bit of jealousy!

“Wamu?” It was clear that the fifth Small Captain in Giovanni’s mouth was the person he was looking for. Bai Mo secretly wrote down the name. The beams he made at the beginning will be returned sooner or later. Not to mention that the person also got a top grade Aptitude Poochyena with his money!

All this was originally his.

Thinking of this, a fierce glow flashed in Bai Mo’s eyes, and he swept away Giovanni who was trying to move his arms to take Poké Ball in front of him, and there was a smirk at the corner of his mouth!

The blue light in my eyes rose instantly!


There was a scream in the woods!

After dealing with the matters to be dealt with, Bai Mo immediately got up and returned to the position of the Team Magma helicopter.

At this time, the member of Team Aqua had just found the slate and left. Bai Mo Psychic found his figure in a sweep, and immediately moved towards that direction to chase.

Bai Mo thinks very well, opponent’s opponent, maybe it can be a friend, and it’s time to make a deal with the people of Team Aqua!

In twos or twos, Bai Mo caught up with the member of Team Aqua and came not far from him.

Continuing to follow the man for some distance, Bai Mo saw a cave appeared in a very hidden place. On the side of the cave, there was Totem, the unique logo of Team Aqua, Bai Mo. It immediately understood that he had arrived at the secret base set up by Team Aqua in this place.

But he still wants to make complaints in his heart. Your Team Aqua is a criminal organization, okay, what is the purpose of setting up a self-reporting sign at the door! ?

Tucao return to Tucao, Bai Mo still followed out of the woods. When the member of Team Aqua was about to enter the cave, he said faintly:

“The one in front, you The stone slab in his hand should be returned to the original owner.”

Hearing the sound coming from behind, the squad member’s hairs are erected, and the instinct is to turn around and moved towards the sound Look in the direction of the call.

What greets you is a handsome-looking teenager. He is leaning lazily on a tree with his hands crossed on his chest, with a playful smile on his face, upright. Look at him.

But the most conspicuous thing about the teenager was the Level Badge of the Primary Rank Trainer, which calmed the squad member’s mood a little, and asked with a cold face, “Who are you? How do you know this place?”

“I’m here to get back what’s in your hand.” Hearing this, Bai Mo chuckled and walked towards the squad member’s direction.

“It’s up to you!?” A trace of contempt flashed in the eyes of the squad member, and he reached out and grabbed the Poké Ball belt around his waist.

Seeing the movement of the squad member, Bai Mo’s eyes immediately squinted, and blue light appeared in the depths of his eyes. His Psychic has been used too many times today, and Mental Force is nearly exhausted, but it is now. It is still possible to control it once.

But when Bai Mo’s action was halfway through, he suddenly stopped. On the other hand, the member of Team Aqua also stopped, and immediately bowed to the person who appeared on the side to say hello:

“Captain Izumi!”

I just felt Sakamoto’s strength at the same time as the Top Rank but can easily suppress his Mightyena’s strength, as well as the iron-boiled lobster elite lent by Izumi The strength of this squad member is now really surrendered to his captain.

Said hello, the member immediately passed the slate in his hand forward and exhilarated, “Captain Izumi, this is the slate I grabbed in the hands of Team Magma’s Small Captain very hard. I I think this is the goal of the team of Team Magma guys! There must be a huge secret hidden inside.”

“Oh!?” Hearing this, a hint of surprise flashed in Quan Mi’s eyes, although the subordinates in front of them had their own But she thought more about him using this Pokemon to protect himself, but she didn’t expect this person to actually inquire about the purpose of the guys in Team Magma, and even, there are some results.

But Quanmei did not rush to praise him, she looked towards Bai Mo and narrowed her eyes:

“Here is the site of our Team Aqua, grab something here, Do you think there is a chance of winning?”

Chapter 0031 to Shangquanmei

Speaking, Quanmei also flirted with her long red hair and paired with a pair of smart eyes, but increased A bit lively!

hearing this, Bai Mo took a deep look at Quan Mei and immediately recognized her identity.

Although I know Izumi is an expert, she still said indifferently, “I’m here to get this slate back, and there is also a deal. I want to talk to your boss.”

“Do you want to see our boss?” After learning Bai Mo’s purpose, Quan Mei was a little stunned for a while, and seriously looked at the boy in front of her. Bai Mo’s face made her feel a little familiar, but she couldn’t remember where she had seen it before. .

She shook her head and didn’t think much, Quanmei took out a Poké Ball and threw it into the open space in front of her.

“If you want to see the Boss, let me see if you have the ability to match.”

As Quanmei’s voice fell, a Crawdaunt immediately appeared next to him. .

Seeing the iron boiled lobster, Bai Mo swept the rays of light in his eyes and saw the halo on the opponent’s head.

I noticed the color of the halo and couldn’t help but admire it, because the halo on the head of the iron lobster in front of me was blue, with top grade Aptitude.

Speaking of which, Bai Mo traveled nearly half a month, and he hadn’t even seen a few high grade Pokemon. One can imagine how rare Aptitude is a good Pokemon. Quanmei has a top Grade iron-boiled lobster, luck is already very good!

This makes Bai Mo a little grateful that it is now three years ago. You must know that when Ash came to Hoenn Region three years later, Quanmei had become one of Team Aqua’s three Executives, and her strength had reached the Elite level.

But as far as it seems, her strength may not even reach the Quasi-King.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo also had the confidence to fight, and he directly reached out and turned to the silver Poké Ball worn on his neck.

When I played with the people of Team Magma before, it was not only to train Treecko and Charmander, but also did not want to expose the existence of Fairy Type, so Bai Mo did not take out Gardevoir, but now regardless of his own mental state, The remaining physical strength of Charmander and Treecko is not suitable for the challenge anymore.

So, if you want to chat with Team Aqua’s captain Archie, he can only want to send Gardevoir Izumi to the trick!

Gardevoir already has the strength of a quasi-king. Although the iron-boiled lobster with Dark Type Attribute is naturally defeated, as long as the iron-boiled lobster does not reach the Elite level, he is a one-stop idea.