Chapter 150:

Name:Possessed 10 Million Actors Author:
Chapter 150:

"After the filming of Let's Become an Actor' concluded without any issues, on the way back home, Jang Sunho, seeming content, spoke to Jinseok, who had buried himself into the car seat.

"Actor-nim, do you happen to remember the act actress Inoue' that Director Katahiro mentioned when we had dinner before?"

"Inoue Oh, yes. The Japanese actress the director mentioned, whom he coincidentally met when he came to Korea? He gave her contact, but there's been no response."

"Yes, but during the shoot just now, I received a text. Inoue, the actress, has finally reached out to Director Katahiro."

"Oh, that's good."

"Yes. So, we're planning to have an audition soon"

Jang Sunho tapped the steering wheel with his fingertips, his actions suggesting he was contemplating something.Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

"Actor-nim, do you happen to have a passport?"

"A passport?"

In the midst of discussing auditions, I unintentionally blurted out the question about a passport.

"Yes. It seems like we might need to have the audition in Japan. Because Director Katahiro is looking for a specific actor, and all the supporting roles are Japanese actors. It seems more advantageous to find actors locally rather than those active in Korea."

"Oh, I see"

"But I don't have a passport."

I had no reason to go abroad, so I didn't have a passport. Did he catch on to my thoughts? Jang Sunho calmly said,

"If you don't have one, you can get it issued. It usually takes about 4 to 5 days, so you can go tomorrow."

"Alright, I understand."

I was a bit worried, but hearing Jang Sunho's calm voice reassured me. Just as I was about to lean back into the car seat and relax.

"By the way, Actor-nim, you might be surprised when you go to Japan."

Jang Sunho spoke with a voice mixed with laughter.

"Your popularity as an actor is quite high in Japan."


I once saw a photo in an old article with the title Overseas Reactions to Hallyu Stars.'

Fans gathered in droves at the airport, bodyguards surrounding the star, who, wearing stylish sunglasses, smiled and navigated through the crowd.

It was a truly magnificent photo. Fans are enthralled by the star, and the star providing fantastic service to such fans.

So, I made up my mind that if I ever became such a star, I would definitely do the same.


"Now that I'm actually in that situation I can't gather the courage at all."

Tokyo International Airport in Japan.

In front of the last glass gate, I couldn't even bring myself to step inside.

"There are so many people"

In the front row were people holding cameras that looked fit for journalists, and behind them were people holding placards, though the writing wasn't visible from afar.

If I stepped through this gate, it felt like they would press the shutters, waving their placards as if they had been waiting for me.

Scratching my head while asking Jang Sunho, who was standing beside me,

"They're all fans of Actor Kang Jinseok."

"Oh, yes But how did they know I would be here today?"

"I leaked the information. It's your first overseas schedule, so it should be grand, right?"

"Going grand, and possibly too grand"

Looking at him with an uneasy gaze, Jang Sunho smiled again and said,

"The photos will spread quickly on social media. It's necessary to show that we're attracting this level of fans. We've also deployed many security guards, so there shouldn't be any safety issues."

Honda, looking at his cell phone, muttered in an irritated voice,

"This project. Wasn't it originally supposed to be ours?"


"What happened while I was briefly on a business trip to the U.S. for it to turn out like this?"

Though he didn't appear visibly angry, everyone in the meeting room knew that Honda was quite upset.

When no one answered even though he had asked, Honda turned to the employee in front of him.

"Maki, you were in charge of the finances for this project, right?"

"Yes, yes. Vice President."

"What kind of trouble happened for Katahiro's director to say he was rejecting' it?"

"That to be honest, it didn't end on good terms between us. At that time, Absolute Unlicensed Counseling' was selling so well that we hesitated to create a similar romance work, citing the difficulty of making something comparable."

Honda said with a puzzled expression.

"So, just because there was a successful work before, you were told not to create a similar one? By the director?"


"This is insane. What kind of ridiculous excuse is that? Are you all employees of a film company? No, whose idea was this?"


"Wait, does the president know about this incident?"

The employees avoided each other's eyes. While they had reported to the president, they didn't have the courage to bring it up to Honda.

Seeing the atmosphere, Honda massaged his temples as if his head was throbbing with pain.

"The president knows as well."


"Ugh, this Director Yeongam is really Why did he approve it without saying a word to me?"

Honda sighed helplessly. Not wanting Honda's frustration and anger to escalate, a close employee who usually got along with him began to console him.

"Assistant Manager, don't worry about things that are already over. Let's hear what we've prepared first. We recently had a meeting with the author of Becoming the Spirit King,' which is doing well on Becoming a Writer.'"

"Why is that important now? Our work is being taken by another company, causing such a mess!"

"No, it's not that"

"Do you have your wits about you or not? Tsk."

Though it was a derogatory remark, the employee didn't show any signs of resentment. After all, he had played a part in discarding The Way They Chose.'

"Everyone, do you understand who Director Katahiro is?"

After massaging his throat, Honda, seemingly bothered, opened his mouth.

"He is a director who knows how to capture the true' essence of Japanese emotions. I'm sure I gathered everyone here and clearly mentioned it before my business trip to the United States. Don't you remember?"

The employees didn't answer, but they all nodded in apparent agreement. Honda, not pleased with their reaction, sighed again and continued.

"Let's assume for a moment that this work becomes successful. Not only in Japan but also in Asia, Europe, and the United States, becoming a sensational piece. Then, how ridiculous will we look, just like you argued about Absolute Unlicensed Counseling.'"

" "

"Our company will be criticized by the Japanese media for having no foresight. Director Katahiro will probably give interviews. Of course, it won't be positive for us."

Although it was all a supposition,' as Honda spoke, the atmosphere in the meeting room worsened.

"Even if spilled water cannot be recovered, if you lick the floor, you might save your throat."

"Assistant Manager, that's"

Someone tried to express their dissatisfaction, but seeing Honda's resolute attitude, they swallowed their words.

"Let's focus on The Most Painful Predestined Relationship in the World.'"