Chapter 161:

Name:Possessed 10 Million Actors Author:
Chapter 161:

The teacher said that Jinseok frequently got into fights with other students.

Jang Sunho's expression hardened at those words. Judging by the way the teacher spoke, as if it were entirely expected, it suggested that perhaps the concern was a reality.

However, at that moment

The teacher, reminiscing about the past, added with a nostalgic smile,

"In the past, children living in facilities were often teased a lot at school. It's not drastically different now, but Anyway, that's why there were a lot of fights."

"Did he experience bullying during his school days, teacher?"

"No, not at all. Jinseok was incredibly popular. Whether it was academics or sports, he excelled at everything. Teachers liked him a lot, too; he was even a class president many times."

"Then why did he get into fights?"

"Unlike Jinseok, many other kids were teased a lot, just because they grew up in a facility, as I mentioned earlier."

The teacher shrugged and continued speaking.

"He used to go after those kids and stand up for them, getting angry and fighting on their behalf. Once, he even went to the house of a kid who had teased his friend and gave a piece of his mind to the parents."

"Ah Yes."

"I've met many children, but Jinseok was the first of his kind. Thanks to him, the atmosphere in the facility improved a lot, and the kids gained confidence."

"Did he ever get into fights trying to protect other kids?"

"Yes. It seemed like typical fights that boys get into as they grow up. However, it probably wasn't a big issue."

Jang Sunho let out a sigh of relief at the teacher's additional explanation, gently rubbing his forehead.

"Well, then. What was I even thinking?"

Jang Sunho blamed himself slightly for worrying unnecessarily. However, there was still something that bothered him.

"But, according to the documents Director 1 gave me, there was a mention of him being hospitalized after an altercation, not just once, but several times. Can a fight between kids lead to someone being hospitalized?"

As Jang Sunho was cautiously pondering this alone,

"Oh, come to think of it Jinseok had a pretty big fight once. Surprisingly rough for him."

The teacher's words added another layer of complexity to Jang Sunho's thoughts. Perhaps this was the concern he had feared.

"When you say rough,' do you mean he was trying to protect the kids from the facility, as you mentioned earlier?"

If this were the case, it could even be spun as a heroic tale. Jang Sunho secretly hoped that this was the reason.



"Jinseok had a group of friends he hung out with in high school. They got into a fight with another group, and that's when it happened."


The second filming location is Donggyeong University.

In the lecture room, which also served as a waiting room, while reading the script, Ha Jun handed something to Jang Sunho.

"Sir, you look tired, so I bought you some coffee. Would you like to have it?"

"Oh, yes. Thank you."

As I took the coffee, Ha Jun sat down next to me and spoke.

"I went to buy coffee, and there were quite a few students outside. Since it's the weekend and there are no classes, they probably heard a rumor about filming today and came to see."

"Oh so the rumor has spread."

"No matter how much you try to hide it, fans always find out somehow."

Ha Jun continued to speak with a slight smile.

"Oh, and many people were wearing the rabbit hat you wore when you first came to Japan. You might see it outside as well."

Sipping the coffee, I looked out the window. As Ha Jun mentioned, there were indeed quite a few people gathered in front of the building, and on one side, there was a group of people wearing rabbit hats.


Finding it somewhat cute, I took a picture. I would have to get permission from Manager Jang Sunho later and then post it on social media.

At that moment, the lecture room door opened, and a staff member entered.

"Actor Kang Jinseok, it's time for you to come now. The set is ready."


The staff guided me to the office.' In the modest room, there were bookshelves filled with what seemed like hundreds of books, along with a simple desk and chair.

As I entered the office, Katahiro spoke.

"Oh, you're here. Setting up took a bit longer than expected, but can we start filming right away, or do you need some time for preparation?"

"It's okay, Director. I'm ready."

"Great. Let's get started then."

With Katahiro's words, the office quickly fell silent. I handed the coffee I brought to Ha Jun and took a seat at the desk.

A moment later, even the faint rustling sounds disappeared.

"Ready Action."

"Since you say you have nothing you must do, how about I give you an assignment?"

"An assignment for a student withdrawing from school?"

"Even if you're withdrawing, you were my student. If you agree to do the assignment, I'll sign this withdrawal form right away."

The headmaster's words seemed odd, but for Tadano, it didn't matter much. Once he got confirmation on the withdrawal form, he wouldn't have any more business with this old man.

As Tadano nodded, the headmaster spoke as if waiting for that.

"I hope you can forgive yourself."

"I'm not sure what you mean. Forgive myself?"

"I read the reason for withdrawal' you wrote on the withdrawal form. It seems like you hate yourself more than anyone else. You mentioned that your parents were murdered because of the many blessings and grace you had since birth, and that's why you find yourself in this situation now."

"You didn't write those exact words, but you implied something similar, didn't you?"

Faced with the sharp words of the headmaster, Tadano neither affirmed nor denied. He simply continued to gaze indifferently at the headmaster.

The headmaster continued speaking.

"People can live without forming connections with others, but they can't distance themselves from their own selves, even if they want to. It's an obvious statement, isn't it?"


"So, forgive yourself for the sake of your future life. That's the only way you can live."

"I don't particularly hate myself."

"That's your perspective. From what you've written and said, I can be sure that you truly hate yourself."

After the headmaster spoke firmly, he handed Tadano a notebook.

"To forgive oneself, a person must first look at the past objectively. The best way to do that is by writing a diary. Start writing a diary every day. The content can be anything. If you can't think of anything, you can even write about something that happened in the past."


"And go on a journey. To somewhere where no one knows you. There, as you make new connections, you'll realize that the world isn't filled only with bad people."

The headmaster continued to speak with a lot of emotion. However, Tadano's expression remained unchanged. Regardless of what the old man in front of him said, he showed no interest or thought.

He just wanted to get the signature on the withdrawal form as quickly as possible.

"I understand. I'll do as you suggested, Headmaster."

"Good thinking. But for some reason, if I let you go like this, it seems like you won't write a diary or go on a journey. You might just end up holed up at home."


"We can't leave it like that. There's a saying that you should seize the opportunity when it arises, so I think I should send you somewhere right away."

"What do you mean by that"

Before Tadano could say anything more, the headmaster stood up, grabbed his bag, and prepared to leave.

"Coincidentally, I'm done with classes today, and there's no class tomorrow, so we can go on a trip together. Oh, we'll only travel together until we reach our destination, and once we arrive, you're free to go as you please, so don't worry."

"A sudden trip? If we're going on a trip, we should prepare-"

"A trip that's prepared isn't a real trip. A proper journey is one embarked on without proper preparation. I've got the money ready for now. When it's time to pay it back, I'll check if you've been writing your diary and completing the assignment properly."

As if Tadano's opinion didn't matter much, the headmaster spoke quite decisively.

However, as a third party, I could understand. The reason the headmaster was going to such lengths was because he genuinely felt sorry for and cared about Tadano.

Of course, Tadano probably just wanted to go home.

But if I resist, the headmaster will probably try to convince me one way or another. It might be better to just go along and come back home right away. I can figure out how to repay the borrowed money later, maybe through the mail.'

Having finished his thoughts, Tadano followed the headmaster outside.

Taking a bus, and then a train, they arrived at their destination around sunset when the moon was rising. The place they reached was Sapporo Station.

It was the Sapporo Station with the ramen shop that Tadano had asked me to watch out for him.