Chapter 184:

Name:Possessed 10 Million Actors Author:
Chapter 184:

Dawn, Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office.

Lee Minyoung quickly scanned through the thick documents. As someone accustomed to swift work, she was working later than usual, handling not only routine tasks but also overseeing Jinseok's case.

A subordinate cautiously asked Minyoung, "Prosecutor, aren't you leaving for the day?"

"Yes. I need to look through this a bit more. You go home first."

Even though she didn't look at him while speaking, the detective didn't feel offended at all. Having worked with Minyoung for a long time, he knew her style well.

The subordinate glanced at his watch. It was 3:30 in the morning. The quitting time had long passed.

"I'd like to stay and help Prosecutor as much as possible, but..."

Today, he had to leave on time. For several days now, he hadn't been able to go home, and his wife was probably getting anxious.

Although it was already late, if he didn't go home today, he wouldn't be able to handle the aftermath.

"Well then, I'll head home first."

"Yes. Good work."

Once again, she didn't look at him, but the detective didn't mind. After respectfully bowing, he left the office.

Six hours later.

"Good morning."

The detective, dragging his tired body, returned to the office.


As always, Lee Minyoung was the first to arrive at the office.

The detective looked at Minyoung, who greeted him, with surprised eyes.

"Could it be that she's pulling an all-nighter again?"

Minyoung's appearance hadn't changed since six hours ago. The only difference was that the pile of documents on the right had shifted to the left.

"Prosecutor, didn't you leave work again today?"

"I went to the sauna for a moment."

Just as the detective was about to say more, Minyoung, without taking her eyes off the documents, looked at him.

"Oh, I found quite a few connections with gangsters in the KL Entertainment materials. Some of the people we know are involved."

"Yes, it seems like clean business is hard to come by."

"I'll give you the list of names now. We've already obtained a warrant from Judge Seo."

As Minyoung casually spoke, the detective glanced at his wristwatch.

"It's not even 10 yet, and she's got a warrant from the judge?"

That meant she had contacted the judge early in the morning.

Seeing the detective standing still, Minyoung asked, "Is there a problem?"

"Oh, no. Should we leave now?"

"Yes. But there are some rough characters, so make sure you're well-prepared before you go."

When Minyoung expressed concern for him, the detective chuckled lightly and said, "With Prosecutor Lee's warrant, who would dare to mess up?"


"Hyung, did you see the news yesterday? It won't affect us much, right? We had some dealings with KL Entertainment, remember?"

Early in the morning, Park Hongwoo, a gangster, was grilling pork belly and glancing at his subordinate sitting across from him while taking a big bite of chili.

"It's okay, man. It's completely unrelated to us."

"But still..."

"Enough. Stop worrying about useless things and eat the meat. It's Hanwoo beef."


When Park Hongwoo spoke calmly, his subordinates refrained from bringing up anything related to KL Entertainment.

That's when it happened.


"Come on, everyone, wake up! A friendly and affectionate letter, an ‘arrest warrant,' has arrived!"

The police, breaking in as if smashing the door, quickly occupied the office.

"What is this? What warrant? We've been quiet lately, haven't we?"

When Park Hongwoo, with a stern expression, spoke, the detective at the forefront smiled broadly.

"Hongwoo, just because it's been quiet lately doesn't mean your past crimes are getting sorted out."

"Hongwoo? Who are you... Oh no."

As Park Hongwoo confirmed the detective's face, he let out a heavy sigh.

"Why are you here again? Don't tell me Minyoung sent you again?"

[Oh Sungchan]

‘Why is this person...'

Oh Sungchan was Minyoung's senior, a former chief prosecutor when Minyoung was a rookie prosecutor.

He had entered politics after leaving the prosecutor's office, serving three terms as a member of the National Assembly. Currently, he works as a director at a prestigious law firm, wielding significant power.

Back when he was a prosecutor, their relationship wasn't bad.

They were seniors and juniors, so they took care of each other in various ways.

However, that didn't mean they were close enough for him to contact her out of the blue.

"Yes, senior. Minyoung speaking."

After a brief hesitation, Minyoung answered the call.

[Oh, it's you, Prosecutor. Long time no see. How have you been?]

"Yes, senior. I've been well. I hope you've been doing well too."


After exchanging casual greetings, Minyoung spoke.

"I'm sorry, senior, but I'm currently in the middle of work. If it's not urgent, could I call you back later? Or I can contact you separately after I finish my work."

[Oh, you were working. Sorry for bothering you while you're busy.]

Oh Sungchan, with a light chuckle in his voice, then dropped an uncomfortable question on Minyoung.

[Is it about the KL Entertainment case, by any chance?]

"Uh... yes. How did you know about that?"

[I just happened to hear. Anyway, cut to the chase. Can you spare some time today? Let's grab a meal.]

"Today, I'm a bit busy—"

[I know. I know you're a busy prosecutor. That's why I called you myself. I have someone I want to introduce to you.]

"Someone you want me to meet?"

[Yes. It's about time you start looking around, isn't it? It might be a useful opportunity for you. Don't avoid it, okay?]

Upon hearing Sungchan's words, Minyoung felt a sense of discomfort.

More precisely, it wasn't discomfort but rather an unwelcome feeling.

‘I don't want to go.'

However, refusing a direct call from a senior, especially one with significant influence, was not an easy task.

It wasn't because Minyoung was the type to be influenced by her senior or to be cautious of his reactions.

It was solely because of the ‘power' that Oh Sungchan held.

‘If I casually refuse Oh Sungchan, it might strain my relationship with judges... and it might interfere with handling this case.'

Even though Sungchan was someone she would eventually deal with, for now, Minyoung needed to keep her intentions hidden.

After a moment of contemplation, Minyoung responded.

"I understand. Where should I go?"

[As expected! This prosecutor. I'll send you the address. Come as soon as possible. I'll be waiting.]


After ending the call, another detective, accompanied by another gangster, entered the interrogation room.

Unlike Park Hongwoo, the man seemed quite tense.

Minyoung, looking at the documents, spoke to the gangster.

"You're Joo Hyunchul, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes. That's me."

"You don't have to be so nervous. Depending on your cooperation, Joo Hyunchul, you might avoid prison time. Of course, it could go the other way."

Minyoung looked directly into Joo Hyunchul's eyes as she spoke.

"Four years ago, you were in charge of the campaign funds when Oh Sungchan ran for his fourth term, right?"

"Yes, yes."

"At that time, you received election funds from KL Entertainment. We have evidence, but we need a clear statement for the trial. So, please tell the truth during the trial."

Minyoung showed Joo Hyunchul a thick bundle of documents as she continued.

"Also, there's something else. You're aware that Oh Sungchan covered up the drug use and overseas gambling of KL Entertainment celebrities, right? Considering you continued working under Oh Sungchan even after the election, you must be aware."


"We have all the evidence for this too. If you cooperate, I'll make sure Joo Hyunchul doesn't go to prison. What do you say? Will you cooperate?"

Minyoung had effectively sealed off all escape routes for Oh Sungchan.

After all, he was the subject of this investigation.