Chapter 40

Hmph, Mi Ling has to be as obedient as Mi Li and call him big brother, only then will Chen Luo take her along to enjoy the good things in life.

Otherwise, I wont mistreat you either, youll just have to eat rice every day.

Youre not part of our group yet!

With Mi Lings abilities, even if Chen Luo doesnt provide for her, she can still find rice and flour on her own. Its just that there isnt much time on the way for her to do so.

Mi Ling was taken aback, You havent eaten yet?

Mi Lings face turned red, Im sorry, I think I ate everyones meal. Is there enough rice left? If not, I can go and find some now.

Ma Yu sneered in secret, is that little bit of rice even enough to fill a gap between teeth?

Its the kind that hasnt been sifted, even Chen Luo wouldnt eat it.

Chen Luo waved his hand, No need, we have plenty of food.

Sister Yu, come here, let me tell you which dishes to prepare.

Chen Luo went to the refrigerator and placed the ingredients for todays lunch inside.

Sister Yu, lets skip the barbecue for now. Today, well make Mapo Tofu, Hand-Shredded Cabbage, Hot and Sour Potato Shreds, Boiled Sliced Pork in Spicy Sauce, Spicy Diced Chicken, Braised King Prawns, Spicy Crabs, and Beef with Chinese Cabbage.

For soup, lets make a Tomato Egg Soup.

Ma Yu nodded, But if we cook them on short notice, it will take at least an hour to finish all these dishes.

Chen Luo laughed, No problem, well take it one dish at a time.

Cooking was Ma Yus task, and she didnt mind making as many dishes as possible. She was happy to pass the time that way.

Chen Luo then turned to Mi Li and said, Mi Li, come with me to your room. I have something to discuss with you.

Mi Li responded with an Oh and obediently stood up from the sofa, following Chen Luo to her room.

Mi Ling frowned, realizing that a man and a woman were alone in one room.

But theres no way Chen Luo would try anything inappropriate with my sister while Im around, right?

If he had such intentions, he would have done it long ago and wouldnt have waited for this moment.

Later, Ill find some time to talk to Mi Li and get to know this so-called big brother Chen Luo.

Chen Luo led Mi Li to the balcony attached to the room.

Mi Li stood in the corner, while Chen Luo leaned against the wall, engaging in a conversation with her in a posture that resembled a wall slam.

Chen Luos plan was successfully executed, and he left the room with Mi Li.

At this moment, Mi Ling began to sense that something was amiss. Why was there such a delicious aroma coming from the kitchen?

Seeing Ma Yu taking things out of the refrigerator one by one and glancing at the connected power supply, Mi Ling suddenly realized that the refrigerator was still functional.

Ma Yu glanced at Mi Ling, realizing that Chen Luo had said not to give her food, but he didnt say anything about not letting her watch.

It seemed like this was intentionally done to make her watch, as he would normally close the kitchen door to prevent the smell of oil from spreading.

Mi Ling exclaimed in shock, Why are you taking so many things? How many dishes are you planning to make? We dont need to live so extravagantly. Just stir-frying one dish is enough, trust me. If you keep eating like this, you wont be able to have these dishes in the future.

Ma Yu responded, Chen Luo instructed me to prepare them. Its not up to me to decide how many to make.

Mi Ling hurriedly ran to Chen Luo and said, Chen Luo, this is too wasteful. Even if we can finish it all, we cant eat like this. What will we eat tomorrow?

Chen Luo chuckled, Today is a special occasion for you and Mi Lis reunion. Mi Li is happy, so we must celebrate.

Mi Ling was taken aback, But still, its too extravagant.

Chen Luo waved his hand, These are my things, you dont need to worry about it.

Seeing that her persuasion was futile, Mi Ling decided not to argue further.

However, Mi Ling secretly regretted eating too quickly earlier. Although she was craving the food, her stomach probably couldnt handle much more.

They wouldnt be able to finish all these dishes. Many of them seemed to be dishes that she liked. It had been a long time since she had smelled the spicy aroma of chili.

This Chen Luo was quite thoughtful, willing to bring out so many delicious dishes to celebrate Mi Ling and Mi Lis reunion.

First came the Mapo Tofu and the Water-boiled Sliced Pork, filling the living room with a fragrant and numbing taste.

Ma Yus cooking skills were hard to come by even before the apocalypse, let alone now.

Mi Ling could only take a sniff, and her mouth subconsciously started to water again. Her stomach unexpectedly started to growl with hunger. Seizing the moment when no one was paying attention, Mi Ling couldnt help but swallow her saliva forcefully.

Everyone was patiently waiting for all the dishes to be served before they started eating, just like a usual gathering. They played with their phones and chatted, patiently awaiting the feast.

Mi Ling kept reminding herself not to be impatient, reassuring herself that these dishes couldnt sprout wings and fly away.

With the speed at which the dishes were being served, she would be able to enjoy them soon enough. If any zombies dared to cause trouble, she would personally take care of them.

Finally, all eight dishes were served, and only the soup remained. Mi Ling was already restless, but she tried to maintain an appearance of nonchalance, as if she wasnt craving or in a hurry to eat.

Chen Luo took out four bottles of cold tea drinks from the refrigerator and placed them on the table. Mi Ling found it strange. There were five people, so shouldnt there be five bottles? Were they running out?

Well, I wont drink then. I can just focus on eating the dishes, Mi Ling thought to herself, deciding to forgo the drink.